Kirby Updates
She is such a joy in our life. I know I use that word joy so much to describe her, but that is the word that always comes to mind when I think of Kirby. Funny story, Joy was on my list of girl names that I liked. She is always so happy, that she is joyful. Her laugh is always addicting. Her smile is contagious. Her pierce blue eyes show me the joy in her heart. I am ever thankful. She is still not walking on her own, but trying hard. She actually doesn't seem to mind that she uses the table or whatever you can hold on to. She loves to crawl because she can go so fast. She puts her head down when she wants to go really, really fast, and the other day she ran right into her chair on Granny's when she did that. She just stopped, then started after it again. She talks all the time. She clearly says, "hello" when someone opens the door and it just cracks us up. This morning she was playing by herself while I was getting ready. When she realized she was there all alone, she let out a loud "hello". I said from my bathroom, "hello Kirby" and she came trampling in to find me. Too cute. She "quacks" at ducks and "clucks", but not necessarily for chickens. She still "moos" at cows and anything that resembles the bovine form (deer, dogs, pigs). She likes riding in the car seat in Daddy's truck because it is turned forward so she can see the world! She is very outgoing and friendly like her parents. She wants everyone we meet to hold her. She wants to keep up with what is going on all around her. She already has a zeal for life that I pray she uses for God's glory always. Another new thing is screeching when someone is trying to get her. I am pretty sure she gets this from me. Anytime CR comes over to tickle me or my dad comes to get Kirby's belly, I always go "ahhhhhh" in a high pitched voice. Now she does the exact.same.thing. It is so funny.
I love her feet. Unfortunately, she has her mother's toes and feet. By that I mean round. Really round. So round that shoes that do not have adjustable straps by the toes do not go on her feet. I crammed some on her the other day and a big ol' fat roll was coming out over the top and she was very uncomfortable. We took them off. HEB black foot it is ...
It's that time of year again! Our first set of little piggies came to the farm on Monday. Tuesday morning we had to go check them out.
Kirby was not real sure what to think of them at first.
But then she started to talk to them when Daddy came over to explain.
But here are her best friends. They run up to see her on our walk every morning. She gets so excited. She sucks in a deep, deep breath and then lets out a big squeal of excitement when they get up to her.
Sermon Soap Box
Are you disciplined? By that I do not mean "do you obey your parents?" Although ... you should, what I mean is are you disciplined in your life? If you want to work out, do you? If you want to lose weight, do you watch what you eat or do you watch it go into your mouth? If you want to become closer to our Creator, do you get up and set time aside to get into the Word? If you want to stop drinking, do you pass on the temptation to take the first sip? If you need to have better time management, do you set a schedule and stick to it? There are many aspects in our life that we need to be disciplined in, and so many of them we all have a tendency to fall short on. Right now for me in this moment, there are 2 areas that pretty much go hand in hand. First of all it is the desire to get closer to God and secondly it is being wise with my time. The later may come as a shock to some people. I have always been a great time manager because I have always had so much on my plate. I have had a job since I could walk somewhere to babysit (around 12) and school to boot. When I graduated college, I still had school to balance with work because I started my Masters right away. Then I just taught. That was nice for awhile. Life started to settle in and I just had to balance God, CR, and job. Then I added the principal program, so I had to re balance - a little shaky for awhile- but then stableness set in and all was well. Then Kirby came along and another blessing to juggle had to be added to the circle. Again, after a short while it all balanced out. Great, moving along well ... then I stop teaching and I have all this "free" time. Ha, no "free" time per say because this is the busiest "job" I have ever had, but no rigid schedule to follow. I am not used to this at all. My quiet time started lacking first because I did not get up soon enough before Kirby. My "best" days, are the days that I am busy with other things on the schedule besides quiet time, Kirby, and cleaning. When I have a set time I have to be somewhere, I get everything else done in time, including time with God first thing. It is so funny how I am wired. The busier I am, the better I am with time. I started to fix that this week, though. I started making a clock schedule and sticking to it. Amazing how much more functional I am. So you see, my quite time and having good time management go hand in hand for me. That is what God desires from me. He desires for me to use my time here on Earth for His glory and for His purposes. Use His time wisely. What is God asking you to be self-disciplined with? Awhile back it was not this. Years ago it was eating right. Not in the way that most struggle, but with eating period. When I was in high school it was studying more. There are different disciplines at different times in our lives. Another one that I have been working on before this even came to my heart was more purposeful time with my husband. Not sitting on the computer while he watches his stupid television shows, not being in the same room while they discuss farm stuff, but enjoying each others company. Asking him to turn off the television or to join me in my walks. Meet me somewhere. Those are the areas of discipline for me. God does not desire to withhold any goodness of this world from us, but He wants us to enjoy that goodness with reverence. Be disciplined. Have one donut, not twelve. Get off the couch after watching one sitcom, not four. Read a good book or magazine article after you have read the good Book. Get up thirty minutes early to get in a run instead of sleeping until the latest point possible. Hear His direction and obey. The obedient part is sometimes hard, but start, and He will help you through. He will help you through. Meditate on this verse, I know it hits many of my readers square in the head; it did me for sure:
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Romans 7:15
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