
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Eclectic Eleven and a Successful Saturday

I know I say this every time I do a "month older post", but where does the time go?  I have been home with Kirby for almost 2 months and it seems like just yesterday was the last day of school.  We are so busy together that the time just flies by.  She is (still) such a bright, sunshiny, happy little girl.  The last 2 days she has been a little on the fussy side because a tooth is trying to come through (being really stubborn and taking longer than the others), but she is still my easy going, happy-go-lucky Kirby.  I guess the name fits her spunky personality that she is coming into.  Everyday she cracks me up with something new.  Today it was her hand in the air next to her head as if to say, "What?"  Precious and I freeze framed time for a bit.  This last week my mom came down for a few days before she heads out to California to visit her mom (my Nanny).  Kirby enjoyed my mother's enthusiasm and a "notch higher than everyone else" voice.  I am not sure how she gets her voice that high, but man does Kirby love it.  She giggled more this past week than she ever has.  Grammy taught her how to be "so big" and that she had "ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and a chinny, chin, chin, chin, chin".  At one point Kirby even cried when mom went outside and left us for a moment.  I am glad she remembers and enjoys her so much.  Wish we could do that more often.   
I have decided to be more organized with my blogging thoughts.  There is so much I always want to say and then when I sit down my mind is going all over the place.  Now, I will have a specific something to write about each day to help me organize my thoughts.  Kind of like chapter titles in a book ... they help you to not go off on a tangent.  So here is the breakdown:
Moving Mondays (out and about), Tenacious Tuesdays (holding on to Kirby moments forever), Wordless Wednesdays (stole that from a friend), Thankful Thursdays (small or big things I/we are thankful for), Freedom Fridays (free to blog about whatever!), Successful Saturdays (success on what we have worked on throughout the week/day), and Sermon Sundays (reflections on Sunday school and Bill's sermons).
 Since today is Successful Saturday, we will talk about this week's milestones and successes.  Today I introduced Kirby to her very own bowl on her tray.  It has a suction cup on the bottom so she can not get it off.  She was quiet intrigued ...
 She loved getting her food out of her bowl all by herself.  Such a big girl. 
 She kept going back so fast I thought she was about to choke on her cheese. 
 And then when it was all gone she had to make sure it was all gone over and over again.  She couldn't believe there was an end to all that goodness!
 She can also stand at the windowsill all by herself.  This isn't necessarily something we have been working on, but I can't slow it down so I might as well embrace and encourage her.  We heard a tractor outside so we went to her bedroom window to see what it was.  She stood up on a pillow so she could see it all ...
 "Mom, do you see who I see?"
 Yep, it was Daddy Ray working on the water line.  Don't worry, we haven't been without water for the last year ... just without our own city water.  At 10:00 tonight, we are officially hooked up and CR is showering with our own city water.  Only 2 attempts, way to go team Lauren, Daddy-Ray, and Granny!
The other successful moment today was her monthly chair picture.  I knew it would be a chore to keep her from trying to get out of the seat by myself, so I got some props to help us out a bit.  I think she called a few people in the meantime, but our picture ...
 eventually ....
was successful!
And most importantly, God's key to success: "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;"  Romans 10:9

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