
Monday, May 31, 2010

25 weeks and shingles!

They started putting the shingles on today!

We don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but we know it's an Aggie!
I think I get bigger everyday!
This whole entire pregnancy has been such a blessing. The long time of trying just was preparing our hearts and faith in God to make it through. Some people you hear have super easy pregnancies and others have tragic ones. Thankfully mine has not been tragic by any means, but not easy. Because of this I try to listen to my body really well. Friday afternoon I had a bit of a scare. The same type episode that I had when I found out I had placenta previa. It stopped within about fifteen minutes and I was able to talk to my doctor before the day was over. He told me as long as everything stopped and that I wasn't contracting, that it was all ok and he would see me Tuesday. We then scurried off to San Antonio to watch our Calallen Wildcats in their playoff games. All weekend I really did not feel nugget move at all. This was unusual to me because nugget has been doing flips and flying around on the umbilical cord all week. I still hadn't felt much movement Sunday morning and I woke up crying because I thought for sure something was up. Thankfully that afternoon I felt more movement, and then again today there was a little more, but still not back to as active as last week. Tomorrow I was just scheduled to have my glucose test and quick check-up, but I am requesting an ultrasound and thorough check to make sure all is well. Every thing that I read says to do what you feel is best, the doctor is there for you ... so there you go.
On a cuter note, CR has started talking to baby every morning and night. Last week I could feel the baby move closer to his voice. It is the most amazing feeling. He lays his head on the belly sometimes and he said he could feel it push as in saying, "hey, this is my spot!" We are so super excited about this adventure and can not wait to meet our little Nugget!
And .... my best friend is having her baby Wednesday. Can not wait to meet Nathan Matthew Thompson! I pray that both of our children would be able to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quick Snaps

So the "bay window" didn't end up being what I thought it was supposed to be. CR knew they had changed it, but didn't share that with me. I'm fine with it ... just different than originally pictured.
But I am super pumped that I still got the little window "nook".
Dixie finally beat Koda to the duck, and Koda was not happy. She was actually really embarrassed.
And this is what my husband does after a long day on the farm.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Joy. What does joy mean to you? The word joy has been on my heart lately. It was on my list of girl names that I liked. Still kind of there, but has moved down. I feel that I am a joyful person because of God's grace. My pastor back home did a sermon on the difference between joy and happiness quite a few years ago, yet it was a sermon that stuck with me. Basically, here is what was concluded: happiness is based on your circumstances and joy comes from the Lord and is always in your heart. Back then I really took a survey of my heart because I thought I could consider myself a joyful person. When I began to do that, I began to get closer and closer to the relationship I wanted to have with the Lord. Many people often ask me, "Why are you always so happy?" or "How come you and CR are always so happy and getting along?" "Why don't we ever see you upset?" My response is simply ... "I have joy down in my heart." This weekend was a blast for us because we finally got to go to Montgomery (January was the last time we were there!) and we got to celebrate 2 very joyful occasions of graduation. While we were in Montgomery, for some reason I kept noticing the different people who were happy and those that were joyful. It was a real revelation to me. My prayer is that everyone I know would be joyful ... I actually pray for joy in the world, but especially those close to me. I truly believe that if more people were truly joyful that so many issues would be solved or not even brought up. I must say that everyday since Ken's sermon I have been purposefully seeking joy ... and because I have it from the Lord, it isn't hard to strive for. It is there because it is not circumstantial. Thank you, God, for not being a circumstantial God.
"Once more the humble will be filled with fresh joy from the Lord." Isaiah 29:19a
Walking to the seats.
Getting excited!
She made it on the big screen.
The top of her hat said, "Mom did it!" Way to go!

We did it!

Oh ya ... while we were gone they got all of the windows put in except our big bay window in the kitchen! Whoohoo!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

For my mother ... a few days past due

My mother can be described in many ways. She is kind, patient, loving, and always willing to help anyone, especially her family. The best word I think of for my mother is trooper. No matter what the situation and how much she may not want to do something, if it is for someone else or will please someone else, she is a trooper and does it. She has taught me many things in life. When I was in high school I went through some really tough emotional and personal issues. Any everyday Joe wouldn't know it, but mother did and while at the time it bothered me, I knew she meant well. Her persistence and care paid off. She was my best friend in high school and (next to CR) is my best friend today. It bothers some that we talk so much, but if I do not get to talk to her at some point during the day, everything is off for me. Since I live so far away now, the phone is all that can connect us for months. When I moved down here and would call and cry everyday she would remind me how much God loves me and has a plan for us here. She would calm my worries with scripture. I know that she has prayed for me, as well as the rest of my family, everyday of my life. I know that through anything I can count on her to make every attempt to do her best for my family. Thank you momma, for all that you have done for me and all that you continue to do. With God's guidance and hand, you have helped form me into who I am today, and for that I am forever grateful. I can not wait for our little nugget to meet their grandmother, or grammy, or whatever it will end up calling her. I love you momma!
I am also very blessed to have a wonderful mother-in-law. Kitty does so much for CR and I and you can tell that it is unconditional love that incites her to do so. I love Kitty and I love how since we have moved down to Bishop, we have had the opportunity to become so much closer. I am so thankful that she will be taking care of baby Patrick once I have to go back to teaching. I can not imagine not being close to someone so important ... the mother of my husband. I am so very thankful that when God gave me CR, he also gave me Kitty.

