When Kirby sees this animal she excitedly starts going, "mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm" over and over and over. She doesn't get the "ooo" part out, but she definitely has the beginning and she knows what it belongs to. She has about 3 stuffed cows, and the whole while she is crawling to them she is mooing all over the house. She has a book that has cows, every page is "mmmmmm". When the cow pops up on her Baby Einstein video, she points and "mmmmms" the whole time. It is precious, precious. What is funny is that now even the dogs apparently "moo". Here on the funny farm, you just never know! We started working on the moo last week and she had it down pat by Tuesday.

We have been wanting to get a picture in the cotton for awhile now. We want to use it for our Christmas card this year and blow one up for my "P" wall (more on that another time). The bad thing about this burning desire is that CR works from sun up to way past sun down, so we have not had an opportunity at all. Since we got a slight rain early Saturday morning (nothing like they predicted by the way) CR was able to spend most of the day with us. We ceased the opportunity before his parents had to run to a wedding, so in the heat of the day and the sun shinning in all it's glory, we attempted a 3:00 photo shoot. Not a grand idea - no matter how hard you try, you can't not squint. Ray was a great photographer ... I loved how he asked me, "Lauren, are you sure you want your arm like a triangle?" Heck yes ... every photog has always told me hands on hip, butt out a little and it will make you look thinner. I've got grandma's playground going on with my arms right now, so triangle arm it is!

Kirby loved every minute of being in the cotton. Kitty and Ray got the twins a wagon a few years back so we got it out, cleaned it up, and put it in the field. She had a joy of a time.
Don't eat the cotton!
"He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much... " Luke 16:10
This verse is fitting for our weekend with Don fizzling out and tons of cotton still in the field. Our weatherman at church this morning told Bill, "I have NEVER seen a storm that was that built up do what it did." Bill said it was because of all the farmers in the church praying.
She's adorable!!! I love these pictures! Tell her it might look like cotton candy, but it's not going to taste like cotton candy!