
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Howdy strangers

Sorry for being MIA the last um ... 2 months?  Where has the time gone?  I literally feel like it was just summer time.  Route One Photography has taken over my life with Christmas pictures.  I was not planning on this, but God knows what we need so I go with it and thankfully we make it work.  Just not a lot of time to update and spill my guts to all of you.

Here is a quick run down of things going on around here, and hopefully I will be able to update regularly from now on ... only 4 sessions separate me and a break ... I say break ... the baby will be here before we know it, so just a break from business.

Kirby Rose

  • Talks our ears off with full sentences.  A few of her new favorite phrases: ooh kay, oh my goodness (holds her hands to her face), what are you guys doing in here, Kirby do it ...
  • Has lost weight instead of gained ... just a couple of pounds.  She has had a terrible cold for the last 3 weeks so I think that has made her appetite go down.  And I know this age goes through eating spurts.
  • Loves to ride the tractor, go with daddy or daddy Ray to work, check on the pigs, feed the dogs, water the plants, go get the mail, help sweep - she really loves her "chores".
  • Knows her #s 1-14 (saying them) and can identify them up to 7.
  • Knows part of her ABCs.
  • Knows all of her colors.
  • Makes the funniest faces when she is thinking and puts her finger to her lip and says, "ummmm, ummmm"
  • Challenges me everyday in ways that are so good - like what can I do to help her grow even more in this aspect ...
  • Loves church and Mother's Day Out.
  • Likes to say the prayer before we eat and bed.  Loves to sing her joy to the Lord.

New Baby
  • Gained 15 lbs this pregnancy so far.
  • My calendar says I am 34 weeks (yikes) but the doctor says I am 32.
  • The above means that if my calendar is right and this baby comes when Kirby did, we have 2 1/2-3 weeks ... and no, nothing is ready.
  • I feel like this kiddo has no where else to go.  It's feet are in my throat.  This baby has definitely been much more uncomfortable than Kirby.
  • We have a boy name we LOVE - just not 100% sure I love it with our last name.  The middle name is still between 2.  Girl name is pretty set .... as of now.  What are your predictions?
  • I am having stronger contractions but they are far apart so no worries.
CR and I got to have a little get away a month ago (wow it's been a month!).  I had to work too, but we were by ourselves and had an afternoon of not working, so that was nice.  I had some shoots in San Antonio, so the Patrick's kept Kirby.  I had morning shoots and then we met up with everyone for Eva's birthday party.  Then we hightailed it out of there, went shopping, had a wonderful dinner, the Aggie's BTHO Alabama, stayed at a hotel, then back on the road for another photo shoot and to head home.  It was fast, but any time together is nice.  

We were able to travel to Montgomery for Thanksgiving.  That was a blessing!  CR and I got quite a bit of moments together since we had so many people around willing to take care of Kirby.  I had to take some pictures in College Station, so for our anniversary we ended up where it all began.  Yes, the same butterflies are still there that I had for him 8 years ago.  We even ate at the same restaurant as we did on our first date - our booth was taken but it was fun to go there.  I was thinking back about the conversations we had there 8 years ago and how different they were from what we were talking about that night.  That date was when CR realized just how healthy and picky I am about food - and he still kept me.  

I have a FEW pictures to share, but with being so busy shooting others I haven't been good about whipping out my camera for my family.  I did finally find my point and shoot that has been missing since we moved in to this house, so hopefully that will change!

Brayleigh and Kyleigh's Early Birthday Party (just so we could attend ... thanks for the memories!)

 This was at 28 weeks.
 Date night!
 She wanted to hold Brayleigh.

 We made a cardboard Christmas tree and decorated it for her to put with her other tree ... she decided it made a better birthday hat.

Before leaving for school this morning, she said, "Cheese Paw Paw".

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