
Sunday, September 29, 2013

8 months ... how can it be

I thought life started moving faster when we had Kirby.  Then we added Patton to the mix and I never know what day it is.  I only realized it was the end of the month because I was preparing for photo shoots, which I do the first week of every month.  Then I said to myself, "self, did you even take Patton's 8 month pictures?"  Nope ... sure didn't.  So, he and I did an impromptu photo shoot in our bedroom Tuesday afternoon.  Technically these are 8, almost 9 month pictures, but who is keeping up? He is such a joy, a cuddler, a big time babbler...wonder where he gets the gift of gab from?

At 8 months

  • he still weighs 20 lbs
  • laughs at just about everything.  If he isn't laughing, he is seriously studying something.  
  • Slow to speak, but when he does gives you an ear full.
  • Army crawls on one leg, just like his sister and cousin Porter did.
  • wears mainly 9 month clothes, but those are starting to get a little snug in some brands.
  • His thighs are like trunks ... Dr and everyone else keep saying what a great tight end he will make someday, but I whisper to him all the good things about baseball. ;)
  • Loves everyone that holds him.
  • Lights up when he hears or sees his sister.  In his eyes, she can do no wrong.  Even when I caught her kicking (very softly) his head 5 minutes ago.  Don't worry, that was addressed, but Patton did not even blink an eye.  Just kept smiling and laughing at her.
  • Eats anything I give him - newest combos are avocado with sea kelp (helps regulate the thyroid) and garlic with zucchini.  
  • Lays his head down on his high chair while we are eating dinner if he is tired.  Cutest.  Thing.  Ever.
  • Knows but does not sign often: milk, water, eat, more, all done - I see his dad's lazy side coming out with the no signing ... just kidding ...

    "Your joy comes in the morning" does not even begin to describe what I feel when I wake up at 5:30 to have alone time with the Lord before these blessings wake up.  When I have all that time to myself, I sit in anticipation for one of them to join me on the couch.  That is the only down time we have and I love it so.  Usually it is sister who joins me first, but every once in awhile she will sleep till 7 and he will stir first.  Thank you precious Lord for loving me enough to bless me with and entrust in me these little darlings.  I am forever grateful.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Duck Dynasty meets Bowtique

Last year around hunting season CR mentioned a new gun he really had his sights on (ha, catch that pun?).  I was confused because just a few years ago he purchased a new duck gun that he had really, really wanted and "would never need another duck gun again".  And so goes the story of a man and his guns.  Not too different from a woman and her shoes or purses, right?  

Well this gun was definitely out of our reach if we wanted to stay the course of Dave Ramsey style getting out of debt.  Or so he thought.  I began in January stashing money aside anytime Route One was paid in cash.  With the help of one of CR's hunting buddies (owner of South Texas Hunting Outfitters) I set out to find a decent used one.  Not as easy as it sounds.  As soon as a good deal would come up, it was gone before we could pick up the phone to call.  So I decided to bite the bullet (ha, I am on a roll) and help out a small business owner like myself and just buy new. 

With that being his present and it being such a big deal for us, I decided to throw in a surprise party to the mix.  Ha, why not?  But how in the world would I pull off a surprise party for the man that asks questions about everything?  And has to know everything about everything and then some?  Call it Kirby's party of course.  It worked out pretty well, I think.  I know that he had some suspicions the last few weeks because some friends and family aren't too slick with keeping things mum, but he was really surprised by the guests and the gift.  

Here are the details from the party ... I mainly want to share this because I had awesome people to work with.  I told them what I was planning, that I had to tie and daddy and daughter party together, and they went with it.  Beyond my expectations to say the least.  

Cake, cookies and cupcakes: Shannon Cantu
Party favors: Girls bows by Bow Necessities Boutique (my sister)  Boys had Duck Dynasty folders from Walmart
Food: Justin Bray with Tractor House BBQ (coming soon to Robstown but caters and wins cook offs)
Kirby's outfit: Shirt by G. Chic and tutu made by yours truly
Other: caramel popcorn, mini pecan pies, and Happy signs made by my awesome and talented momma.

 Each bow was unique in design.  The ribbon and bottle caps were each hand picked and made exclusively for the little girl guests.  

 The word cookies were all edible.  Everything was edible.  Shannon Cantu blew my mind.  

The cake - oh the cake.  6 different colors of icing...hand designed duck decoy cookies, leaves, vines ... again, she blew my mind with her creativity.  And the taste was amazing.  I allowed myself a tiny bite.  Or 3.

Kirby's bowtique and flower cupcakes.  Too cute how they tied together so well with CR's cake.

 For those of you that watch Duck Dynasty ... "I brought a casserole"!
The pulled pork was delicious.  And we had enough to feed a barn full!  If you come visit, plan on having some pulled pork sandwiches.  

Guests had their food set in these darling baskets that were lined with camo bandanas.  My intentions were for everyone to take the bandanas home as a souvenir, but everyone left them here.  They will come in handy for our next redneck party, because you know there will be one.  The baskets were lent to me by a friend and wedding client of mine.  Too sweet and generous.  
 I wanted to hold on to these 2 moments forever.  CR's best friends from college came from Austin and College Station just for him.  Meant the world to us that Kari and John made it a priority to be here.

I think Kirby was a little confused when we hollered "surprise" for her daddy.  She thought it was her party ... and it was ... she just shared.  I didn't tell her that it was his party too because have you ever met a 3 year old that could keep a secret?
 Moments for the cookie jar .....

 How many duck hunters does it take to put a shot gun together?

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for those of you that came and shared this special day for CR. It meant so much to him, I know.  My prayer from day 1 while planning this has been that the Lord would use the day to bring friends together to enjoy fellowship and fun, and that others would see the love of Jesus we have in our home.  For those that could not make it, we missed you.

"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19