
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tenacious Tuesday

The definition of tenacious is to cling or adhere to something (another substance).  I am clinging on to precious moments of Kirby Rose for as long as I possibly can.  A friend of mine who lost her daughter in a car wreck (when she was only about 28) told me to tell Kirby how much I love her every single day, even now when she may not seem to understand what I am saying.  She said, "You just never know Lauren."  The thought of loosing Kirby (or any loved one for that matter) is my biggest fear in life.  I know it happens all the time, and somehow God gives you the strength to move on.  I can not worry and ponder about such things though, because if I do then I will miss out on enjoying what is here in front of me. 
I love Kirby's little hands.  I have always loved any child's hands ... so sweet, soft, and pure.  They symbolize purity to me.  Clean, fresh skin that has yet to be battered by housework or the sun.  They have yet to get them into trouble (Oh be careful little hands what you do ...). 
I love how in this picture it looks like Kyleigh is showing her that she will one day have big hands like her.  That she (Kyleigh) will show her so many adventures and lead her.  I really need to get this one framed ... it just speaks to me in so many ways. 
A moment that I snapshot for my mind today was Kirby hugging her teddy bear.  She did not know I was even watching.  She was in the living room playing with all of her toys and I was putting away the dishes.  She was babbling away telling them all what she was thinking when it suddenly got quite.  I looked over the chair and she had found her bear.  She picked it up and just hugged it so tightly.  Then after about 5 seconds she said, "Awww".  I didn't even peep because I didn't want her to stop or think it was funny.  It was precious.  Snapshot. 
I love how she lays her head on my shoulder now when she gets sleepy.  She has always been that baby that was rarin and rolling to go until the moment you laid her down.  Sometimes even when we rock for a few minutes to settle down she is still just so excited to be in your presence.  Lately, though, she has started to show her sweet, soft side and just relax in my arms.  I love it.  I put my head on hers and squeeze as tight as I can.  Thank you Jesus for this precious moment.  Snapshot. 
The last moment from today that I just loved was her sharing/listening.  I often wonder how well of a sharer she will be since she is the only child right now.  She plays so well by herself, but sometimes just to make sure she knows about sharing I get down on the floor and ask if I can have what she has, if I can see that over there, etc.  Most of the time I don't think she understands what I am saying but I still take it and say, "oh thank you for letting me play, too."  Today she was playing by herself in her room as I was folding clothes on the couch.  I looked over at her every once in awhile and I noticed she was holding up something black.  I said, "Oh Kirby, what is it?"  She pulled it back to her face and was really inspecting it (so cute and inquisitive).  Then I realized it was a feather.  I said, "Oh, it's a feather, can I have the feather please?"  She held it back out in front of her until I came over and got it.  Snapshot.

Deuteronomy 4:9a "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them sup from your heart as long as you live."

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