
Friday, September 30, 2011

Freedom Friday

Tippy-tippy toes.  It's because she can't reach anything! 

Counting her coasters!

Ready for dove season .... and fall!

And the boots are off!

And the boots are gone!  She flapped her wings, quacked like a duck, and threw them across the room!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Thursday I am Thankful for ...

...being a stay at home mom.  When the Lord first told me to stay home, my throat swelled up with anxiety and I felt like I had 10,000 pounds lying on my chest.  Not only because we were going to be losing over 1/2 of our income, but also because I thought (and forgive me for this, Kirby) "What in the world will I do all day everyday?"  I mean, I have gone, gone, gone since I could go, go, go.  I always balanced a job, school, extra curriculars, church, etc.  Believe me, I go, go, go more than I ever have in my life!  I am so thankful that now I can fold her clothes slowly enough that I can stop to smell them.  Before it was throw them in the wash, take them out, rush a half fold job and put them in the drawer (if it was a good day!).  Now I just take a deep whiff in before I put them in the wash, and take a deep whiff in as I fold them.  Sometimes I hold the sweet, small little clothes and hug them tight.  I know before I blink I will be folding teen jeans and shirts.  Snapshot the moment.  Mental note of the smell.  I am thankful (in some ways) that I had to work for awhile first.  I think that now I appreciate more of these moments.  At Bible study so many moms complain about what they do all day around the house and with taking care of the kids.  I think it has helped me appreciate every small moment even more.  I get to change dirty diapers; I get to unload the dishwasher; I get to mow the yard as a service for my husband.  Today when it rained we just sat at the window and talked about how thankful we were.  I told Kirby all about how rain is so important to us, and she babbled back.  I like to think she understood every word I said.  Snapshot.  Today Kirby and I were talking about going to see the cows on our morning walk and she said very clearly "cow".  Snapshot.  Today we also worked on counting.  She likes to count the coasters.  She has blocks and tons of other toys, but she likes to count the coasters.  After I would point and count them, she would point to each one and say, "Ah, eh, ya, ya, ya, ive".  I think she got the -ive part so well because of the inflection and excitement I got when I said "five".  Snapshot.  Being a stay at home mom has allowed me to not only enjoy moments of Kirbyness, but to take care of the house better, have more quality time with CR, and most importantly more time with the Lord.  I am able to give more of myself to the church through teaching and going out on Tuesday nights for FAITH.  I have more time for Mary Kay, and I am getting better about being purposeful and diligent with the time I can give to my business. 

This was (about) one month old.  Check out the smirk!

Same quirkly smile from her one month picture - a little smirk that fits her name to a T! 
Kirby turned 13 months last Wednesday.  We were gone on our pig trip, so I took (tried) some shots in the chair today.  Right now these are really hard.  She is still in between walking, so I don't feel like I can just let her sit by herself on the chair for too long.  If I knew she could slide down and walk away, that would be different.  Maybe next month.  She still walks on her tippy-toes.  Sometimes when I put shoes on her it helps her to make a flat foot, but then after about 10 minutes she takes her shoes off.  I put them back on about 3 times, and then after that she wins.  I know, I need to persevere! 

I am so thankful that I swallowed that lump in my throat and went outside for some fresh air to breathe in and listen to what the Lord was really telling me to do.  Instead of just sloughing it off and saying, "No, Lauren, that is just your thoughts."  Thank you Lord for giving me an ear for your Spirit and for an obedient heart (at that moment anyways!).  Look at all I would have been missing out on had I not stopped, listened more, and acted!
 “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will be established.” Prov. 19:21

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never give up ...

