
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Successful Saturday

As I said earlier this week, Kirby has started talking up a storm and developing in cognitive ways on an amazing level. I know that this is when they learn and soak up the most (the first 3 years of their life they learn more than ever), but it is just amazing to me. When my mom came to visit a few weeks ago, she tried to teach Kirby that she was "so, so, so big". As mom said this, imagine her hands going up and getting higher and higher as she did it. Every once in awhile I will do it, but not much. Yesterday afternoon CR was playing with Kirby in his big, hideous chair while I was at the sink washing bottles. He was asking her how big she was and this is what I witnessed:

To make sure she was intentionally doing this, I asked her how big she was:

 This morning after she woke up they were playing peek-a-boo.  She loves to do this with daddy and lately she has been putting his hands over his eyes and pulling them off.  This morning when she did it, she said .....

Some other interesting things she is doing more of:
-When I say, "Hello, hello Kirby" she puts her hand or whatever she has in her hand up to her right ear and says "i".  Sometimes she says something else, but usually it is in the form of "hi" or "hello".
-When you say "bye", even if you are on the phone or not even talking to Kirby, she starts waving.
-When you are talking to Kirby and telling her "bye-bye", she waves both hands as fast as she can and almost jumps out of our arms she is so excited about it.
-Walking down the table, chair, couch, walls ... basically anything she can "balance" against.
-Sitting with daddy in his chair in the morning to watch the morning news.  She never relaxes any other time.
-Talking/playing with anyone we meet or see, and most of the time reaching out to go to them.
-We have been Skyping with my parents the last few weeks pretty regularly, so when we walk by the computer she starts waving "hi" to it.

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen." 2 Peter 3:18

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