- Submit your entire self to God. All areas of your life. This is where I held back for a long time. Some of you may know that I battled self image weight issues when I was in high school, which poured over into my college and even the beginning of my marriage. I was involved in FCA, went to church, leader in the youth group, attempted to sing at church with mom, did daily quiet times, memorized (some) scriptures, and tried hard to avoid peer pressure. The one thing I wanted control over was my weight. It started out innocent and loosing a few pounds of baby weight that needed to go. Then it led to a little more running and a little less eating. Then a lot more running and a lot less eating. This was what they call anorexia. I started to get depressed and isolate myself. My grades started slipping and I fell out of touch with many of my friends. Then I decided to try eating a little more because I knew I looked horrible. Well, that just led to a battle with bulimia until I was married. I fought for years with the Lord and my weight issues and wanting to be in control. The whole time I had trouble with many aspects of my life. After we were married it was just watching closely to what I ate and running every single day no matter what. One day the Holy Spirit really got a hold of me during quite time and said, "Lauren, let go of the weight issue! I am in control." So I did. Just like that. Don't get me wrong, I still battle with eating healthy because that is what I taught myself to do for 10 years. I think it is important, too, to be active and be self controlled when it comes to eating. But I do not stress out like I use to. I have finally come to terms with, "As long as I feel good, I feel alive, and I am healthy, it doesn't matter." I think I will always love to run, but I try to balance that with life and not make life all about running anymore. Once I did that, many things in our life came together and the best part is that I am at peace with the Lord and what He says. When you submit to the Lord, you must refuse sin. Fight it with every being of your heart. Do not give in to the devil who is very much real!
- Cleanse your hands and your heart. Again, submit your hands and heart to the Lord. If there is ANY sin in your life that is keeping distance between you and the Lord, deal with it. So much of above came to the forefront of my mind when he said this. Me being in "control" was really holding me back from being fully His. A verse that came to mind was Ps. 139:23. I memorized it when I was in college and it says, "Search me o' God and know my heart, try me and know my anxieties..." This is my daily prayer. He knows our hearts and our hands reflect what is in our hearts. What are your hands showing?
- Get humble before the Lord. Submit! This spoke volumes to me. Bill said, "Be a little servant of an illustrious Master." Amen. Humble yourself. If God is calling you somewhere, follow. If He is telling you to do something, do. If He is telling you to cry out to Him for help, lean on Him. "When you get on your knees before the Master, it is the only way you will get on your feet."
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sermon Sunday: Submission
I bet the guys out there that read this (if there are any!!) got excited when they saw the title of today's blog. Usually when I hear the word submit in terms of the Bible I think of the wives duty to the husband. Not today men, simmer down! We need a national revival. In order for that to happen, though, we must each have a revival in our own lives. This has been ever present in my daily quite times with a book called, "Fresh Encounter". River Hills did this study as a church on Sunday nights last fall, but with a newborn and going back to teaching it was just too much for me to go through (what an excuse!). So I decided to pick up my copy from the library and do it on my own this summer. It has been a great spiritual awakening for me. There are so many aspects of my life and what I see in my family that I wish I could change, and I have realized that in order for any change to come about in my family, I must be right with the Lord and my own walk before I can expect any reformation elsewhere. This morning in Bill's message, the Holy Spirit put that on my heart again. Last week we talked about worldliness and how it is ever present in this world. You can not get away from it no matter how hard you try. Well, I guess if you hid under your covers or a random rock you might. There are 3 things that you must do in your life as a Christian to have "the cure".
Successfull Saturday: Moo cow and cotton
Kirby loved every minute of being in the cotton. Kitty and Ray got the twins a wagon a few years back so we got it out, cleaned it up, and put it in the field. She had a joy of a time.
Don't eat the cotton!
