
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Kirby Rose slept all night in her bed last night.  Yes, this is late breaking and should be on the Fox news banner that runs across the bottom.  You see, for the past about 7 months (ever since Patton got the crib and Kirby's big girl bed got put back up) Kirby has come into our bed sometime between midnight and 4:00 am every night.  every.  single.  night.  I take that back, there was a time here and there that she had Kyleigh sleeping with her, which made her stay there all night.  Yes, we are those parents who just reach over and put her in bed with us.  We even upgraded to a king size bed to accommodate and make it more comfortable.  Put us in jail, parent cops.  We always make sure she falls asleep in her own bed, but when she comes in and we are so out of it, we just don't have it in us to walk across the house and put her back in bed.  Besides being in a bigger bed, it also coincided with potty training, and I think that is what might wake her up.  I really don't know to be honest and I give up trying to figure out the reason.  When we notice that it is an actual problem for Kirby's life, we will take action.  For now, I am going to cuddle and snuggle my little love bug, because before I know it she will be in high school and not want to touch me with a ten foot pole.

Kirby cracks me up, warms my heart, challenges me in so many ways I could never even imagine, and sometimes just leaves me completely baffled.  She is the perfect Heintz 57 of CR and I.  She has his wit that is for sure.  She is very "mechanical" just like he is.  Stubborn.  She says things that sound just like him.  But then she has quite a bit of my mannerisms.  When she is looking for something, she puts her hands on her hips with just her thumbs actually on her hips just.  like.  me.   She has started to put her hands under her chin when she sits at the bar stools and talks to me while I am getting breakfast ready.  She looks like a mini me when she does this.  I wish I could freeze frame time right now.  These moments for the cookie jar have my jar already full this year.  To give you a little bit of her perfect Heintz 57ness (word??):  Sunday morning I was in the living room reading my Bible.  She woke up and came out of our room and crawled up to snuggle with me.  (This is very me - I am a cuddler in every sense of the word).  She was rubbing my arm and I told her, "Kirby, do you know that I prayed for you for a long time.  Even before I met your daddy I prayed for you.  Then both of us prayed for you for what seemed like forever and ever.  Then God gave me you.  The perfect package and I love you so much."  She turned and looked at me (and I prepared my heart for the sweetest return ….) and said with a grin from ear to ear, "I'm daddy's baby girl."

While I was in Montgomery I was asked if I would speak at the elementary school that my mother works at, sharing with the 3rd and 4th grade girls my story with an eating disorder.  I was very excited to do this, and it was a really hard challenge for me.  I knew that 1) I had to speak in a way that would never put an idea into their head while also getting my points across and 2) since it is a public school I had to walk a fine line about including Christ.  Well, you can't tell a redemption story without The Redeemer.  I was thankful that Kirby got to sit in on the morning as well.  She sat in the front row with all the other children and did not make a peep for 35 minutes.  She hung onto every word I said.  She answered questions that I asked the crowd.  3 weeks later she repeated parts of my story to me.  Talk about a moment for this momma's cookie jar.  gulp.

Everyday we walk (or run, fly, skip … you get the idea) to the mailbox after Patton gets up from his morning nap.  On this particular day, she was the "line leader" and wanted to fly.  Yes, she has panties, a t-shirt and rubber boots on.  This was already her 3rd outfit of the day.  I think we went through 2 more.  Not because of accidents, but because she can't stand to be dirty or wet.  AT ALL.  I mean, even a sprinkle from the kitchen sink …. just like her daddy in that respect.  At this point in the day we had already carved a pumpkin, made baked donut holes, and planted some herbs in pots so you can see why we had to change 3 times.  

At Hudson's 2nd birthday party, climbing in the tree house and asking me, "Mommy, why can't I go fly down instead of going down the slide?  The slide is too fast and scares me."  Yes, the slide scares her but not the thought of flying down from that high up.  
I think she surprised herself …she was doing a cheer that she learned from watching Kyleigh practice, and at the end she went down into the splits.  We both laughed so hard, and then she asked me, "mommy, what's so funny?"

Rare moment.

When it's been a long day at school and then ballet, we both just want to do this.  Funny story, 2 months ago I started something new.  If we are at home and she starts to have a "fit" I tell her, "If you think you need to have a fit, then you are going to need to go to your room and when you decide you are ready to work it out, you can come back out."  The first 2 times I had to take her and set her in her room.  After that, she stops what she is doing, then walks to her room (as if nothing is wrong at all), closes the door, goes and sits in the corner and then I can count to 3 and hear the bawling start.  It lasts about 30 seconds, and then she says, "Mommy, I'm done you can come talk to me now."  We have a discussion about the fit, why she needed time to get over it, hug, say sorry and forgiveness, then go on about our day.  She even took herself to grammy's room to cry while we were visiting them.  It cracks me up, but this happens less and less so I feel like it is working for her.

See the sentiment?  Daddy's baby girl ...

Teaching Patton about his toes - yes, she is in a dress and bathing suit bottoms.  I love allowing her to be creative and Kirby.  

Text from a sitter I used a few times in August when I was swamped with edits.  Glad to know you can take the girl away from the farm, but can't take the farm away from the girl.

