
Wednesday, August 21, 2013


July 7th I started a new journey.  I posted about it here on July 10th.  It has brought me back to my health roots.  It has taken out all the junky chemicals and mess I was putting into my body.  I sleep better, feel better, and I am more active.  All because I am getting back to optimal health.  After having Kirby, I was just in a non-sick state for so long.  I kept thinking I would get back out of my pregnancy habits of eating salty snacks because they were all I could stomach, but I never did.  I lost weight after having Kirby so I thought it was just fine for me to indulge on "healthy snacks".  In reality, I was just constantly putting myself into insulin comas.  I would have energy, but then would crash.  Although my "stature" did not show it, I was not treating my body the way I knew I should.

Starting Take Shape for Life was what I needed to kick my booty back into gear.  To reset my mind and habits.  To recreate optimal health in my life, and I am so happy to say that I have done that.  I still have about 4 pounds to go until my ultimate goal, but that is not what it is about for me anymore.  I gauge how I feel, how I appear (glowing vs. matte), and my disposition.  All of that is right in line where it needs to be.  I don't have very good pictures to show my transformation, but for me that is not what it was about to begin with.  I only needed to loose the 12 pounds I had gained on Weight Watchers, and wanted to loose another 4 just so I could get to "my number".  I am sharing these pictures though because you can see a difference.

When I saw this picture that my 2nd shooter got of me while we were doing a wedding it made me stop. in. my. tracks.  That is when I picked up my phone to find out from my friend just what Take Shape for Life was all about.  I was ready once and for all to attack, face, and conquer a deeply rooted issue that had been so much of my life for too long.  

 I know those 2 don't show my full body, but I will get one to compare.  You can tell though.  The puffiness is gone.  The toxins are gone.  The Lauren is back.  That's right, "The Lauren".  

If you know someone that could use a transformation into optimal health, please let me know.  Or share my blog with them.  I would love to help them along their journey.  It isn't just about weight, my friends, it's about your life ... your family, your job, your outlook.  Every aspect of your life is touched with health, whether it is optimal health or poor health.  Please choose optimal health and finally set yourself free!

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."  1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Patton Luke 7 months

This guy .... this guy is something.  He is a total crack up and charmer.  He is in so many ways different than my first born.  Those dimples.  That smile.  Those 2 cute little teeth.

Click here to check out Kirby's 7 month pictures and milestones.  Like I said, very different kiddos.  Yet they look so much the same.  When CR and I were laughing (and a little bit crying) while reading Kirby's 7 month post last night, he said "That's Patton with a bow!"  Go remind yourself how cute she was ... well, is.

At 7 months Patton
  • is scooting backwards and sideways
  • gets up on all 4s and rocks
  • has 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth are trying to make their way in
  • eats mangoes, papaya, cereal, Granny's homemade yogurt, zucchini, carrots, apples, avocados and wholly guacamole
  • understands "more", "eat", and "sleep", but only attempts to do "sleep" - he actually did the sign on me this morning before I laid him down for his nap!
  • weighs roughly 20 lbs
  • wears 6-9 and 9-12 month clothes
  • laughs hysterically at himself in the mirror, his sister, and his parents
  • smiles all the time
  • babbles a ton.  
  • naps about 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the afternoon; sleeps 12 hours or more each night.
  • content most of the time; very easygoing
Patton Luke is a joy.  Yesterday before I laid him down for bed at night I got all choked up while I was praying for him.  You see, I have always wanted a boy.  I love Kirby and I am so thankful I have a daughter.  Being from a house of girls, and only one boy cousin on my dad's side, I longed to have a boy.  I prayed all the time for a boy, before I was even married.  I would be perfectly content with a house full of boys along with Kirby and I.  CR gets nervous when I pray for a "quiver full of boys" ... but that's my heart.  There is just something about boys and their mommas.  I already see it with Patton. It is a special bond.  Kirby and I for sure have a bond, but it is different.  Already at almost 3 and at 7 months I can see that.  Not one that is better than the other, just different.  And that is the way God intended it.

"Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."  Psalm 127:5a 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Milestones and Memories

The pitter patter of little feet snuck up and then zoomed past me this afternoon while I was cleaning dishes in the kitchen.  Today was one of those days I am glad that you (and no one else for that matter) decided to just pop in for a quick hello.  Although that never happens in the country, you catch my drift.  I spun around to see what kind of tornado might be running through to realize she was already gone.  I cheerfully hollered, "Where are you off to my dear?"  Kirby shouted ... "I busy, I in a hurry .... I gotta go poo-poo."  3 weeks ago I decided enough is enough, we are getting this potty thing down.  It has been a year in the process and we just need to bite the bullet and do it.  So I reverted back to the 3 day potty training rules and extended them to 6 days.  Kirby, Patton and I did not leave the house for 6 days straight.  Wow, it was tough.  Very tough.  Not even to take lunch to the field.  Or walk in the stroller.  Or anything.  I wanted to make sure I caught every sign.  And I did.  And it made a world of difference.  I learned a lot about Kirby that week.  We caught up on giggles and snuggles that sometimes get brushed away because I am busy with Patton, cooking, cleaning, editing, etc.  We did lots and lots of puzzles.  Over and over again.  Although it was tough, I felt to refreshed and joyful after spending that time with them in the house.  It made me remember why I set my schedule the way I did this year and why it is so rewarding to be your own boss.  Needless to say, that week was not done in vain and I feel like it is safe to say, "Kirby is potty trained!"  It is not that she was not ready last year when I tried.  It was that it was not the right time for any of us.  I was sick with nausea then put on bed rest because of previa.  Then school started and there was not the consistency between me, school, and church.  Then Christmas break and more bed rest.  Then Patton was born.  It just was not our time.  Now was, and it was so much better of an experience.

Kirby got a new car seat today.  The UPS man came and I did not even open the door because like I said, it was one of those days around here.  I waited till he was long gone to creep outside in my jogging clothes from this morning and hair in a birds nest style.  I guess this new car seat is more of a milestone for Patton than Kirby.  He has almost outgrown the car seat that big sister sat in until she was 14 months old.  The weight limit is 22, and he is approaching 20, so I thought I would go ahead and get a new one for Kirby (thanks to Perk Street we didn't pay a penny) and transition him to her old seat in the next month or so.  I still like the luxury, although very heavy, of taking the car seat in with us to the grocery store since he hasn't quite mastered sitting up 100% yet.  Sister is excited about getting her new one and Patton getting to sit in the cow seat.  Poor second child, do they always get hand me downs?  This one will be Kirby's forever seat - now they have to be so tall and a certain age before out of a booster - so once Patton is ready for the booster then he can get a new one.  He will probably be able to get out of the booster before sister.  If she grows the way she has been, she will be driving with a booster seat.

My parents met us in San Marcos last Thursday.  This was such a nice little break.  Even though it was just for a day, after the week we had previous, and then 2 weeks of CR in the field 14 hours a day, making a day road trip to the hillier parts of Texas was much welcomed.  And hot.  We met at Aquarena Springs on the campus of Texas State University.  Momma and Daddy took us there when we were much younger (I may have been 5 or 6) and it was a completely different place.  This was a very neat experience for Kirby though.  We rode on a glass bottom boat and got to see down below us fish, turtles, and even some divers.  They have an aquarium museum as well, and Kirby got to feel rocks, coral and see a neat round fish tank.  Patton enjoyed the sites as well.

 I love this picture ... have not decided how I am going to print it yet, but it's a keeper.  Thinking on wood ...

 Friday Kirby and I stopped by to see Great Granny at her place but she wasn't there, so we took a "selfie" in her chair to prove we tried.  Ha.  
 This weekend I had a semi last minute bridal shoot that needed to be edited and uploaded quickly this week, so Kirby got to hang out with her friend Maddie on Tuesday.  She loves Maddie.  They do lots of adventurous things!
 Today we worked on part of last month's Kiwi Crate.  I like to split them up since they send you 2-3 crafts each box.  Here she was painting the sails for her sail boat that we will assemble tomorrow.  
 Patton has the tripod sitting position down pat.
 And he would like to shout that from the rooftops.  And yes, we have every blanket we own on the living room floor.  Because Kirby liked it that way today.  :)

These moments go by all too quickly.  This morning I prayed that I would enjoy today for what it is.  That was definitely challenged to the max, but each time I would start to get frustrated I reminded myself of my prayer this morning and then tried to "be still my soul".  At 1:00 our clock chimed to remind me what time it was, and I thought to myself, "Man, it's only 1."  Then I thought, "If I would have had to clock in this morning when I got started, I would already be at 8 hours today."  Life of mom and wife is tough, long, and tiring ... but my cup runneth over with blessings throughout the day and I sleep when my head hits the pillow.  

 "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; but the Lord looks at the heart." 
1 Samuel 16:7