"He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much... " Luke 16:10
This verse is fitting for our weekend with Don fizzling out and tons of cotton still in the field. Our weatherman at church this morning told Bill, "I have NEVER seen a storm that was that built up do what it did." Bill said it was because of all the farmers in the church praying.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Freedom Friday
I am trying to organize our house in every aspect that can possibly be organized. The third word in that sentence is the key. I have started and completed the pantry, the "office", the kitchen gadgets drawer, and the pots/pans cabinets. All in two weeks. Yes, all of that took 2 whole weeks. I did start our closet in that mix, but have not finished yet. I do the closet at night and I stopped when I didn't know what to do with CR's 23 jackets. You heard me right, 23 jackets. No, we have not moved to North Dakota. We still live in South Texas, where as we speak it is 94 degrees outside at 9:30. I counted; he has more jackets/pullovers than he does tshirts. Is there something wrong with this picture? He said, "It's so I have one jacket for every day it is cold here." "I am just a jacket guy." "I won those when I was showing pigs, I can't just decide to get rid of one and not the other, or those and not these ... they all have a story." That story takes up his entire lower part of the closet. Usually the girl has more stuff than the guy in the closet, right? Not in our case ... his baseballs and gloves pour over onto my shelves. Oh my Cecil. My goal for this next week is to finish the master closet, get to the guest closets, and then move/donate whatever I deem not allowed in the closets anymore. When you are the CEO of the house, that is what you get to do.
With all of that in mind, please share with me your organizing and house cleaning ideas that make it work for you. We are the kind of people that everything needs a place, otherwise it does not end up good. We tend to make piles and then piles on top of those piles. What makes cleaning up fast and easy for you? I have been picking up and putting away the bulk of what Kirby and I do throughout the day, and then after she goes down at night I clean everything. That is what works now with CR in the field till forever into the night, but once he gets home I do not want to constantly be cleaning when we can spend time together. With little ones, what are your suggestions for cleaning? On that note, what do you clean your floors with? I use Swiffers and a steam cleaner right now, but I have started to second guess the Swiffer. I remember an email a few years ago about Swiffers being deadly to dogs that lick the floor; what can they do to my daughter who crawls then eats her hands all day?
“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established.”
Proverbs 24:3
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for so many things in this wonderful life the Lord has blessed me with. Since I made Thursday Thankful Thursday, I am going to try to express my thankfulness for something different each time.
Today the Lord has placed on my heart how thankful I am for my friends and family, both my side and the family I married. I am not one that has many close friends, just one that I would consider closer that anyone else. I think of her as my family. She is so much like a sister to me, and we do not get to talk or see each other as much as we would like to. When we do gab and meet up, though, it is like we never missed a beat. This week I have been studying for our Sunday school lesson that we are teaching this week. The verses are from Ecc. 4:9-12, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. " I thought of Bethany when I read this verse. She has always been there for me when I needed to talk, cry, laugh, or just sit. I like to think that I have been there for her the same way. We both moved to Montgomery the same year and God knew we had a life of friendship ahead of us. Sometimes I imagine us like Thelma and Louise when we get older. I love how when I hear her latest information and updates, it always makes me want to be a better person. I look forward to us "growing up" together. God calls us to make relationships while on Earth, and I am so thankfully for this relationship He gave me so long ago. I am also thankful for my other friends, that may not be as close but are still so wonderful to have. I benefit so much from their positivity, encouragement, enthusiasm, drive for life (always busy with God's purpose!!) ... their zeal for life is contagious. I am thankful for the friends that the Lord has placed in my life here in South Texas. When we moved far away from all of "my" friends, I did not think I would make it. I am not good with meeting new people, although some find that hard to believe. I sometimes have a hard time opening up all over again. That is what our Sunday school lesson for the teenagers is all about this week, and it spoke to me in so many ways. We are to let others in to our hurt and happiness, because it is better to go through it together than alone. The Lord has blessed me with people here that it was just so natural to welcome into my life with open arms. When I met Brigette, it was like we had been best friends for life. Thank you Lord for the gift of friendship.
