
Sunday, March 22, 2015

When life gives you lemons....

... you make lemonade.  Great ol' saying.  But how many of you actually, literally, stop and make lemonade?  It's meant to "make the best of the situation", which we have, but I also thought it would be fun (and tasty add you) to put the words to practice.  My lunch time treat will be yummy, I just know it.

My last post was about a month ago (sorry about that) and goodness me has so much gone on.  

Grammy got to come visit on her spring break which was such a joy.  Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy most  all of her stay, but it was still so wonderful.  She got to take Kirby to MDO and I think they both thought that was so special.  To be a fly on the dashboard during those car rides would have been one for the books!

She also got to go along to my 16 week checkup, so her and Kirby girl got to see the baby during the ultrasound.  I started having contractions the week before, so the doctor wanted to check and make sure all was good and in place, measuring correctly, etc.  Turns out that the ultrasound revealed I had placenta previa again.  I was not too concerned, because I had that with both the others and it corrected itself.  I was just told to take it easy, no lifting.  Apparently my 2 year old son didn't get that memo.

Friday of that week he came down with strep throat and daddy was out of town at a bull sale. Needless to say there was quite a bit of up and down with him.  A mother can not just let their baby sit there with a fever and not give comfort.  I don't care who you are, you wouldn't.  All seemed fine and we survived 2 days without daddy.  Sunday he was home, and all just felt right again.

Monday morning was a completely different story and one I cry thinking about as I was in so much pain and fear.  I also cry at God's amazing grace in this situation.  Right after breakfast I was helping Kirby get going for the day and I suddenly felt a sharp pain.  I got to the couch as quickly as I could and laid down to try to find comfort.  I hollered for CR to bring me water because I also began to feel very faint and light headed, hot flashes, and well, the worst pain I ever had.  Then came some blood.  That is when I lost it.  I had held it together well until then.  Immediately got on the phone to the Dr and they said to get there as soon as we could ... "ok, be there in about an hour."

CR saw my fear and stopped me where I was to pray with me and remind me God has a plan and this baby is in His hands.  Thank you, Father, for this amazing husband of mine.  

I was immediately sent up for a sonogram, which revealed that the placenta had partially pulled away  (from what I am not sure) ... 3rd baby and I still am clueless about so much that goes on.  I am too scared to see what might come up if I google it so I just let it go.  My husband, oh lovely husband that he is, completely gets it all.  As he watches on the monitor you hear him say things like, "oh, that's just like in a cow."  Or as in this last time, "I am seeing how all of your stuff is put together ... you wouldn't make a good birthing cow .. we'd have to ship you."  Ha, thanks love.  Anyhow, after talking with my doctor about it all, I was so thankful all was ok, but aware of just how delicate and careful I have to be right now.  I asked him, "So what does that mean?"  And he responded, "bed for you.  On your side.  Until I see you again at your next appointment in 3 weeks." And then CR invited him out to palpate cows sometime this summer with him.  What?

For those of you that know me, know this has been very hard.  I am not a layer.  I am always "up and at 'em."  That is just how the sweet God of creation wired me.  We are doing good ok.  We have some amazing friends who have brought meals and offered so much help.  The biggest help of all is prayer.   Please pray with us and our warriors 1) that this would correct itself by the next time I go in and 2) for CR and the kids.  This is a huge adjustment for us all.  Patton is so used to cuddling with me, he wants to smoosh his face to mine every chance he can just to get close enough.   Kirby is used to us doing things throughout the day, so my bed has become our craft and picnic table.  CR is not use to the kids and their days, so he is learning more and more patience as this goes on.  The Lord's timing is such a testament in this.  He knew full well about all of this.  He has delivered some much needed rain to us in the past month, so CR is out of the field currently which makes this much more doable.  We are making the best we can out of it all, and know it could be or could have been much worse and a different outcome.  Thank you most gracious Father for the protection that you alone provide.  And for blessing us with a doctor that I have so much trust, faith in, and respect for.  You are so good to us.  

This weekend, sweet Kirby girl came down with an ear infection and stomach bug.  We have been "sick free" for so long ... until now ...  but I tell you what, these lemons ain't got nothing on us and our big God.  

Oh what the Lord is teaching me during this time of rest.  I find myself praying Lord even from this bed, show me how I can glorify you.  Even if it is through laundry and coloring.  
 By the way, if you are looking for a great book to get your Christian walk deeper - a deeper understanding of why Jesus daily, this is your book!  I am walking through this book with a couple of girls and I am finding some much needed truth that I have skimmed over in the past.  

 Every cowboy needs boots, a hat, a riding buddy, and some hay for along the ride.  Pants are optional.
 The week before, Kirby and I had a date at the salon.  Much needed fun girl time!  So glad I was able to do that before this came up.  We made some fun memories that day.

My superhero Strawberry Shortcake girl.  Love her to pieces!

This verse has been screaming in my heart all week, I pray it does your soul some good.  
"From the end of the earth I will cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."    Psalm 61:2