
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today is the man of dream's birthday.  He turned 29.  We are holding here.  Not getting younger or older, just holding.  Tuesdays are my Bible study, errands, and FAITH days, so we didn't have anything planned.  Our plan was to celebrate tomorrow night.  While I was out and about today, both of my team members called and said they had the stomach bug (it is going around viciously here) and couldn't make it.  So I called CR up so he and Kirby could join me.  We just had a short visit to a family that has been visiting our church, and then we headed to dinner.  It was nice to actually get to do this on his birthday.  I know CR and I need a date night - haven't really had one since before Kirby (unless you count my high school reunion for a few hours), but like CR said, "Now it just seems right for us to all be together and no one to be missing."  Agreed, but a date night is needed.  It really doesn't seem to catch up to us because Kirby goes to bed most nights before 7, so we have a date night every night!  There is love all around this family.  I am so thankful for CR and his 29 years.  The Lord has used that time to mold him into the man he needs to be for me and Kirby, and we could not ask for more.  We are so blessed to have such a strong leader.  We are blessed beyond belief by who he has become as a daddy.  I am blessed beyond measure with who he is as a husband.  I know his parents are thrilled he is their son, and I speak for my dad and mom when I say he was a wonderful addition to the Hemken family.  I thank God everyday that CR and I met 7 years ago (where has the time gone) ... and no, there is no itch!!  Again, thank you Jesus for my heaven on earth. 

Yesterday I pulled out Kirby's sprinkler pool.  We had not yet put it in our yard (or whatever you want to call it for now) because it has been so yucky.  Yesterday morning was beautiful, even a little chilly for the pool, but I ceased the moment anyhow and set it up.  I am so glad I did because Kirby and Boots enjoyed it!

 Check out Boots creepin' in ... what cat likes water?  This one!

 Kirby points and claps at every thing these days.  She actually just looks around most of the time and points into the air and says "this" or sometimes "that".

I think she really looks like her daddy in this picture.  Actually, everyday she is looking more and more like him.  He better watch out, though, she almost has more hair than him now!

"A bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate." Proverbs 15:17
I love having veggies with Cecil!

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