
Friday, September 16, 2011


Kirby definitely has both of her parent's dispositions.  She is so darn goofy.  Quirky.  Blast.  See if you see what we saw...

 When I realized what it was, I said, "Kirby, you have got to stop putting your food on your head."  She laughed and laughed and then shook her head no. 
 She loves her Strawberry Shortcake "all".  She rolls it around the house all day long.  When she rolls it to you, she kind of bounces it.  You have to roll it back fast or she will come crawling after it.
 Still no walking on our own yet, and I think it is because this is how she walks:
 Tip toes everywhere.  Precious feet.  Chubby, but precious.  I think she stands on her tippy toes because she is too short to ever reach or see what she wants when she stands flat footed.  Get used to it, girl, momma has been there, done that!
 Here is her duck.  She will tell you this is "duck" and she will "quack".  I have tried to get her to do it on Skype for mom and dad, with no such luck.  You have to come see her in person in order to get the quacking.
She loves her barn from Michelle.  It is from my baby shower in Montgomery, and we decided about two weeks ago she could play with it now.  Just to give you an over view of her toys and books, they mainly consist of farm animals, tractors, books about farm animals, and barns.  Home grown country girl.
"The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops." 2 Timothy 2:6

Today's blessings
Today was such a blessed day.  All days are, but I so enjoyed today.  Both CR and I had to "work" and we were able to do it all as a family.  We had some things in Calallen to take care of: I had two Mary Kay appointments, CR had pig money to collect before the big trip next week, and we had to go to HEB.  Mine were scheduled appointments, so we took care of those first.  CR came in to both of them and took care of Kirby while I tended to my facials.  He is such a trooper.  I just loved that I was "working" and my family was with me.  Both ladies loved that they came.  Of course, who wouldn't love Kirby and CR?  Then we went by his customer's houses.  All together.  All fun.  All of which I would not trade for the world.  When we got home, I had music playing on the television.  A fun song to dance to came on, so I swooped up Kirby, ran over to CR, and we all three danced in the living room.  Snapshot.  I wish I had a camera hanging over us to take a memory shot for me.  Instead, I am imprinting it in my heart.  Thank you Lord for the blessing of being home.  It may be tough for awhile until I get more established with my customer base, but so far we have not missed a beat because of God's promises.  Small sacrifices and standing on the promises of God, my Savior.

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