Family. What would you do without them? Mine lives too far away from me. Yes, they live to far from me, not me too far from them. I am so glad that God hand picks our family for us. Growing up, and let's be honest sometimes even now, I thought "How in the world did I get placed in such a dysfunctional family?" Every family has those moments, though. God uses those moments to allow our relationship with Him to get deeper, as well as with our loved ones. I enjoy sitting back and thinking about our different personality traits and how it is so obvious that God had His hand all over this. He knew where to put strong people, weak ones, goofy ones, stubborn ones, etc. The balance is incredible if you set back and take a deep look. I love that I get to talk to one of them everyday. I love that I usually have talked to all of them (immediate family anyways) within a weeks time ... I am working on ... want to talk to them all more often, even the cousins and family that I am not as close to due to our distance growing up. Our family has been through quite a bit the last 6 years. We lost 2 uncles and my grandfather, they had Ike, 4 weddings and 2 more grand babies (well, one is still in the womb). From the outside looking in, we are not that close. But I know we are all close. I know how deep the love flows in between us all. They may not show it or say it all the time, but it is there. God is good and has blessed us in many ways with strong bonds. I wish I could turn back time and visit with my grandma and aunt in California more. My sister, mom, and Kyleigh are there now. It just didn't work out right now with farming and Kirby to go along with them for an entire week. I know my Grandma Quallen well and try to send her tidbits or cards when I can. I need to be better at it, but I am working on this. I need to let all them know how much they do mean to me, even though we are coasts apart. This family God blessed you with is the only one you have; spoil it, build it, and love it as much as you can, not matter how "socially impaired" they may be.
The Patricks. I.LOVE.THIS.CLAN. My mother-in-law is a life saver, in more ways than one. She watches Kirby at the drop of a hat. She kept Kirby (no questions asked!) while I worked this past year. She basically put her life on hold for 9 months to care for her. She loved every minute of it, but I do not think she knows how much we appreciate her. She wired our entire house so we could save the money on an electrician! She knows how to fix anything ... she is an encyclopedia of knowledge and a river of love. My father-in-law is a trip and a half. I have so much fun with Ray. In fact, the two of us just got back from sorting and pinning cows over at the cattle lease. I know I can count on him for anything at any moment. We can laugh for ten minutes over something seemingly simple. Ray of sunshine in my life!
Today the Lord has placed on my heart how thankful I am for my friends and family, both my side and the family I married. I am not one that has many close friends, just one that I would consider closer that anyone else. I think of her as my family. She is so much like a sister to me, and we do not get to talk or see each other as much as we would like to. When we do gab and meet up, though, it is like we never missed a beat. This week I have been studying for our Sunday school lesson that we are teaching this week. The verses are from Ecc. 4:9-12, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. " I thought of Bethany when I read this verse. She has always been there for me when I needed to talk, cry, laugh, or just sit. I like to think that I have been there for her the same way. We both moved to Montgomery the same year and God knew we had a life of friendship ahead of us. Sometimes I imagine us like Thelma and Louise when we get older. I love how when I hear her latest information and updates, it always makes me want to be a better person. I look forward to us "growing up" together. God calls us to make relationships while on Earth, and I am so thankfully for this relationship He gave me so long ago. I am also thankful for my other friends, that may not be as close but are still so wonderful to have. I benefit so much from their positivity, encouragement, enthusiasm, drive for life (always busy with God's purpose!!) ... their zeal for life is contagious. I am thankful for the friends that the Lord has placed in my life here in South Texas. When we moved far away from all of "my" friends, I did not think I would make it. I am not good with meeting new people, although some find that hard to believe. I sometimes have a hard time opening up all over again. That is what our Sunday school lesson for the teenagers is all about this week, and it spoke to me in so many ways. We are to let others in to our hurt and happiness, because it is better to go through it together than alone. The Lord has blessed me with people here that it was just so natural to welcome into my life with open arms. When I met Brigette, it was like we had been best friends for life. Thank you Lord for the gift of friendship.
