
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

3 months

This guy has my (and everyone who he meets) heart.  He was 3 months on Saturday.  Gosh, where has the time gone?  Fo' real.  It is going faster everyday.  Today I had the opportunity to watch one of my students that I taught 2 years ago sign to play baseball at Texas State University.  I cried.  I am closer to this student than I am some others, but still.  I can't imagine what I am going to do when it is his turn.  Or Kirby's.  Yes, I will be THAT mom.

I don't have much time to write which means I am blessedly busy with Route One and manager of our home.  Cob webs can wait but not snuggles.

At 3 months Patton
Weighs about 13.6 lbs
Giggles all the time
Babbles all the time
Rolls from tummy to back
Tries to stand when you hold him up and his legs touch anything
Sits in his Bumbo
Loves his bath
Loves watching and hearing his sister
Wears 3 months clothes for the most part ... some of those are starting to be too small because of the length.
I think he looks more like CR more and more everyday.  Everyone says he looks like Kirby, which she is a spitting image of her daddy so that makes sense!

I tried to get him sitting next to his hay bale like I did in previous months, but he is starting to squirm more so it's harder.