
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Motherhood Is a Calling (And Where Your Children Rank)

Motherhood Is a Calling (And Where Your Children Rank)

I loved this article. You really should read it whether or not you are a mother. I have felt exactly the way she has, even with only one child. Especially when I decided to be a SAHM. You should have seen the looks that I got from some of the people I told. You should have heard what some of the people said. They definitely like to share their opinion, whether they think you would like it or not. "What in the world are you going to do all day? You are going to get so bored and come running back to school!" Um, no. Not unless finances end up requiring it. And I believe the Lord is taking care of us, so um, no.

1 comment:

  1. So there and that is your story. Well, it is HS story right. God wants you to a home mom. Yes He will take care of you all. Thank you Jesus for that. Love your post. Loe the new background too. talk soon, momma