Family. What would you do without them? Mine lives too far away from me. Yes, they live to far from me, not me too far from them. I am so glad that God hand picks our family for us. Growing up, and let's be honest sometimes even now, I thought "How in the world did I get placed in such a dysfunctional family?" Every family has those moments, though. God uses those moments to allow our relationship with Him to get deeper, as well as with our loved ones. I enjoy sitting back and thinking about our different personality traits and how it is so obvious that God had His hand all over this. He knew where to put strong people, weak ones, goofy ones, stubborn ones, etc. The balance is incredible if you set back and take a deep look. I love that I get to talk to one of them everyday. I love that I usually have talked to all of them (immediate family anyways) within a weeks time ... I am working on ... want to talk to them all more often, even the cousins and family that I am not as close to due to our distance growing up. Our family has been through quite a bit the last 6 years. We lost 2 uncles and my grandfather, they had Ike, 4 weddings and 2 more grand babies (well, one is still in the womb). From the outside looking in, we are not that close. But I know we are all close. I know how deep the love flows in between us all. They may not show it or say it all the time, but it is there. God is good and has blessed us in many ways with strong bonds. I wish I could turn back time and visit with my grandma and aunt in California more. My sister, mom, and Kyleigh are there now. It just didn't work out right now with farming and Kirby to go along with them for an entire week. I know my Grandma Quallen well and try to send her tidbits or cards when I can. I need to be better at it, but I am working on this. I need to let all them know how much they do mean to me, even though we are coasts apart. This family God blessed you with is the only one you have; spoil it, build it, and love it as much as you can, not matter how "socially impaired" they may be.
The Patricks. I.LOVE.THIS.CLAN. My mother-in-law is a life saver, in more ways than one. She watches Kirby at the drop of a hat. She kept Kirby (no questions asked!) while I worked this past year. She basically put her life on hold for 9 months to care for her. She loved every minute of it, but I do not think she knows how much we appreciate her. She wired our entire house so we could save the money on an electrician! She knows how to fix anything ... she is an encyclopedia of knowledge and a river of love. My father-in-law is a trip and a half. I have so much fun with Ray. In fact, the two of us just got back from sorting and pinning cows over at the cattle lease. I know I can count on him for anything at any moment. We can laugh for ten minutes over something seemingly simple. Ray of sunshine in my life!
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2
And of course I could not post without some pictures ... so thankful for this beautiful blessing:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tenacious Tuesday
The definition of tenacious is to cling or adhere to something (another substance). I am clinging on to precious moments of Kirby Rose for as long as I possibly can. A friend of mine who lost her daughter in a car wreck (when she was only about 28) told me to tell Kirby how much I love her every single day, even now when she may not seem to understand what I am saying. She said, "You just never know Lauren." The thought of loosing Kirby (or any loved one for that matter) is my biggest fear in life. I know it happens all the time, and somehow God gives you the strength to move on. I can not worry and ponder about such things though, because if I do then I will miss out on enjoying what is here in front of me.
I love Kirby's little hands. I have always loved any child's hands ... so sweet, soft, and pure. They symbolize purity to me. Clean, fresh skin that has yet to be battered by housework or the sun. They have yet to get them into trouble (Oh be careful little hands what you do ...).
I love how in this picture it looks like Kyleigh is showing her that she will one day have big hands like her. That she (Kyleigh) will show her so many adventures and lead her. I really need to get this one framed ... it just speaks to me in so many ways. A moment that I snapshot for my mind today was Kirby hugging her teddy bear. She did not know I was even watching. She was in the living room playing with all of her toys and I was putting away the dishes. She was babbling away telling them all what she was thinking when it suddenly got quite. I looked over the chair and she had found her bear. She picked it up and just hugged it so tightly. Then after about 5 seconds she said, "Awww". I didn't even peep because I didn't want her to stop or think it was funny. It was precious. Snapshot.
I love how she lays her head on my shoulder now when she gets sleepy. She has always been that baby that was rarin and rolling to go until the moment you laid her down. Sometimes even when we rock for a few minutes to settle down she is still just so excited to be in your presence. Lately, though, she has started to show her sweet, soft side and just relax in my arms. I love it. I put my head on hers and squeeze as tight as I can. Thank you Jesus for this precious moment. Snapshot.
