
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never give up ...

on the power of prayer.  No pictures today, just a quick "sermon".  I am still exhausted from our trip (which I will bask on later this week), but this was on my heart so I had to share while it was all there.  This morning Bill preached on prayer.  It was much needed for this little lady.  I pray all the time.  I pray throughout the day.  I pray right before I hit the hay.  I often think I need to get deeper with my prayers.  Today's message was out of James 5.  It tells us how Elijiah in 1 Kings prayed to stop the rain, then 3 years later prayed for the rain.  At first the servent went and looked, no rain.  Then Elijiah sent him back 7 times and finally he saw a small rain cloud.  Eventually, the rain came.  This story encourages us to keep going back.  Never give up on prayer, especially for someone.  There are people in my life that I have been praying for their ways of life and their salvation for many, many years.  I will never give up, but it does get discouraging sometimes.  This morning after the sermon during the invitation song, I closed my eyes and said to the Lord, "Father, I know you hear my prayers.  I know you hear my cries.  I am sorry that I ever get discouraged or doubt you and your timing.  Sometimes I just need a little rain cloud or a sprinkle to remind me that you will bring the rain.  Help me to remember that you can and do change people."  When I opened my eyes one of my students from my first year teaching here was talking with Bill and praying to receive Christ.  This student was one that cried to me after his dad would beat him.  He would cry to me about getting his girlfriend pregnant.  He cried to me about not wanting the drug and alcohol filled life he grew up in to be what his son was going to see.  He wanted so badly to be the change in generational sin, but told me he knew he could not give up the ways he already knew as life.  I prayed for and with him many times.  To see him walk the aisle this morning was the down pour I needed to see to remind me that God can change people, no matter how "set" they are.  He has an agenda, and I look forward to the storm that is brewing in these peoples' hearts.    

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