
Monday, December 10, 2012

Name that baby!

So when I went to the doctor this morning he said, "well, do we have names picked out for a boy and a girl?"  Ummm ... about that .... pretty sure about boy's first name, back and forth on the middle name.  Pretty sure about the girl's full name ... but again, just pretty sure, not 100%.  I am sure you are thinking, "It's ok, you still have 6 or 7 weeks."  Probably not ...

On Friday afternoon while at the grocery store getting things to be ready for our guests coming that evening, I had a contraction.  Nothing new ... I've been having Braxton Hicks since about 15 weeks.  But this one made me have to stop and hold my back and catch my breath.  Still ok.  Then  I had another one while waiting in the check out line.  Then again on my way home and again when I was walking in the door.  Hmmmm.  I decided to lay down on my left side, drink water, and start keeping up with them.  They were very regular that whole night every 15 minutes.  Got in touch with my doctor and he said if they got under 10 for 2 hours to go in. The rule of thumb is 5 minutes, but with where we live and having a c-section, he said 10 to be safe.  Made it through the night, took it super easy Saturday until I had to go to a Christmas party for a photo shoot.  They were still consistently averaging 15 minutes apart.  Probably shouldn't have done the shoot, but it was a BIG deal Christmas party.  Equipment rented.  Kind of like a wedding reception.  Made it through the shoot with only 2 contractions.  Car ride home they picked up.  Made it through the night.  Sunday morning they were about an hour a part so went to church.  Did really great until the last 30 minutes of church.  They started coming on 2-4 minutes apart at some point and then 6-7. Here is the timer in case you want a visual:

 Went home (instead of ER) and laid down .... calmed them to averaging 15 minutes again.  Same throughout that night.  Around 11:30 Sunday night I did get nervous - well, more nervous - for the first time I had one really HURT and made me want to push.  That went away and didn't come back after praying (pleading) with God.  First thing Monday morning was in doctor's office.  I just HATE the ER.  I HATE them to check me, tell me what to do and send me home.  I wanted my doctor and I am so thankful that God protected baby and I to get there this morning.  I love my doctor.  I think if he weren't my "that kind of doctor" we could be best family friends.  On top of the contractions, I have all of the other pre-term labor symptoms, except water breaking, so this was just a nerve wracking last few days. 

Here is the run down of the check up:
I am 32 weeks according to the doctor, so technically 8 weeks to go.
Originally would plan to do a c-section at 39, but right now with all this we are hoping to make it to 36.
I am barely (if any) dilated (GREAT NEWS).
50% effaced.
Put on medication to control the contractions - can only take this up until the beginning of 36 weeks so let's hope this helps and takes me that far.
Bed rest - no more photo shoots :( ... I have 3 left on the schedule but have amazing, wonderful clients that understand.
Up to 17 pounds gained - I gained 18 with Kirby.
Definitely dropped - belly measured 31 weeks last visit and today measured 29.
Will go back in one week for baby measurements and all of the other "right before you deliver" screenings to make sure all is great just in case something happens sooner than later.  Especially with the holidays and offices being closed some days.

Prayer Requests:
Meds work and contractions slow.
Baby stays put for at least 4 more weeks - would love to make it to 37 or 38, but if we can get to 36 will be happy.
I embrace bed rest - I do not sit still well.  (I have already partially moved my office onto my bed.  Soon will come the wrapping paper and gifts.  And laundry to fold.)
Kirby will understand and adjust.  She has already had a hard time from this past weekend.  Last night CR was trying to change her and put her to bed after church without her seeing me so that I wouldn't have to go in there.  I kept hearing her say, "I want to see her .... I want to just see her."  So of course I went in there, rocked her and put her to bed.  Sorry, a momma's gotta do what a momma's go to do.  We are going to try a new routine tonight where CR will actually do the putting to bed so I don't have to lift her over the bed.
That through this we will grow even stronger in our Faith, trust and patience in the Lord.  God's grace is sufficient.  Pray that I would use this time to rest not only my body, but also my soul with the wonderful Word.

 Kirby yesterday wanting to snuggle with mommy ....with her mat from school of course.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  2 Corinthians 12:9


  1. Praying for all to rest and for Kirby to understand. Baby to rest too. Praying for God to give comfort to you and CR to be strong in the Lord for His strength.

  2. I'm glad you and the baby are hanging in there! Thanks for letting us stay. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
