
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

He is the good Shepherd

This was a reminder from my daddy in my inbox this morning.

"I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.  He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep, and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.  He flees because he is a hireling, and is not concerned about the sheep."  John 10:11-13

Oh how the words from these verses comforted me tonight.  Last night as I turned out the kitchen light to go fall into bed, I caught myself tearing up as I flipped the switch.  I had just caught a glimpse of the counter top that held two backpacks ready for the next day.  You read that right ... two.  How can I be sending my little man to a little school?  An entire day out of my care and not in his comfortable home with his snug little crib?

Well, this decision did not come lightly.  It has filled my past season of prayer completely.  CR and I decided in June we would give a homeschool curriculum called Classical Conversations a try with Kirby.  I say "give it a try" because technically she is not old enough for the program yet.  I came across it after researching information on the classical approach that I had heard through our church's new Christian Academy.  I wish with all my heart it would work out for us to send Kirby there, but the logistics of driving that much in a day for school just doesn't make sense.  So I thought I would attempt to bring what they are doing there home.  I have a few friends who are a part of the group in different states, so their words brought comfort to my boggled mind.  We joined a group in Corpus who meets once a week on Tuesday mornings and are praying for clarity each passing day for when we have to make the ultimate decision come Kindergarten.  With this group, you as the parent meet with the children and tutors ... you participate, help guide, and if needed are there for discipline.  This led to needing to finding a sitter for Patton.  I prayed and tried every avenue I could think of besides putting him somewhere.  Once there was not an answer for an in home sitter, I began to finely comb through all of the day care/mother's day out programs in our area.  After researching four, we finally came to one we thought was just right for him.  I am not sure why, but this has been so much harder on me than when we put Kirby in MDO.  He is only 2 months younger than Kirby was when I put her in.  I am not sure if it is because I spent a whole 8 months leaving her at home everyday, so going to 2 days a week was such an upgrade, or if it is because this is my little man.

This morning came and went in the blink of an eye.  I got a glimpse of our not too distant future trying to get 2 kids ready for school and a husband out the door to the tractor.  I am thankful that it is only one day a week right now that they will have school on the same day.  And much to my dismay, this boy had an amazing first day.  I think I secretly wanted them to call me half way through class this morning and say I needed to come get him.  His teacher said, "He acted as if he grew up here since birth."  Thank you gracious Father for those ladies and that school.

 I promise, this was not posed.  Patton actually went and sat down in the rocking chair and smiled for the camera.  I about died.

Kirby had so much fun at her Classical Conversations group this morning.  I very much enjoyed seeing her eyes light up as things clicked.  I loved watching how proud she was at the review time when she could go up to the map of the United States of America and point out Rhode Island.  I am not sure where this road will end up, but I do love the journey it is looking like it will take us on for this year.  

Please join this sister in prayer for clarity on education for her children.  I do not want to get in to the reasons I do not agree with some of the public school systems right now ... remember, I am a former teacher with my Masters in Education for CI and a principal certificate.  I know the material.  I know the research and the ups, downs, ins and outs and I truly believe deep down in public schools as a general rule.  I know what goes on behind closed doors, I know what should be in front of our children in school and I know what I believe that Christ laid as the foundations.  All of that is clear, but where my kids are to learn is foggier than a New England morning right now.  We have public schools within 15-20 miles of us, we have a handful of private school options, and then we have home school.  Kirby is a very young one for her age bracket.  If she had been born when she was due then when to start Kindergarten would not even be a question .... she would not be able to start for 2 more years.  She is bright and mature, but she is a squirt in size.  I hear from some "oh my child soared even though she was the youngest in her class" and then I hear from friends who were that youngest kid and hated it.  CR thinks somehow if we hold her back she will end up getting to show pigs more years than if she starts "on time".  Priorities here.   

She will still do MDO as she has the past two years.  She loves it there and so do we.  If Patton were old enough, he would join her there.  So, today was CC and tomorrow is MDO.  We will soak it all in while we are young and gumby!

"O great Shepherd, have mercy on the lives of my children (that you have graciously bestowed upon us).  Help me as a parent to be mindful of whom I ask to watch them.  Give me a discerning heart.  Open my eyes to make sure those I enlist to assist are trustworthy and brave.  If they are found lacking, give me the courage to dismiss them and the wisdom to find others more worthy to help.  In Jesus' might name, Amen."

A prayer from A Look at Life from a Deer Stand.