
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sermon Sunday .. on Wordless Wednesday

Thankfully we were able to make it to Sunday evening service.  I wasn't going to post anything, but the Lord has really been placing sharing this on my heart.  This is a really hard subject for me to grasp and to talk about it, because part of it breaks my heart, so I will not be able to pour much into this post.  But, I am going to share what I feel is most important.  Bill preached on the First and Second Resurrection.  Right now, before we get too deep, understand this: YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THE FIRST RESURRECTION.  How do you get to be a part of that?  Ask the Lord to be your personal Lord and Saviour.  "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9  You can do it right there where you are.  Stop reading and pray.  If you want someone to talk to you more about this, call me now.  I have an entire outline we can walk through for you to understand.  Back to the resurrections.  The first one is for God's select.  This is for His saved people.  Those who are "Dead in Christ" 1 Thes. 4 will rise first.  You will reign with Christ for eternity.  (Col. 3:4; Matt. 25:21)
The second resurrection is for those people that are lost.  You do not want to be here for this.  (Dan. 12:2; John 5:29; Matt. 10:28) You want to be long gone and reignin' with Him.  This is what breaks my heart.  I know way too many people that are in that second resurrection.  It breaks me.  It should break me more often than when I hear messages like this.  I always cry when Bill preaches on this subject matter.  I do not want some of my own family and my friends and my students and .... to not be with me in Heaven.  Here is where I really get tingly and numb: if you die without Christ, whatever you die "with" will be with you forever.  If you die with cancer, you will always have that cancer pain and never have the medicine to cure it or help the pain go away.  If you die as a sexual predator, you will have that desire forever without any way to fulfill it.  If you die as an addict to drugs or alcohol, you will constantly want one more hit or one more drink, and never be able to fulfill that desire.  Ever.  For all of eternity.  While being pretty darn hot if I can imagine. 
Here is a great way to sum it up: If you are born twice (once from your mother, then once born again in Christ), then you will only die once (your physical death).  If you are only born once, then you will die twice.  Where do you fall?  What resurrection will you be a part of?  If you can not say with 100% certainty in your heart that your going with the first, do something about it now.  Call me, call a pastor, just drive to a church and tell them you want to pray with them ... call on the Lord is all you have to do.  Just do it, don't put it off.
"For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God..." Job 19:25-26

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