I am so thankful that this is how we start everyday. Well, mine and Kirby's day. This is after we have had breakfast with Daddy and he is off in the field. We walk every morning. There have been a handful of mornings that we have not gotten to have our walk for one reason on another, and it seems to change the whole day. This is more of a walk for seeing things and enjoying all that God has to offer us out here, not really exercises. Speaking of which, I am finally getting into a routine of that again - thankfully! She doesn't always keep the shades on, but it is a good habit to try to form!
I am thankful for the Mary Kay opportunity. I do not use my time as wisely as I might should to do this business better, but right now it is fun. Right now I have a few handfuls of faithful customers that I get to take care of. Right now, I feel that is all I can have on my plate while I soak up Kirby time. I think that since I missed so much the first 9 months, I do not want to be apart from her much. I have a hard time leaving her and missing out on her day when I run errands, so I am not ready to start having appointments all the time without her. I took her to one and that was more work than I expected. For now, though, I am thankful that I get to help women with the #1 skin care, I get to help them feel empowered when they open their own shop, and I am helping my skin by using the product. She takes another nap around 1 and that lasts from an hour to two as well. Sometimes I get a cat nap in there, but usually it is just a little down time for me and then back to paying bills, returning calls, selling skin care, etc. When she gets up we play some more (hide and seek, chasing around the house, dance around the living room, swing on the porch, look at Boots) and then head up to feed the dogs who are, sadly, still up at the old house. Sometimes we go visit Grinny and Daddy Ray some more. While I fix dinner she will play by herself or watch Baby Einstein. I was a little unsure about how much TV ... everything I have read says NO TV until after 2. Well, that was abandoned when I had to go back to school. The TV stays off all day around here except for music, and then I put on one of her learning videos. Since I have been doing this, her vocabulary and babbling has quadrupled. I know this is the age that it gets better and starts to come out more anyway, but I believe it has so much to do with these brilliant videos. There are words in there that we have been working on for awhile before, and within this last week I can clearly hear her say them, such as "duck", "go", "head". She tries to do Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes and tries to say some of the words as I sing it. I don't want an ADD child from watching too much TV, but the more vocabulary they hear and from different sources is beneficial, that I know from my good education at Texas A&M.
This is how we end our day. Happy on all accounts. I am so thankful that these are our normal days. I am so thankful that I get to make these memories with Kirby. Today we had a full blown tickle fight with big, huge belly laughs. She was tearing up she was laughing so hard. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity, no matter how much we have to sacrifice to keep it.
"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."
1 Chron. 16:34
Busy and blessed!
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