
Friday, January 31, 2014

Feels like home

to me …

one of the best things about living in Far, Far Away is that my children get to experience real life stuff.  I mean real. life. stuff.  Today, Kirby and CR drove up on a momma cow having her calf.  They saw the calf actually being born.  Growing up, my dad's cows would always go far off into the woods (or forest as Kirby calls it) to have their calves and we would see them the next day.  Well here, when you don't live where there are forests in your pastures, the mommas have their babies where all the world can see.  And what an amazing thing to witness.  Kirby was besides herself - we had been waiting all week because we knew she was past due.  She ran in the house exclaiming, "Mommy. mommy!!!  Pattycake had her baby calf … its so cute and little."  About twenty minutes later CR took Patton and Kirby back out there to check on momma and baby ….

So here is the neat story behind the momma (Pattycake):  Pattycake is the daughter of Patricia, Patricia is the daughter of Suzy - Q and Suzy-Q was raised by one of the neatest young men I have ever known. His name was Patrick and he was the brother of one of my dearest high school friends.  Patrick passed away in a very tragic accident shortly after showing Suzy Q.  My dad had bought Suzy Q that year in the replacement heifer sale, so she was part of our heard.  When Suzy Q had her first baby I knew I wanted to raise it … I knew it wouldn't be that great of a calf because Daddy bred her to a small Hereford bull to produce a small first time calf.  I did not care how I did … I wanted to raise her in honor of Patrick.  So I named her Patricia.  Patricia didn't blow the judge out of the water at the show, but she showed well and we did our job.  And she was one of the best stinkin' momma cows daddy ever had.  So when she had Pattycake (gotta keep the name Pat in the line so we remember) CR and I decided to get her and take her to our home to raise college babies … whatever calves come from her and one of my other show calves blood line, goes to the kids college funds in some way or another.  This little squirt is a bull calf, so to fill you in on how cattle-ranching operates, he will probably end up going to the sale barn when he is old enough … either to go be a bull for someone else or …. let's go with he will be a bull for someone else.  

No matter how much I fight loving living here, I love it and know this is right where we are called to be.  Thank you Lord for giving me an obedient, submissive heart, even when my head wants to be as stubborn as a Brahman bull.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God."  James 4:7

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Tale of Two Tow-Heads

How Patton does HEB:
 How Kirby does HEB
Last night at Bible study I gave a very short testimony about how A Woman After God's Own Heart blessed me 100 times over while in college.  Then this verse was laid on my heart today as I reminisced  on God's grace in my life …
"He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD." 
 Psalm 113:9

Monday, January 27, 2014

Clicking my red heels

Montgomery, why are you so far away?  I always have a hard time leaving when it's time to go.  I am ever so ready to be home, but not away from Montgomery.  Can that be in the same desire?  Maybe if I click my red heels three times I can be there, then click three more times and be back home.

Thursday we loaded up and left Far, Far Away (or as my husband calls it "Cecil" - he is determined to name a town after himself) on our trek to Montgomery.  Along with the cattle trailer (empty), a 3 month old lab, a 3 1/2 year old Kirby and a 1 year old Patton.

Friday morning CR had his hopes set high to end duck season with a bang … ha, I am good.  CR and Dad got up bright and early on the icy morning to go to Bedias and meet his college room mate John and his friend Oklahoma Jerrod.  The hunt was a fail and around 9:00 I get a dreaded phone call …. they were stuck in the mud and did not have the tractor key.  No big deal, wife of the year to the rescue.  Get there a freezing cold hour later and then they get the tractor stuck.  2 trucks and a tractor sitting in a mud pit.  Ice and snow on the ground.  And to top that off, no ducks on their pond.  Thankfully my dad's friend Lee had his tractor and key in the barn just a short walk away … so out came the tractor to save the day.  Loaded up heifers that needed to come back home with us to Cecil and back home to Montgomery just 12 lonnnng hours after the boys had left that morning.  As "Uncle John" put it well …. "There's always a story, isn't there darlin'?"

If you look really closely you will see all the stuckness …
CR thought this was a cool picture of his tire.  

Saturday morning we got up early (we like being up with the roosters) to take family pictures.  I booked these about 8 months ago because I have been dying to get our own done by a professional.  Ya, I could do it with my clicker and tripod, but I wanted the full experience.  And, the photographer I chose does amazing with children.  We had a blast.  Can't wait to show you what we get!!

Saturday afternoon we had another little get together to celebrate Patton turning one.  We did two parties for Kirby turning one so we had to follow suit.  I am trying really hard to not be the mom that the second child gets "second best".  It is kind of hard when you are worn out to pieces, BUT it is worth every tiredness, every penny, every loss of sleep.

