
Friday, August 12, 2011

Freedom Friday ... insurance malarky

I don't like for my blog to end up being a place where I rant and rage all the time, but today is Freedom Friday so that is what I am going to do.  What in the world has this country come to with insurance?  For those who do not know, (because I sure did not until it came across to me) since we have such wonderful elected officials in congress there is no longer maternity coverage with individual insurance.  CR is self employed.  We do not have a group to get group insurance.  Group insurance is your only option for maternity coverage.  So I thought, well, maybe I will just check and see how much it would be if we paid cash to the doctor and hospital next time around.  Since I would have health insurance, you can get a "discounted rate".  Kirby was born via emergency C-section, so from now on I have to have them.  There is a slim chance you can deliver after C-sections, but in my case I think I will have to have them from now on.  Something about after a certain point the baby could not progress anymore.  Anyhow, I knew in the back of my head about how much it would cost because I remember the bills that we got before all the insurance had kicked in.  Are you sitting down?  The doctor side of things wasn't too bad - your looking at close to $5000.00 between office visits, labs, minimal sonograms/ultrasounds, and a normal pregnancy and C-section.  Now the hospital side of things will make you vomit.  Remember there has to be an anestesiologist, assistant surgeons, nurses, all the meds they use, you staying there, etc.  If everything goes "normal", $20,000.00!  Total it would cost no less than $25,000.00!  What?  MALARKY, MALARKY, MALARKY!  Thankfully I have an awesome sister (go see her at Freedom Insurance if you need anything) who researched some plans and helped us come up with a good choice.  I did not know, but you can stay on the school's insurance through Cobra and pay your own premium for up to 18 months.  That gives us 18 months to get all this together and figure out how Patrick Farms can be a group.  Either that or we over turn Obamacare and get it back to the way it used to be.  I vote the later.  Now I'm done (Dad, that's for you!)

Poor precious has been sick the last 2 days.  Wednesday I noticed when she was asleep she had a dry cough, then yesterday she was sneezing out of control all day long with a runny nose, last night we were up a lot with coughing, stuffy nose, and earache.  She kept holding her ear today and was so fussy, so we decided to take her in.  Allergies more than likely, but she did have drainage in her ear and the start of an ear infection.  We caught it before it was bad, though (just like last time).  Like I told the doctor, I know when she feels bad because she never fusses and the whole hand on the ear thing was new.  It was kind of confusing because lately she has been putting all her toys up to her ears and pretending they were phones.  It is so cute - she doesn't say "hey" or "hello", just starts jabbering away.  I think she is around many people who are always on the phone! 
"Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 

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