The last moment from today that I just loved was her sharing/listening. I often wonder how well of a sharer she will be since she is the only child right now. She plays so well by herself, but sometimes just to make sure she knows about sharing I get down on the floor and ask if I can have what she has, if I can see that over there, etc. Most of the time I don't think she understands what I am saying but I still take it and say, "oh thank you for letting me play, too." Today she was playing by herself in her room as I was folding clothes on the couch. I looked over at her every once in awhile and I noticed she was holding up something black. I said, "Oh Kirby, what is it?" She pulled it back to her face and was really inspecting it (so cute and inquisitive). Then I realized it was a feather. I said, "Oh, it's a feather, can I have the feather please?" She held it back out in front of her until I came over and got it. Snapshot.
Deuteronomy 4:9a "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them sup from your heart as long as you live."
Monday, July 25, 2011
Moving Monday
Today was a much needed day for momma. I love all my days with Kirby Rose, but I must say that it is such a blessing that my mother-in-law takes her about once a week so that I can run errands all over Corpus. The first time I did this I did not think it would be that much different because, regardless if Kirby is with me or not, running around Corpus is just a big labor of love as it is. My "stops" are spread out all over, so in and out of the car seat is not easy for precious. Thankfully Kitty volunteered a few weeks ago to let me have a "mother's day out" of sorts. After I was 1/2 way through my list the first time, I couldn't believe how much quicker everything was getting done! All the while sweet baby girl was napping and playing at home. Both happy campers! Today on our way to Granny and Daddy Ray's house, we stopped to moo at the cows.
In case you are saying, "What am I looking at?", I will explain. CR is in the cotton stripper on the left. Yes, when people ask, "Where is CR?", I do say, "Stripping!" Anyhow, the basket on the stripper is dumping the cotton into the bowl buggy. The bowl buggy will then take the cotton over to the module builder that then packs it into large, rectangular bales to be taken to the cotton gin. There you go, cotton stripping in a nut shell!
Kirby loves her cows and she doesn't quite have the "oo" part of "moo" down, she says "mmmm" so I like to think she knows what they say.
Out and about was not too bad today. Sam's (finally) was not busy at all! I was in and out in no time. I bought 2 boxes of formula in hopes that those would last me until she is done ... I am so hoping so. If it is a few days short of her first birthday, what are your thoughts of going ahead and starting her on cow's milk? Let me know experiences and suggestions! I was blessed with happy, cheerful checkers everywhere I went today. That was very encouraging because sometimes (more often that not) customer service people seem to lack just that and it irritates me. That is your job! On my way home I stopped to take CR a treat ... this is what he was doing when I drove up:
"And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Luke 10:2
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sermon Sunday: Worldliness
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- God can and will take away the thing or even person that is coming between you and Him. (This is if you are a believer ... if not, then there is no discipline just judgement ... you want discipline!)
- When you are worldly and love the things in this temporal world, pride over takes you. (Did you say to the above, "Ugh, I don't ever put anything before God!")
- As a sheep, we have the choice to get out of the hog pen that we get ourselves into and we better get out ... or we are going to get dirty and it will take a long time to get clean! Get out fast before bad habits form ... if you are flirting ... stop!
- As Christians, we are not to judge, this is true. BUT ... as Matthew 7:17-18 says, we are known by our fruit. So, we are to be fruit inspectors and when we see bad fruit, call them on it. Bro Bill's dad used to tell him this! Loved it!!!
And now the question that you really need to ask yourself: If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We need to be "more concerned with winning souls to Christ" then about what is going on with our friend's friend who had that accident the other day that also had that baby with that man that she no longer sees who is dating my other friend's friend... ouch. I will leave you with this statistic from a recent survey .... 95% of "Christians" have never helped win a soul to Christ.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Eclectic Eleven and a Successful Saturday
I know I say this every time I do a "month older post", but where does the time go? I have been home with Kirby for almost 2 months and it seems like just yesterday was the last day of school. We are so busy together that the time just flies by. She is (still) such a bright, sunshiny, happy little girl. The last 2 days she has been a little on the fussy side because a tooth is trying to come through (being really stubborn and taking longer than the others), but she is still my easy going, happy-go-lucky Kirby. I guess the name fits her spunky personality that she is coming into. Everyday she cracks me up with something new. Today it was her hand in the air next to her head as if to say, "What?" Precious and I freeze framed time for a bit. This last week my mom came down for a few days before she heads out to California to visit her mom (my Nanny). Kirby enjoyed my mother's enthusiasm and a "notch higher than everyone else" voice. I am not sure how she gets her voice that high, but man does Kirby love it. She giggled more this past week than she ever has. Grammy taught her how to be "so big" and that she had "ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and a chinny, chin, chin, chin, chin". At one point Kirby even cried when mom went outside and left us for a moment. I am glad she remembers and enjoys her so much. Wish we could do that more often.