on the power of prayer.  No pictures today, just a quick "sermon".  I am still exhausted from our trip (which I will bask on later this week), but this was on my heart so I had to share while it was all there.  This morning Bill preached on prayer.  It was much needed for this little lady.  I pray all the time.  I pray throughout the day.  I pray right before I hit the hay.  I often think I need to get deeper with my prayers.  Today's message was out of James 5.  It tells us how Elijiah in 1 Kings prayed to stop the rain, then 3 years later prayed for the rain.  At first the servent went and looked, no rain.  Then Elijiah sent him back 7 times and finally he saw a small rain cloud.  Eventually, the rain came.  This story encourages us to keep going back.  Never give up on prayer, especially for someone.  There are people in my life that I have been praying for their ways of life and their salvation for many, many years.  I will never give up, but it does get discouraging sometimes.  This morning after the sermon during the invitation song, I closed my eyes and said to the Lord, "Father, I know you hear my prayers.  I know you hear my cries.  I am sorry that I ever get discouraged or doubt you and your timing.  Sometimes I just need a little rain cloud or a sprinkle to remind me that you will bring the rain.  Help me to remember that you can and do change people."  When I opened my eyes one of my students from my first year teaching here was talking with Bill and praying to receive Christ.  This student was one that cried to me after his dad would beat him.  He would cry to me about getting his girlfriend pregnant.  He cried to me about not wanting the drug and alcohol filled life he grew up in to be what his son was going to see.  He wanted so badly to be the change in generational sin, but told me he knew he could not give up the ways he already knew as life.  I prayed for and with him many times.  To see him walk the aisle this morning was the down pour I needed to see to remind me that God can change people, no matter how "set" they are.  He has an agenda, and I look forward to the storm that is brewing in these peoples' hearts.    

Friday, September 16, 2011


Kirby definitely has both of her parent's dispositions.  She is so darn goofy.  Quirky.  Blast.  See if you see what we saw...

 When I realized what it was, I said, "Kirby, you have got to stop putting your food on your head."  She laughed and laughed and then shook her head no. 
 She loves her Strawberry Shortcake "all".  She rolls it around the house all day long.  When she rolls it to you, she kind of bounces it.  You have to roll it back fast or she will come crawling after it.
 Still no walking on our own yet, and I think it is because this is how she walks:
 Tip toes everywhere.  Precious feet.  Chubby, but precious.  I think she stands on her tippy toes because she is too short to ever reach or see what she wants when she stands flat footed.  Get used to it, girl, momma has been there, done that!
 Here is her duck.  She will tell you this is "duck" and she will "quack".  I have tried to get her to do it on Skype for mom and dad, with no such luck.  You have to come see her in person in order to get the quacking.
She loves her barn from Michelle.  It is from my baby shower in Montgomery, and we decided about two weeks ago she could play with it now.  Just to give you an over view of her toys and books, they mainly consist of farm animals, tractors, books about farm animals, and barns.  Home grown country girl.
"The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops." 2 Timothy 2:6

Today's blessings
Today was such a blessed day.  All days are, but I so enjoyed today.  Both CR and I had to "work" and we were able to do it all as a family.  We had some things in Calallen to take care of: I had two Mary Kay appointments, CR had pig money to collect before the big trip next week, and we had to go to HEB.  Mine were scheduled appointments, so we took care of those first.  CR came in to both of them and took care of Kirby while I tended to my facials.  He is such a trooper.  I just loved that I was "working" and my family was with me.  Both ladies loved that they came.  Of course, who wouldn't love Kirby and CR?  Then we went by his customer's houses.  All together.  All fun.  All of which I would not trade for the world.  When we got home, I had music playing on the television.  A fun song to dance to came on, so I swooped up Kirby, ran over to CR, and we all three danced in the living room.  Snapshot.  I wish I had a camera hanging over us to take a memory shot for me.  Instead, I am imprinting it in my heart.  Thank you Lord for the blessing of being home.  It may be tough for awhile until I get more established with my customer base, but so far we have not missed a beat because of God's promises.  Small sacrifices and standing on the promises of God, my Savior.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

