
Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Thursday I am Thankful for ...

...being a stay at home mom.  When the Lord first told me to stay home, my throat swelled up with anxiety and I felt like I had 10,000 pounds lying on my chest.  Not only because we were going to be losing over 1/2 of our income, but also because I thought (and forgive me for this, Kirby) "What in the world will I do all day everyday?"  I mean, I have gone, gone, gone since I could go, go, go.  I always balanced a job, school, extra curriculars, church, etc.  Believe me, I go, go, go more than I ever have in my life!  I am so thankful that now I can fold her clothes slowly enough that I can stop to smell them.  Before it was throw them in the wash, take them out, rush a half fold job and put them in the drawer (if it was a good day!).  Now I just take a deep whiff in before I put them in the wash, and take a deep whiff in as I fold them.  Sometimes I hold the sweet, small little clothes and hug them tight.  I know before I blink I will be folding teen jeans and shirts.  Snapshot the moment.  Mental note of the smell.  I am thankful (in some ways) that I had to work for awhile first.  I think that now I appreciate more of these moments.  At Bible study so many moms complain about what they do all day around the house and with taking care of the kids.  I think it has helped me appreciate every small moment even more.  I get to change dirty diapers; I get to unload the dishwasher; I get to mow the yard as a service for my husband.  Today when it rained we just sat at the window and talked about how thankful we were.  I told Kirby all about how rain is so important to us, and she babbled back.  I like to think she understood every word I said.  Snapshot.  Today Kirby and I were talking about going to see the cows on our morning walk and she said very clearly "cow".  Snapshot.  Today we also worked on counting.  She likes to count the coasters.  She has blocks and tons of other toys, but she likes to count the coasters.  After I would point and count them, she would point to each one and say, "Ah, eh, ya, ya, ya, ive".  I think she got the -ive part so well because of the inflection and excitement I got when I said "five".  Snapshot.  Being a stay at home mom has allowed me to not only enjoy moments of Kirbyness, but to take care of the house better, have more quality time with CR, and most importantly more time with the Lord.  I am able to give more of myself to the church through teaching and going out on Tuesday nights for FAITH.  I have more time for Mary Kay, and I am getting better about being purposeful and diligent with the time I can give to my business. 

This was (about) one month old.  Check out the smirk!

Same quirkly smile from her one month picture - a little smirk that fits her name to a T! 
Kirby turned 13 months last Wednesday.  We were gone on our pig trip, so I took (tried) some shots in the chair today.  Right now these are really hard.  She is still in between walking, so I don't feel like I can just let her sit by herself on the chair for too long.  If I knew she could slide down and walk away, that would be different.  Maybe next month.  She still walks on her tippy-toes.  Sometimes when I put shoes on her it helps her to make a flat foot, but then after about 10 minutes she takes her shoes off.  I put them back on about 3 times, and then after that she wins.  I know, I need to persevere! 

I am so thankful that I swallowed that lump in my throat and went outside for some fresh air to breathe in and listen to what the Lord was really telling me to do.  Instead of just sloughing it off and saying, "No, Lauren, that is just your thoughts."  Thank you Lord for giving me an ear for your Spirit and for an obedient heart (at that moment anyways!).  Look at all I would have been missing out on had I not stopped, listened more, and acted!
 “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will be established.” Prov. 19:21

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