My last post was Father's day! As you can see, this news even shocked Kirby! During the day I think of all of these great things I am going to write about and now that I have time to actually sit down and type, the creative words are vamoose. Now that we have Internet in our house (!!!!) I will be able to post more regularly ... like when I have an aha writer's moment. For now it is all going to be about Kirby. Maybe tomorrow I can get in-depth and all philosophical for "Our next chapter"; stay tuned. Kirby is now 10 1/2 months. How ... do not ask this gal. I am so blessed to get to be home with her at this point in her life. Yes, I was sad to have missed so much of her daily happenings months 2-9, but this past month and half has made up for all of that in my mind. Daily she is doing new things that crack me up and amaze me. They don't amaze me in a way that I say, "oh my gosh my child is the next Dougie Houser", but I am in such awe every night as I lay my head on the pillow about the awesomeness of God. How can people deny that God created us? Kirby discovers new things (lately the different fluctuations in her voice and facial expressions) that only God could have made. I am daily reminded of God's love and grace for us. I also see His mercy through the "mercy" we as parents give to our children. Of course there is not even a comparison and the depth of His mercy for us versus ours, it is just something that comes to my mind through our daily adventures. Here are some pictures of our recent happenings around Patrick Farms. Like I said, stay tuned for some better gab!

My attempt at getting a staged 4th of July picture.

She loves to read books. Her favorite book is the one that Kyleigh gave to her that grandpa use to read to Kyleigh just about every night. It is called
Where is Baby? She just started saying baby this week ... wonder if there is any correlation.

This is one of her new facial expressions that I can not get enough of!

Checking out her new car seat ...

and in her new car seat! I say she likes it!
Kirby is so pretty, and we love that car seat, too :)