This past week has been fairly busy for us.  I like busy, but at the same time I miss my therapy of writing.  I love to write, so I am thankful for all of you blog followers that just let me pour out my heart to you.  Since it has been so long, I have so much that I want to share, but I promise not to just vomit words onto the page.  I am going to be thoughtful of what I write, and break up all that is on my heart for over the next few days.  On a quick note about writing, I want some suggestions and feedback.  My heart longs to write a book one day.  I have some ideas that I think are great, then I search them and see that there are already books that speak on that idea.  What are some topics that you wish there were books on?  Do you like to read more truth or more exaggerated tales?  Do you want something that speaks to your heart and soul (that may convict) or do you want an uplifting, Cinderella fairytale?  Be honest and share.  I pray for direction on this often.  Many times I hear the Lord say, "Just tell your story.  Teenage girls need to hear you."  I don't know ... one day it may just be revealed to me. 
Kirby Updates
She is such a joy in our life. I know I use that word joy so much to describe her, but that is the word that always comes to mind when I think of Kirby. Funny story, Joy was on my list of girl names that I liked. She is always so happy, that she is joyful. Her laugh is always addicting. Her smile is contagious. Her pierce blue eyes show me the joy in her heart. I am ever thankful. She is still not walking on her own, but trying hard.  She actually doesn't seem to mind that she uses the table or whatever you can hold on to.  She loves to crawl because she can go so fast.  She puts her head down when she wants to go really, really fast, and the other day she ran right into her chair on Granny's when she did that.  She just stopped, then started after it again.  She talks all the time.  She clearly says, "hello" when someone opens the door and it just cracks us up.  This morning she was playing by herself while I was getting ready.  When she realized she was there all alone, she let out a loud "hello".  I said from my bathroom, "hello Kirby" and she came trampling in to find me.  Too cute.  She "quacks" at ducks and "clucks", but not necessarily for chickens.  She still "moos" at cows and anything that resembles the bovine form (deer, dogs, pigs).  She likes riding in the car seat in Daddy's truck because it is turned forward so she can see the world!  She is very outgoing and friendly like her parents.  She wants everyone we meet to hold her.  She wants to keep up with what is going on all around her.  She already has a zeal for life that I pray she uses for God's glory always.  Another new thing is screeching when someone is trying to get her.  I am pretty sure she gets this from me.  Anytime CR comes over to tickle me or my dad comes to get Kirby's belly, I always go "ahhhhhh" in a high pitched voice.  Now she does the exact.same.thing.  It is so funny.
I have recently let her start brushing her teeth on her own.  About a week ago she started clamping down her jaws when I would brush her teeth.  So I gave her the brush and let her do it.  Now I let her brush them in the living room while I go brush mine and put my contacts in.  This morning when I handed her the toothbrush she said in a form that I could hear her "toothbrush".  Like I said before, she is mimicking everything we say, and although the annunciations aren't always there, the inflictions sound exactly like ours. 

 I love her feet.  Unfortunately, she has her mother's toes and feet.  By that I mean round.  Really round.  So round that shoes that do not have adjustable straps by the toes do not go on her feet.  I crammed some on her the other day and a big ol' fat roll was coming out over the top and she was very uncomfortable.  We took them off.  HEB black foot it is ...
 It's that time of year again!  Our first set of little piggies came to the farm on Monday.  Tuesday morning we had to go check them out.
 Kirby was not real sure what to think of them at first.
 But then she started to talk to them when Daddy came over to explain.
 But here are her best friends.  They run up to see her on our walk every morning.  She gets so excited.  She sucks in a deep, deep breath and then lets out a big squeal of excitement when they get up to her. 

Sermon Soap Box
Are you disciplined?  By that I do not mean "do you obey your parents?"  Although ... you should, what I mean is are you disciplined in your life?  If you want to work out, do you?  If you want to lose weight, do you watch what you eat or do you watch it go into your mouth?  If you want to become closer to our Creator, do you get up and set time aside to get into the Word?  If you want to stop drinking, do you pass on the temptation to take the first sip?  If you need to have better time management, do you set a schedule and stick to it?  There are many aspects in our life that we need to be disciplined in, and so many of them we all have a tendency to fall short on.  Right now for me in this moment, there are 2 areas that pretty much go hand in hand.  First of all it is the desire to get closer to God and secondly it is being wise with my time.  The later may come as a shock to some people.  I have always been a great time manager because I have always had so much on my plate.  I have had a job since I could walk somewhere to babysit (around 12) and school to boot.  When I graduated college, I still had school to balance with work because I started my Masters right away.  Then I just taught.  That was nice for awhile.  Life started to settle in and I just had to balance God, CR, and job.  Then I added the principal program, so I had to re balance - a little shaky for awhile- but then stableness set in and all was well.  Then Kirby came along and another blessing to juggle had to be added to the circle.  Again, after a short while it all balanced out.  Great, moving along well ... then I stop teaching and I have all this "free" time.  Ha, no "free" time per say because this is the busiest "job" I have ever had, but no rigid schedule to follow.  I am not used to this at all.  My quiet time started lacking first because I did not get up soon enough before Kirby.  My "best" days, are the days that I am busy with other things on the schedule besides quiet time, Kirby, and cleaning.  When I have a set time I have to be somewhere, I get everything else done in time, including time with God first thing.  It is so funny how I am wired.  The busier I am, the better I am with time.  I started to fix that this week, though.  I started making a clock schedule and sticking to it.  Amazing how much more functional I am.  So you see, my quite time and having good time management go hand in hand for me.  That is what God desires from me.  He desires for me to use my time here on Earth for His glory and for His purposes.  Use His time wisely.  What is God asking you to be self-disciplined with?  Awhile back it was not this.  Years ago it was eating right.  Not in the way that most struggle, but with eating period.  When I was in high school it was studying more.  There are different disciplines at different times in our lives.  Another one that I have been working on before this even came to my heart was more purposeful time with my husband.  Not sitting on the computer while he watches his stupid television shows, not being in the same room while they discuss farm stuff, but enjoying each others company.  Asking him to turn off the television or to join me in my walks.  Meet me somewhere.  Those are the areas of discipline for me.  God does not desire to withhold any goodness of this world from us, but He wants us to enjoy that goodness with reverence.  Be disciplined.  Have one donut, not twelve.  Get off the couch after watching one sitcom, not four.  Read a good book or magazine article after you have read the good Book.  Get up thirty minutes early to get in a run instead of sleeping until the latest point possible.  Hear His direction and obey.  The obedient part is sometimes hard, but start, and He will help you through.  He will help you through. Meditate on this verse, I know it hits many of my readers square in the head; it did me for sure:
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Romans 7:15   

