Monday, Monday. This morning when I woke up I heard thundering in a distance and just prayed that when I opened my eyes it would actually be pouring down right outside our window. Not the case. I just wanted it to be one of those lazy days today around here. It wasn't, but that was just fine because Kirby was up, chatting in her bed, and ready to roll. We had our usual walks and then she fell asleep on the way home. That never happens! Like I said, it needed to be a lazy day around here! This post is all about Kirby (what's new) but I am going to have a separate post about life on the farm these days. Lots of changes are about to take place, and we need as many prayers of support and encouragement as possible!
You may think that the picture below is all about Kirby and her adorableness (word?), but it isn't. I would like you to look into the floor ... yes, that is her reflection. CR pointed out that our floor was so clean that you could see her reflection. Thank you SAHM (stay at home mom) career!
Well, it has happened. Kirby has discovered how to ham it up when the camera comes out. This was her expression as soon as she noticed what I was doing:
And then I wanted to capture her pulling herself up on the giant paper towels she entertains herself with while I put dishes away:
While I was getting dinner ready Kirby was all over the house in her walker. I heard that she had stopped and was talking away. I came over to see what she was talking to:
That is Nathan, my best friend Bethany's little boy. Nathan and Kirby are almost 3 months a part. We get them together when we can, but not as much as we would like. She must remember him, though, because she had to have his picture. This is what she did when I handed it to her:
This weekend we started working on her giving kisses to her animals and us. After she actually gives kisses we always clap, so I guess she thought she deserved a round of applause:
CR was the least bit amused by her kissing Nathan's picture. Oh protective dads! Here are some more kisses I saw her giving out today:
Her baby doll
and then she had to add her cow in there as well. She is so much fun and yes, hard to keep up with. She is such a joy in our lives and I can not remember life before her. What is sleeping in? What is picking up and going on a whim? What is sleeping through the night without waking up just once to go peek in on the sleeping beauty? Who cares!
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
You may think that the picture below is all about Kirby and her adorableness (word?), but it isn't. I would like you to look into the floor ... yes, that is her reflection. CR pointed out that our floor was so clean that you could see her reflection. Thank you SAHM (stay at home mom) career!
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
Oh my gosh, how sweet!!!!
ReplyDeleteShe kind of uses her teeth right now when she kisses, so let's hope she doesn't actually try to do this when she sees him next time! :)