
Monday, July 11, 2011

Trusting God

The book of Philippians is such an encouraging passage for Christians to rely on, especially with new or uncertain happenings. In 4:6 it says for us "not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God." This is a verse I know by heart but it is harder to live out than it is to repeat. I try to not be anxious because I know that to worry is to make Him less than God. Being a Christian is about having a relationship with the Almighty and what comes with all relationships? Trust. Why is it so easy for us to trust a friend with our child for a day out, a man with our heart for the rest of our lives, or the mail man with our bills, yet we have such a difficult time trusting the Lord with our lives? Don't we know that the God of all creation always looks out for us and has the best of intentions? I have prayed this verse over and over in my heart at least 50 times in the last 9 months. Once Kirby was born I changed my mind about going back to teaching and wanted to stay home. That was not an option with insurance junk and with out some financial planning, not having my salary would not work. CR and I prayed about it together and we knew in our hearts that some how it would work. I put in my letter of resignation with the district the day before Spring Break so that they could start early to find a replacement. I was able to train the new teacher and go over everything. I even gave her most of my school stuff. Hang tight, the coolest part is yet to come. Some asked why I was leaving so much and I let them know that "I feel the Lord has something different in store when I come back to teaching". I really want to teach elementary, and even if I do have to come back to high school I am sure the curriculum will change yet again. I saved all of "my creations". The last day we had students CR came to me with some awesome, God is so faithful, news. He is going to be partnering up with a farmer here in Bishop to farm all of his crops. This adds quite a bit more land, so now he is farming about double. God. Is. Always. Faithful to His promises. All along while I prayed I would feel the Holy Spirit lifting everything off of my shoulders. I never worried one bit that something would come up to take care of us. I just find it so neat how it happened just as one door was closing. If all things go as discussed, CR will be able to eventually buy out this other farmer. Farming is a tough ride all around. It is hard work and it is even harder to live on these days. I did not understand the slightest bit about all of this when we first moved down here. I still would say I do not understand it all, but I know that God is good. I know that He is blessing us because we are following His commands to "not be anxious" and to sit back, listen, and let go. The end of Philippians 4:9 says "-practice these things and the God of peace will be with you." just after telling us to think about "whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and commendable". The God of peace is alive and abundant and we are ever thankful. I am thankful that God gave me a man that leads his family according to His wisdom and not the worlds.

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