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

"Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!"
Psalm 98:4

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is the man of dream's birthday.  He turned 29.  We are holding here.  Not getting younger or older, just holding.  Tuesdays are my Bible study, errands, and FAITH days, so we didn't have anything planned.  Our plan was to celebrate tomorrow night.  While I was out and about today, both of my team members called and said they had the stomach bug (it is going around viciously here) and couldn't make it.  So I called CR up so he and Kirby could join me.  We just had a short visit to a family that has been visiting our church, and then we headed to dinner.  It was nice to actually get to do this on his birthday.  I know CR and I need a date night - haven't really had one since before Kirby (unless you count my high school reunion for a few hours), but like CR said, "Now it just seems right for us to all be together and no one to be missing."  Agreed, but a date night is needed.  It really doesn't seem to catch up to us because Kirby goes to bed most nights before 7, so we have a date night every night!  There is love all around this family.  I am so thankful for CR and his 29 years.  The Lord has used that time to mold him into the man he needs to be for me and Kirby, and we could not ask for more.  We are so blessed to have such a strong leader.  We are blessed beyond belief by who he has become as a daddy.  I am blessed beyond measure with who he is as a husband.  I know his parents are thrilled he is their son, and I speak for my dad and mom when I say he was a wonderful addition to the Hemken family.  I thank God everyday that CR and I met 7 years ago (where has the time gone) ... and no, there is no itch!!  Again, thank you Jesus for my heaven on earth. 

Yesterday I pulled out Kirby's sprinkler pool.  We had not yet put it in our yard (or whatever you want to call it for now) because it has been so yucky.  Yesterday morning was beautiful, even a little chilly for the pool, but I ceased the moment anyhow and set it up.  I am so glad I did because Kirby and Boots enjoyed it!

 Check out Boots creepin' in ... what cat likes water?  This one!

 Kirby points and claps at every thing these days.  She actually just looks around most of the time and points into the air and says "this" or sometimes "that".

I think she really looks like her daddy in this picture.  Actually, everyday she is looking more and more like him.  He better watch out, though, she almost has more hair than him now!

"A bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate." Proverbs 15:17
I love having veggies with Cecil!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Truths in the Bible

