
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for so many things in this wonderful life the Lord has blessed me with.  Since I made Thursday Thankful Thursday, I am going to try to express my thankfulness for something different each time. 
Today the Lord has placed on my heart how thankful I am for my friends and family, both my side and the family I married.  I am not one that has many close friends, just one that I would consider closer that anyone else.  I think of her as my family.  She is so much like a sister to me, and we do not get to talk or see each other as much as we would like to.  When we do gab and meet up, though, it is like we never missed a beat.  This week I have been studying for our Sunday school lesson that we are teaching this week.  The verses are from Ecc. 4:9-12, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:  If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. "  I thought of Bethany when I read this verse.  She has always been there for me when I needed to talk, cry, laugh, or just sit.  I like to think that I have been there for her the same way.  We both moved to Montgomery the same year and God knew we had a life of friendship ahead of us.  Sometimes I imagine us like Thelma and Louise when we get older.  I love how when I hear her latest information and updates, it always makes me want to be a better person.  I look forward to us "growing up" together.  God calls us to make relationships while on Earth, and I am so thankfully for this relationship He gave me so long ago.  I am also thankful for my other friends, that may not be as close but are still so wonderful to have.  I benefit so much from their positivity, encouragement, enthusiasm, drive for life (always busy with God's purpose!!) ... their zeal for life is contagious.  I am thankful for the friends that the Lord has placed in my life here in South Texas.  When we moved far away from all of "my" friends, I did not think I would make it.  I am not good with meeting new people, although some find that hard to believe.  I sometimes have a hard time opening up all over again.  That is what our Sunday school lesson for the teenagers is all about this week, and it spoke to me in so many ways.  We are to let others in to our hurt and happiness, because it is better to go through it together than alone.  The Lord has blessed me with people here that it was just so natural to welcome into my life with open arms.  When I met Brigette, it was like we had been best friends for life.  Thank you Lord for the gift of friendship.
Family.  What would you do without them?  Mine lives too far away from me.  Yes, they live to far from me, not me too far from them.  I am so glad that God hand picks our family for us.  Growing up, and let's be honest sometimes even now, I thought "How in the world did I get placed in such a dysfunctional family?"  Every family has those moments, though.  God uses those moments to allow our relationship with Him to get deeper, as well as with our loved ones.  I enjoy sitting back and thinking about our different personality traits and how it is so obvious that God had His hand all over this.  He knew where to put strong people, weak ones, goofy ones, stubborn ones, etc.  The balance is incredible if you set back and take a deep look.  I love that I get to talk to one of them everyday.  I love that I usually have talked to all of them (immediate family anyways) within a weeks time ... I am working on ... want to talk to them all more often, even the cousins and family that I am not as close to due to our distance growing up.  Our family has been through quite a bit the last 6 years.  We lost 2 uncles and my grandfather, they had Ike, 4 weddings and 2 more grand babies (well, one is still in the womb).  From the outside looking in, we are not that close.  But I know we are all close.  I know how deep the love flows in between us all.  They may not show it or say it all the time, but it is there.  God is good and has blessed us in many ways with strong bonds.  I wish I could turn back time and visit with my grandma and aunt in California more.  My sister, mom, and Kyleigh are there now.  It just didn't work out right now with farming and Kirby to go along with them for an entire week.  I know my Grandma Quallen well and try to send her tidbits or cards when I can.  I need to be better at it, but I am working on this.  I need to let all them know how much they do mean to me, even though we are coasts apart.  This family God blessed you with is the only one you have; spoil it, build it, and love it as much as you can, not matter how "socially impaired" they may be.
The Patricks.  I.LOVE.THIS.CLAN.  My mother-in-law is a life saver, in more ways than one.  She watches Kirby at the drop of a hat.  She kept Kirby (no questions asked!) while I worked this past year.  She basically put her life on hold for 9 months to care for her.  She loved every minute of it, but I do not think she knows how much we appreciate her.  She wired our entire house so we could save the money on an electrician!  She knows how to fix anything ... she is an encyclopedia of knowledge and a river of love.  My father-in-law is a trip and a half.  I have so much fun with Ray.  In fact, the two of us just got back from sorting and pinning cows over at the cattle lease.  I know I can count on him for anything at any moment.  We can laugh for ten minutes over something seemingly simple.  Ray of sunshine in my life!
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

And of course I could not post without some pictures ... so thankful for this beautiful blessing:

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