I have decided to be more organized with my blogging thoughts. There is so much I always want to say and then when I sit down my mind is going all over the place. Now, I will have a specific something to write about each day to help me organize my thoughts. Kind of like chapter titles in a book ... they help you to not go off on a tangent. So here is the breakdown:Moving Mondays (out and about), Tenacious Tuesdays (holding on to Kirby moments forever), Wordless Wednesdays (stole that from a friend), Thankful Thursdays (small or big things I/we are thankful for), Freedom Fridays (free to blog about whatever!), Successful Saturdays (success on what we have worked on throughout the week/day), and Sermon Sundays (reflections on Sunday school and Bill's sermons).
Since today is Successful Saturday, we will talk about this week's milestones and successes. Today I introduced Kirby to her very own bowl on her tray. It has a suction cup on the bottom so she can not get it off. She was quiet intrigued ...
She loved getting her food out of her bowl all by herself. Such a big girl.
She kept going back so fast I thought she was about to choke on her cheese.
And then when it was all gone she had to make sure it was all gone over and over again. She couldn't believe there was an end to all that goodness!
She can also stand at the windowsill all by herself. This isn't necessarily something we have been working on, but I can't slow it down so I might as well embrace and encourage her. We heard a tractor outside so we went to her bedroom window to see what it was. She stood up on a pillow so she could see it all ...
"Mom, do you see who I see?"
Yep, it was Daddy Ray working on the water line. Don't worry, we haven't been without water for the last year ... just without our own city water. At 10:00 tonight, we are officially hooked up and CR is showering with our own city water. Only 2 attempts, way to go team Lauren, Daddy-Ray, and Granny!The other successful moment today was her monthly chair picture. I knew it would be a chore to keep her from trying to get out of the seat by myself, so I got some props to help us out a bit. I think she called a few people in the meantime, but our picture ...
eventually ....
was successful!
And most importantly, God's key to success: "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;" Romans 10:9
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Motherhood Is a Calling (And Where Your Children Rank)
Motherhood Is a Calling (And Where Your Children Rank)
I loved this article. You really should read it whether or not you are a mother. I have felt exactly the way she has, even with only one child. Especially when I decided to be a SAHM. You should have seen the looks that I got from some of the people I told. You should have heard what some of the people said. They definitely like to share their opinion, whether they think you would like it or not. "What in the world are you going to do all day? You are going to get so bored and come running back to school!" Um, no. Not unless finances end up requiring it. And I believe the Lord is taking care of us, so um, no.