should motivate us, make us question ourselves, and keep us engaged.  There are so many promises in the Bible.  The Bible is a word of TRUTH.  There is nothing wrong in the Bible.  It was written by inspired men - inspired from God.  We know that when we read The word, we are reading non-exaggerated truth.  The truth is, the Lord is returning one day.  As Bill put it this morning, "the end times have been happening since shortly after Christ's resurrection."  The end times are nothing new; they are not immediate, but are imminent.  What does that mean to you as a Christian?  It should mean that we are motivated by the arrival of the King.  It should encourage us that we are not going to be stuck in this sin filled, can not escape the pain world.  We have Heaven and we have Christ.  Remember, to die is to gain!  Amen to that one!  This should make us question ourselves about how we live our lives.  Are we living them for Him, or for ourselves?  Are we humble in spirit?  Is there integrity in the words that you speak?  Lastly, this truth should keep us engaged in His work.  We should be fervently trying to further His kingdom, using the spiritual gifts that He has blessed us with to help, serve, motivate, teach, encourage, and guide others to Christ.  I love the example of the farmer in James 5.  I actually love it so much it is now the blog's life verse.  The Bible speaks of farmers quite often, but I kind of found humor in this verse this morning.  It says, "Be patient, then brothers, until the Lord's coming.  See how the farmer waits for the land to yield it's valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and the spring rains." (James 5:7-9)  Here is what my commentary notes had to say: The farmer must wait patiently for his crops to grow; he cannot hurry the process.  But he does not take the summer off and hope that all goes well in the fields.  There is much work to do to ensure a good harvest.  When Bill was talking about this, he said, "Why is the farmer so patient?"  I leaned in and whispered to CR, "It's because of his patient wife!"  Ha- as you know, I am more than patient as the crops are growing, but when it comes to harvest time, I want it over fast.  Harvest is hard on this farmer wife, but I know it is necessary.  I mean, it is THE event of the year for farmers.  Those verses written by James, Jesus' own brother, encourage me.  As a farmer's wife to be patient, but even more so as a Christian.  Be patient, my friends.  Whatever season of life you are in, this too shall pass.  Whatever hiccups you have, those too will be washed away.  In Him, you have that promise.  In Him, we have the promise that He is returning some day to save us from this passing world.  In the meantime, He wants you to have heaven on earth.  He wants you to enjoy His blessings and His gifts.  Here are some of the latest pictures of our heaven on earth:
Kirby now likes to take her morning bottle in her chair.  I used to have CR give it to her as soon as she got up, but the doctor suggested we let her eat first and then give her the bottle so she would eat more.  I laugh and tell her this is her morning quiet time, because look at her view ...
She loves to watch the cows.  I think I could probably leave her right there for an hour or so and she would be completely content watching the cows.  She loves to moo at them, and CRACKS up when they moo "back" at her. 

She has figured out how to push and walk behind her tractor, but she is still a little wobbly.  CR is so cautious with her (1st born), so he walks behind her to make sure she doesn't fall too hard.  She really has not fallen yet, just gets a little tangled with her feet sometimes. 

She has not been brave enough to let go and walk anywhere yet.  She holds on to the couch, but sometimes she will go from couch to chair or table with one little step and no hands.  I am not rushing her at all.  We give her plenty of opportunities to explore, discover and try.  It will come when she is ready.  When people ask if she is walking yet and I say, "she is trying, but has not let go of things yet" they give me some odd looks and they ALWAYS have a story of how their child or their grandchild or their best friend's sisters' child walked when they were 9 months old.  Ok, thanks for your opinion, now I am going on with my day.  Ha!

She loves it when CR takes her around on her tractor.  Her legs are short like her momma's, so they do not touch the floor when she sits down.  CR pushes her along and she tries to reach with her toes, but she doesn't get much friction.  I tell her to enjoy the rides while she can, one day they run out and she will have to do all the work herself!

So she can not walk yet, but oh my oh my how she can talk.  She talks all the time.  We hear words, too.  It is crazy to me how much she knows at a year.  She loves ducks.  I found this old crocheted duck that someone had made CR a long time ago.  When I gave it to her, she said "uck" and started grinning.  I asked her, "Kirby, what does that duck say?"  She replied, "yack, yack, yack, yack" ... that is her quack.  Then yesterday ....

she not only "yacked", she started flapping her "wings".  She did it again when I gave her a rubber duck at Granny's.  Too funny ... such a character.
Kirby is such a good baby.  All of that glory goes to God. I also feel like it is because she is so well rested.  I will say over and over and over again how wonderful the book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child is.  My sister-in-law suggested it and so did a great friend of mine.  I told myself I would use it as a "guide" but not live by it.  Every step of Kirby's sleep changes were in that book and every time I have done what it suggests and we have overcome the obstacles.  I highly recommend it to any new or veteran mom! 
I hope each of you has a wonderful week and enjoys their Labor day holiday.  Does anyone else find it ironic that a day that is used to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers is a day off of work?