House Update

Side of garage.
Of course the dog kennel was one of the first things taken care of.
Side view of house with the dutch-hip roof. Great-grandma Hemken ... here's to your "little dutch girl"!
Front of house with dutch-hip roof started.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Past few days ...

I have so much on my mind tonight, so it is just going to be pictures. Here is what has happened since Thursday on our house. Front view. The post that is in the middle of the doorway will not remain, but the cedar posts around the porch will. I love them!

The roofers came out to put up the tar paper in case it rained. They will be back at the end of the week to start with the shingles. The roof framing isn't complete yet, so they couldn't start just yet.
Breezeway and garage. The breezeway was my non-negotiable ... I have always thought they were neat!

That is all for now. I will share more tomorrow after my stressful day is over. Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommas out there. I have the best mother I could have ever dreamed of and will share more of a tribute for her tomorrow. Until then ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
I have known this verse since I was a young child at St. John's Methodist Church in Rosenburg. I lean on this verse all the time, yet I have a hard time making decisions. My hold up often times is this: ok, is this from the Lord or is this just something that has come up and sounds intriguing? If you know me at all then you know when I set out on my "plan" it included teaching elementary school. I went through 3 1/2 years of course work between Baylor and A&M in elementary education. Then when it came to methods I had to make a choice: quit working and do methods semester (all day, everday in schools basically) or work and change my major to English. I had to choose the latter because I had to work, no option. It all worked out great in the end because I still got to become a teacher, which was my dream no matter what grade. All thanks to God and His glory and promises to "direct your paths". I still have the very strongest desire to teach elementary school. Lately it has been really hard to think about much else but the possibility to change. The hold up now is that I am due in September, the very start of school. How in the world could I transition with being out for such a big chunk of the start of the school year? In high school the kids could get by much easier, I feel, but not sure how little 2nd graders would make do. Maybe they would do better than high schoolers and I just am not giving them enough credit. I am committed to my kiddos of the class of 2011 and would feel incredibly bad about leaving them their senior year as their sponsor. Some others have said they will get over it, but some of these kids are very connected. Depending on this verse more than ever right now.
Back porch ... check out the chimney!
We finally have a chimney!

Which means we also have our fireplace! Can't wait ... I hope this next winter we get some cold snaps like we did this past year. It was perfect weather for fires in South Texas.
Front view with the roof inclosed. The workers that come out to lay the ground work will be here tomorrow to set everything up for the garage and breezeway. Once all of that gets completed I will update again!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baby Patrick

I am blessed. This morning we heard a wonderful revival preacher, David Ring, and he reminded me how blessed I am. "I am blessed" is my story. There are so many of us out there that could come up with reasons to have our own pity parties. Why focus on the bad, when we should be focusing on the great? Part of my blessing is below. I prayed since I was a little girl about becoming a mother. When CR and I got married, even though we did not want children right away, I continued to pray about one day being a mother. Even though it took us a long time in our minds, God knew all along when he was going to bless us with a child. All in His perfect timing. Now I pray that this child would grow to be a healthy child of God. One that loves their Saviour as much as their mother and father do.
Since we didn't want to find out the gender, all of the shots are from the belly up. From the right side to the left side you will see the baby's head, nose, left arm, heart (the dark blot), and round belly. I think on the other side is either it's leg or the right arm.
A little different position.
Kind of blurry, but this one baby was looking at us!

Not really sure ... baby was all curled up.
As friends and family, I ask that you would join us in praying for our little nugget. Pray for us as parents, the continued health of the baby, and that he or she would grow to love the Lord with all their heart. (Mark 12:30)
Speaking of babies and all their blessings that they bring us, my best friend Bethany was in town for the baby shower thrown by her husband's family and friends. It was so amazing to see her; since I couldn't travel for so long it has been since Christmas. Way too long for best friends. Especially best friends that are preggo together! Seeing Bethany was the breath of freshness that I really needed. And of course seeing Kevin was great too. He is so excited about being a daddy ... he is going to be a great one. Kevin and CR remind me so much of each other, I am so thankful that both Bethany and I were blessed with such wonderful, God loving and fearing men. Being in a bit of a rush and having this pregnancy brain of mine, I forgot to take my camera. I know, crazy. I am hoping to get to see Bethany again in 2 weeks so we can take a preggo pic together!
"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17 - Thank you Bethany for "sharpening" me since 4th grade!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just Pics part 2

Raise the roof!
Front view with roof pitch.
Right side view: 2 bedrooms and jack and jill bath are in there.
Back porch ... already my favorite place. :)
Cathedral ceiling in the living room completed.
This is the side of the house where the breezeway and garage will be. The door on the left goes into the mudroom/laundry room and the door on the right goes into our bedroom, right by the bathroom. This was requested by me because my farmer joe tracks in so much on days he has to just run in shower before he can do anything else. Cutting down on house work makes momma happy. And when momma is happy, everyone is happy!
I promise tomorrow will come an actual post ... just wanted to get what they had done today up!