I loved this article. You really should read it whether or not you are a mother. I have felt exactly the way she has, even with only one child. Especially when I decided to be a SAHM. You should have seen the looks that I got from some of the people I told. You should have heard what some of the people said. They definitely like to share their opinion, whether they think you would like it or not. "What in the world are you going to do all day? You are going to get so bored and come running back to school!" Um, no. Not unless finances end up requiring it. And I believe the Lord is taking care of us, so um, no.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Trusting God
The book of Philippians is such an encouraging passage for Christians to rely on, especially with new or uncertain happenings. In 4:6 it says for us "not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God." This is a verse I know by heart but it is harder to live out than it is to repeat. I try to not be anxious because I know that to worry is to make Him less than God. Being a Christian is about having a relationship with the Almighty and what comes with all relationships? Trust. Why is it so easy for us to trust a friend with our child for a day out, a man with our heart for the rest of our lives, or the mail man with our bills, yet we have such a difficult time trusting the Lord with our lives? Don't we know that the God of all creation always looks out for us and has the best of intentions? I have prayed this verse over and over in my heart at least 50 times in the last 9 months. Once Kirby was born I changed my mind about going back to teaching and wanted to stay home. That was not an option with insurance junk and with out some financial planning, not having my salary would not work. CR and I prayed about it together and we knew in our hearts that some how it would work. I put in my letter of resignation with the district the day before Spring Break so that they could start early to find a replacement. I was able to train the new teacher and go over everything. I even gave her most of my school stuff. Hang tight, the coolest part is yet to come. Some asked why I was leaving so much and I let them know that "I feel the Lord has something different in store when I come back to teaching". I really want to teach elementary, and even if I do have to come back to high school I am sure the curriculum will change yet again. I saved all of "my creations". The last day we had students CR came to me with some awesome, God is so faithful, news. He is going to be partnering up with a farmer here in Bishop to farm all of his crops. This adds quite a bit more land, so now he is farming about double. God. Is. Always. Faithful to His promises. All along while I prayed I would feel the Holy Spirit lifting everything off of my shoulders. I never worried one bit that something would come up to take care of us. I just find it so neat how it happened just as one door was closing. If all things go as discussed, CR will be able to eventually buy out this other farmer. Farming is a tough ride all around. It is hard work and it is even harder to live on these days. I did not understand the slightest bit about all of this when we first moved down here. I still would say I do not understand it all, but I know that God is good. I know that He is blessing us because we are following His commands to "not be anxious" and to sit back, listen, and let go. The end of Philippians 4:9 says "-practice these things and the God of peace will be with you." just after telling us to think about "whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and commendable". The God of peace is alive and abundant and we are ever thankful. I am thankful that God gave me a man that leads his family according to His wisdom and not the worlds.
Kirby Kisses
Monday, Monday. This morning when I woke up I heard thundering in a distance and just prayed that when I opened my eyes it would actually be pouring down right outside our window. Not the case. I just wanted it to be one of those lazy days today around here. It wasn't, but that was just fine because Kirby was up, chatting in her bed, and ready to roll. We had our usual walks and then she fell asleep on the way home. That never happens! Like I said, it needed to be a lazy day around here! This post is all about Kirby (what's new) but I am going to have a separate post about life on the farm these days. Lots of changes are about to take place, and we need as many prayers of support and encouragement as possible!
You may think that the picture below is all about Kirby and her adorableness (word?), but it isn't. I would like you to look into the floor ... yes, that is her reflection. CR pointed out that our floor was so clean that you could see her reflection. Thank you SAHM (stay at home mom) career!
Well, it has happened. Kirby has discovered how to ham it up when the camera comes out. This was her expression as soon as she noticed what I was doing:
And then I wanted to capture her pulling herself up on the giant paper towels she entertains herself with while I put dishes away:
While I was getting dinner ready Kirby was all over the house in her walker. I heard that she had stopped and was talking away. I came over to see what she was talking to:
That is Nathan, my best friend Bethany's little boy. Nathan and Kirby are almost 3 months a part. We get them together when we can, but not as much as we would like. She must remember him, though, because she had to have his picture. This is what she did when I handed it to her:
This weekend we started working on her giving kisses to her animals and us. After she actually gives kisses we always clap, so I guess she thought she deserved a round of applause:
CR was the least bit amused by her kissing Nathan's picture. Oh protective dads! Here are some more kisses I saw her giving out today:
Her baby doll
and then she had to add her cow in there as well. She is so much fun and yes, hard to keep up with. She is such a joy in our lives and I can not remember life before her. What is sleeping in? What is picking up and going on a whim? What is sleeping through the night without waking up just once to go peek in on the sleeping beauty? Who cares!
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
You may think that the picture below is all about Kirby and her adorableness (word?), but it isn't. I would like you to look into the floor ... yes, that is her reflection. CR pointed out that our floor was so clean that you could see her reflection. Thank you SAHM (stay at home mom) career!
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
Friday, July 8, 2011
It's been awhile!
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