
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekend update ... ha, like SNL

We got busy Friday and Saturday... well, not busy actually.  CR was off, so I was busy being not busy with him.  We just enjoyed him being home with us most of the days.  So instead of a long, drawn out freedom of speech, I am just going to share some cute updates about Kirby. She is trying very hard to walk on her own and she talks to everyone, everything, every non thing in sight.  It is such a fun activity to make up what she is saying.  She has a fascination with bags: 

 She really likes to wave now that she has it down.  Yesterday I asked her where her daddy was (he had to go spray for a couple of hours):
 She pointed towards the door as she said, "dadda, dadda, dadda" ....
 and then started waving sporadically.  I think she was basically saying, "dadda, bye bye"
 At Home Depot Friday night she was visiting with a little girl and then the little girl told her bye-bye.  She waved, and waved, and waved ...
even long after the little girl was gone.
CR and I had to miss out on the church service this morning.  When we got finished teaching Sunday School, our nursery pager was going off.  Kirby was super tired and very fussy.  So we hoped in the Patrick's car and decided to take her for a ride to fall asleep.  She got her morning nap in and was ready for Sunday lunch with the usual crowd.  We did, thankfully, get to teach our Juniors Sunday School class again and we really enjoyed it.  The students are starting to open up more and share so that we aren't just up there "preaching".  They are getting involved, we worked through some real life applications of our message last week and this week, and I even talked to them about applying what we hear Bill preach every Sunday.  It is totally different, they say, then what they used to do, but they seem to be enjoying it and participating well.  I told CR, "This is what the Lord has placed on our hearts to do, and we have to do His work, not our own."  It would be much easier just to sit and visit the whole time like they claim they do, but that is not our "job".  Their eyes and hearts told me they were craving what we were doing, so we went with it even more this time and had a great response.  Thank you Lord for this opportunity for CR and I to share and grow right along side with these kiddos.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matt. 28:19-20

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