This picture describes us in a nutshell.  Animated, love, laughter, JOY … my heart is full.  Full.

The other day I got a shot of guilt straight in the heart.  A friend of our's kiddo is a year and a half younger than Kirby, and they knew their letters really, really well.  Kirby knows some of them, but it isn't something we work on very often.  Her letter and word recognition is improving, but its not my main priority.  I always have intentions of doing more actual learning activities with her, but we are busy bodies with real life farm stuff, outside play, cooking/baking, Bible verse memory, etc.  This isn't the first time I felt this way.   I prayed the Lord would take away that guilt in my gut and he did, with the sweetest reply, "My dear child, you are loving your child.  You are giving her what she needs.  You are more than enough for her; through Me and My strength, you and CR can do this parenting thing.  Don't compare to anyone.  Strive to be like me and strive to raise a child like me.  That is your job."  Thank you Lord for that.  Thank you.  Thank you that my child knows you love her and that you belong in her heart.  

"Train up a child in the way he should go,

And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Monday, October 28, 2013

Life IS life

I can't believe October is just about over, that my son is 9 months old, and that my daughter now likes to sit at the counter on a bar stool to chat with me.  This past month has been busy, crazy, not as planned and on my schedule like I like it.  And you know what, that IS LIFE.  I kept saying, "Why am I so far behind with editing this month?  Why are we running around crazy these last few weeks?  Oh, because life has happened and gotten in the way."  Wait, what?   "Gotten in the way"?  What does that mean.  Lauren, life is life.  "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9

I am a planner in every sense of the word.  I have always liked to have things written out so that I can see them.  I am very visual (note - I am a photographer!).  I like to see, feel, touch, things.  I have also learned as I have grown up that you have to roll with it and that plans change.  I'm ok with that.  I've never not been able to function because of it.  In order to take control of my business this past year, I started shooting one week out of the month.  Then the weeks thereafter are for editing, order sessions, and delivery.  This has freed up more time for my family and LIFE.  But wait, LIFE is my family.  LIFE is the farm.  LIFE is my business.  LIFE is my church.  So my revelation for today is LIFE IS LIFE.  No more saying LIFE happened in my vernacular, because this is my life and this IS who I want to be.

Now onto what LIFE has been this past month:

The kids and I spent a week in Montgomery at my parent's house.  CR had signed up for a palpation and artificial insemination class in College Station, so we thought it would be a great time to ride along, have him drop us of for a week, and get to enjoy some family time.  

Kirby loves going to Grammy and Paw's because at least once she gets to go to the donut shop that is literally around the corner from their house.  I think she went 3 times that week.  We got to spend time with my grandma, too.  She still lives around the corner from them, so we made a daily walk to her house to visit and get crackers - Kirby's favorite part. 

On Thursday I had to meet up with a client of mine in Houston, so mom took the day off to ride along.  We loaded up the kiddos (I took my niece Brayleigh along) and off to Houston we went.  Met up with cousin Megan for lunch and then to the Children's Art Museum.  Wish we could have stayed longer, but they enjoyed the little time we were there.

On Saturday we (of course) rounded up some cattle that we had grazing at their ranch for the summer and brought them home.  When we got home that evening we realized a new calf had gotten left behind.  So what did we do, loaded up the next morning after Sunday school and went to rescue the calf.

When we got to the ranch, Kyleigh, mom and dad had them caught in a trap and so began the lurch of catching the calf, trying to get a bottle down his throat, and throwing him in a dog kennel in the back of the truck.

We were sad to leave but glad to be home to try to get back into our own routine.  Ha.  Kirby started running a fever early Tuesday morning.  It never broke so Tuesday afternoon we were in the drs office ---- UTI.  Fever off and on the next few days and finally stayed away Thursday afternoon.  Friday morning, she woke up with terrible cough and cold.  Then I got it.  Now Patton has it.  

In the meantime, somehow I squeezed in Patton's 9 month photo shoot.  It was a terrible time of day (this is why it is so bright) but I had to get some shots before sister got home from hauling cattle with daddy or he got time to go back down for a nap, so I weighed my options and went with too bright.  

At his 9 month check up he:
weighed 20.8 lbs and was 28" tall
He loves to:
  • play peek a boo with mommy when he is in his crib.  He sits up really tall and stretches his neck up, then buries his head in his sheet.  I say, "where's Patton?" and then he throws his head way up high again.
  • go from laying down on his tummy to sitting up
  • chase his sister around the house - this could entertain him all day
  • read books
  • turn his head sideways and look at you like, "who me?" 
He is able to:
  • sign more, eat
  • say momma, daddy, and attempts Kirby
  • give hugs
  • blow bubbles with his lips
  • eat like a horse, which he loves anything I give him
  • crawl and then stop and pull up (ohhhhh nooo)
  • read by site mouth, up, eyes (I am doing "Your Baby Can Read" with him ... interesting .... these are the words I notice him knowing)
Tomorrow I am going to (really I am) do a post just about Kirby.  ;)  Love yall and thanks for stopping by to catch up on our LIFE.  

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" Luke 10:27