 Auntie Shannon and Uncle Ken got to join in on the fun!  I do LOVE that they only live about 30 minutes from my parents.  

 So this was a "kodak" moment.  My dad always turns on old cowboy music while we eat dinner.  On cue, when Don Williams started Patton put his hands over his ears.  As if to say, "No thank you, I'd rather not hear this."

 He was a little excited about the cake ...

Sunday was the longest of the days!  I had an early morning bridal shoot (can't share those till after March 22nd) that was so much fun.  God blessed us with a gorgeous day - gorgeous.  Especially after the nasty "old man winter" we had just had the two previous days.  After my shoot ended around noon, we met CR up at our friend's farm (Mrs. Rod is a doll!!) and loaded up the 10 heifers.  Seven hours after, we were home.  Bittersweet.  Loved being home and walking in to my warm and coziness, but I did already miss the part of my heart that stayed behind.
Where part of my heart stayed …such a blessing in my life.  Love Kyleigh to pieces.  Growing up too fast and such a good kid.  Such a kind heart and a gentle spirit.  A huge help and a great snuggler.

"Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy." Psalm 65:8
(And honestly, sometimes it feels like we live at the ends of the earth!)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Beautiful day

today was gorgeous.  The kids and I spent the majority of the day outside.  It was just too nice to stay indoors!  I had the windows open all day as well, but with the bulls in the pasture behind us we had to go outside for it to actually smell better!
This weekend Eva brought a kite and all the kiddos were AHHMAZED.  So today we made our own kite.  

While we were swinging we had a visitor.  I named him Edward.  
Saturday night after Patton's party he woke up around 9:30 - he was too tired for a bottle before bed, so he woke up starving.  While I was feeding him I just cried.  Not teared up, huge alligator tears.  I love his snuggles and want him to always love snuggling.  After he finished his bottle it was as if he knew momma needed some extra love that night.  When I put him up on my shoulder, he wrapped his other arm up around my neck and just laid there.  Didn't fall asleep, just laid and loved.  I held him there for about 30 minutes, not even caring if he wouldn't want to get in bed after that.  Guess what, he went right back to sleep when I laid him down.  Thank you Lord for that moment … cause these two are growing way too fast for this momma ...

 Sunday night Daddy taught Kirby how to swing tandem!

"So teach [us] to number our days, that we may apply [our] hearts unto wisdom." 
Psalm 90:12

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Patton turned one

… last Monday.  This past year jetted by in the blink of our eyes.  Sometimes the days themselves were very, very long, but as a whole I honestly can not fathom where the year went.  It seems like just yesterday I was sitting in church at 32 weeks having contractions just minutes apart.  And then a month later delivering him while the Nueces County Junior Livestock show was going on.  I cry when I think about the time in the hospital because it was long and drawn out, but just seems like such a short time ago.  So much has happened in a year, besides Patton and Kirby growing up before our very eyes.  I got closer to the Lord.  I dug deep into my faith … I had to.  I grew closer to (and at times more annoyed with)  my husband.  Obviously there is a correlation between growing closer to the Lord and your husband at the same time.  There is a bond that can only come from the Master in a marriage.  And "what God brings together, let no man separate."  Mark 10:9  When the Enemy tries to attack your marriage, you have to dig your heels in like a red head and not give in.  You have to win, and the only way to overcome that nasty enemy is with Christ in every part of your being.

So about my little handsome, bright eyes, bushy tailed Patton Luke turning one:

Height: 29"
Weight: 22.4
Clothes: typically 12 month … starting to get tight in the length, but some of the 18 month swallow him.  Old Navy and Carters seem to fit best.
Disposition: Happy as a lark.
Favorite thing to do: look out the windows at the cows and moo
Words he is saying pretty clearly: momma, daaaaad, sis, kiss (tiss), more, milk niiiyyy niiyyy, moo, book, ball
Loves to dance, sing, read and laugh for days at his sister.  She hung the moon in his eyes.  I hope that never goes away.  Check out Kirby's First Birthday to compare!

His one year photo shoot:

 Cracking up and admiring sister.
 Short lived … he saw the cows and Daddy Ray.
 What happens when sister gets in on the photo shoot …whoops.

 There we go!

Birthday party that we shared with Benjamin … they are only 10 days apart and great play mates!

 They thoroughly enjoyed their brisket and beans as you can tell.

 And then the cake!

 Ben dug in, but Patton was not as sure about it.  Touched and tasted...

 "Ben, are you sure this is ok?  This is sweet, I don't get sweets …."

 Benjamin's big sister Eva.  True beaut!
 Outside adventures … God blessed us with a gorgeous day!!

"Children are a gift from the Lord;
    they are a reward from him."  Psalm 127:3