
Monday, July 25, 2011

Moving Monday

Today was a much needed day for momma.  I love all my days with Kirby Rose, but I must say that it is such a blessing that my mother-in-law takes her about once a week so that I can run errands all over Corpus.  The first time I did this I did not think it would be that much different because, regardless if Kirby is with me or not, running around Corpus is just a big labor of love as it is.  My "stops" are spread out all over, so in and out of the car seat is not easy for precious.  Thankfully Kitty volunteered a few weeks ago to let me have a "mother's day out" of sorts.  After I was 1/2 way through my list the first time, I couldn't believe how much quicker everything was getting done!  All the while sweet baby girl was napping and playing at home.  Both happy campers!  Today on our way to Granny and Daddy Ray's house, we stopped to moo at the cows.
Kirby loves her cows and she doesn't quite have the "oo" part of "moo" down, she says "mmmm" so I like to think she knows what they say.   
Out and about was not too bad today.  Sam's (finally) was not busy at all!  I was in and out in no time.  I bought 2 boxes of formula in hopes that those would last me until she is done ... I am so hoping so.  If it is a few days short of her first birthday, what are your thoughts of going ahead and starting her on cow's milk?  Let me know experiences and suggestions!  I was blessed with happy, cheerful checkers everywhere I went today.  That was very encouraging because sometimes (more often that not) customer service people seem to lack just that and it irritates me.  That is your job!  On my way home I stopped to take CR a treat ... this is what he was doing when I drove up:
In case you are saying, "What am I looking at?", I will explain.  CR is in the cotton stripper on the left.  Yes, when people ask, "Where is CR?", I do say, "Stripping!"  Anyhow, the basket on the stripper is dumping the cotton into the bowl buggy.  The bowl buggy will then take the cotton over to the module builder that then packs it into large, rectangular bales to be taken to the cotton gin.  There you go, cotton stripping in a nut shell!
"And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." 
 Luke 10:2


  1. I need to come visit the farm. Last week when I dropped off the kids in Corpus, we were fascinated with the cotton and the big rectangle bundles. So my big question is what is the next crop?

  2. Possibly wheat in the winter ... not sure if we are doing that or not. I will check. BUT, let's for sure plan a visit next summer. I know y'all come to visit your family, so just plan one day to be a farm trip. They can both ride the picker or combine (whatever it is at the time) have lunch and dinner with us, then sleep all night from their hard days work!
