
Monday, November 21, 2016

They're here!

Oh my goodness guys and gals, they are here.  The books are really here!  This was such an exciting morning.  

Bowen was napping when the truck got to the barn to unload the boxes, so I couldn't get video or a selfie with the delivery truck.  And I had already mopped floors, worked in the yard, and worked out so I was in prime apparel for the video ;)  But we did not care.  We wanted to capture us, so thats what you get.  Mismatched clothes, mom bun, and if you had smellavision, you would get a good wiff of pig!  But that is what it is like with Daddy Ray on the farm, so that is what you see (and smell).

Books are currently available through me, so if you would like a copy please email at  .  They will be available to distributers January 3rd, so if you want them for Christmas holler at me soon!  I will get them signed, sealed and delivered!  I am currently working on my website so that you will be able to order directly from there, but until then, just shoot me a line.  It would be awesome to hear from you anyways!

Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!  Praying that His name would be magnified through this simple book about life on the farm.

"And He said unto them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."  Mark 16:!5

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Shipping Update

Friends, I am besides myself.  I love how God is so very personal to each and everyone of us.  From the time of the conception of this crazy book idea, I have called it "our book".   First between God and I because well, without Him, none of this would be here.  I wouldn't be here for that matter, but you get what I mean.  His Spirit speaks to us when we expect to hear him and listen, and I had asked Him a question (see past blog post below).  But the "our" also included my husband.  We are a team.  We make it a priority (although there are days when we are more like opponents) to always be team players, and I am so thankful for that.  Sometimes you can over hear us doing the whole "gooooo team Patrick" while putting our hands on top of each other and then throwing them in the air like you would see on the baseball mound.

So how does this tie in to the "our book" and God being personal to us comment?  Well, I received an email this morning from the project manager of the book, and the estimated ship date is November 18th.  Trivia question .... what is November 18th?  Our anniversary!  10 year anniversary.  Anybody else get giddy over that?  Something that we have prayed together over, read together, approved/disapproved... shipping on our anniversary .... ahh, I just love the personal love of our Savior.

I have had some people ask about getting a copy.  As soon as I have them in my hand, they are available to you!  We will ship or hand deliver!  Some will remain at the warehouse for them to distribute to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books-A-Million.  I will also be doing a read aloud at schools and libraries throughout the upcoming year, so if you are interested in me coming your way, please get in touch so we can get you on the calendar ... I would love, love, love to come share this story with as many as I can.  

Thank you so much for all of the encouraging messages and prayers so far in this journey.  We continue to ask for prayers for us to see where He is leading us in this, and that above all us, His name would be glorified and spread across our great nation, and spill over into others.  From farm to city, from the counnnntry (say it and you will get it) to countries, may His name be magnified.  

Keep watching here or on Instagram @helpingdaddyrayonthefarm.  I quit Facebook ... more on that another time, so all updates will be here and then shared on Insta.  You are welcome to share with Facebook and other social media outlets, it was just something personal I had to step away from.  Thanks for the love!!

-Team Patrick