
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy...

Ok, so I don't like that song because it is about getting tipsy and partying till the sun comes up, but the first line and beat is the best to get you going.  I want to somehow get it on my phone to be my alarm.  You wouldn't be able to help but pop out of bed and do a little dance diddy. 
What gets you rolling on your good mornings?  Monday was the best day I have had in a long time.  Not that others are bad, but Monday just seemed all together, full of energy, initiative and productivity, and happiness all around.  Why is that?  Because I had good, solid, scheduled time with the Lord!  It was not rushed; I took my time and got it all.  I try everyday to get my quiet time in.  Since Kirby has been waking up pretty much when I do lately, it has not been as good.  I get to it after I put her down for her morning nap, but by then I always feel rushed because my "to-do" list is going through my head.  I loved getting up and getting my coffee and then sneaking back into my bedroom sitting area before Kirby even stired.  I told CR that I would like to start having my quiet time first thing again, so he got Kirby up and let her sit with him/play with him until I came back out.  I heard her call for me a couple of times, but I kept reminding myself that God was first.  It was a blessing all around.  You know what is funny?  Tonight I logged into my blog account from a computer that I had not used in a year and a half.  When I typed in the blogger site, it took me directly to my old blog account that I had before my gmail got hacked into.  The last post I had written was when I was 4 months pregnant and praying that once "Poot got here, I would make sure to purposefully put God first everyday."  I knew it would be hard because babies are so demanding of your attention immediately.  You don't know for sure if that is a cry of wanting you or a cry of pain.  I believe that God knows my heart and that He loves that I try hard to get to His word first, and the fact that I have quiet time at all I know pleases Him.  I just find it such a blessing that when it can happen "right", the rest of the day goes so much better and "it is well with my soul".  I do not feel tired and weary, because my rest is in the Lord.  (Matt 11:28)  I encourage you, my dear friend, if you do not already have a set time to spend with the God who created every hair on your head, to make a point to start that tomorrow.  Even just a few minutes ... your soul will long for more time each moment you meet Him.  Remember, He is already there, we just have to show up. 
"So the LORD must wait for you to come to Him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God."  Is. 30:18

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