
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meet our new family member ....

 Hahahaha - title got you, didn't it?  You thought I popped out baby #2.  This is "Shelfie" as Kirby named him.  I wasn't going to get one.  I think it is adorable.  In fact, when I was in college I dated a guy whose mom had an "Elf Tooie" and he came out in December and left little things in their stocking throughout the month.  I always thought it was a cute idea.  What I don't like about it is that it bribes kids to be good in a way.  I am sure I am way over thinking and analyzing it .... I know that is what everyone tells kids about Santa anyway too, "When you are a good little boy and girl Santa will bring you presents ..."  I know that is how the game goes.  This is just me and my opinion and my desires for trying to keep as much commercial out of Christmas for my children as possible, although that is pretty impossible.  It is everywhere but that is another blog post in and of itself.  So, back to I wasn't going to do this ... then I stumbled across a I blog I read from time to time who brought Christ into the story.  I also came across this blog and thought, we could be twins because those are my thoughts to a tee.  So what I did was this: I bought the Elf on the Shelf.  I typed up a letter that explains who he is and that he would be staying with us until Christmas day.  I talked about steering away from the wanting and more towards the giving, because we were given the best gift of all that very first Christmas ... Jesus.  The letter talked about how we always can share Jesus through the things we do and say, but especially this time of year when so many people are lonely and in need.  This Elf is here to watch us be Jesus to the world.  Which in turn is, yes, obeying your parents (Eph. 6:2), helping others (Matt 5:16), giving to those in need (Acts 20:35), and remembering how much God loves you so, so much (Romans 5:8).  The Elf will report back to Santa and the other elves to share how much he is learning about Jesus from what you do.  Your life can be a testimony to so many others, including Santa's elves.  I know she doesn't understand it now, but it is the starting of planting seeds and I am always trying to find ways to do that. Each year this will grow into more of a way for me to share Jesus through Elf, or Shelfie as she calls him.  I tried to make it where Elf was watching Kirby glorify Jesus in the things she does because she wants to please Him, not Santa or Shelfie.  This is a time of their lives where their imaginations are going crazy and they have fun with it - I am all for that; what better thing to plant in their minds and their fun then Jesus being shared with Elves?  (Steps off her soap box)

Update on baby #2:
Great news from the doctor's office on Tuesday.  The pre-term labor test did not show signs of the protein.  That is great - still weird and was concerned with the strong and consistent contractions, but praising God that I am not considered "full blown pre term labor".  Still have all the other symptoms but the protein isn't there so that is wonderful.  Upping the frequency on the medication has seemed to do the trick with the consistent contractions, although I hate taking it.  Until today when I missed a dose I have not had any consistent contractions since Tuesday morning.  Praise the Lord!  I still have to take it it easy, slow, and be on restrictions, but no longer laying around the house.  He didn't say that specifically, but that's what I got from talking with the nurse.  I know my limits and I know I have to keep baby as my #1 priority and not me being selfish.  With that said, sister got out of the house yesterday by herself to go get her hair done and run just a few quick little errands .... I was excited to get dressed and do makeup for a reason - and even though it was 85 degrees yesterday, I definitely wore this:

 I am completely done Christmas shopping - have been for about 2 weeks now because of the way things were progressing I knew I needed to be ready, but I needed to get some shoes for Kirby.  I really only like Stride Rite for her everyday wear and guess where their store is .... the MALL.  Ugh ... it was a disaster yesterday.  I couldn't find a single parking spot ( I wasn't even looking for close) the first try so I gave up and drove 2 miles up the road to see if Ross had any .... those 2 miles took me 30 minutes to get around - that is how crazy town was - and did not find anything.  Back to the mall I went and this time got a good spot, got some shoes and scrambled the heck outta dodge.  The entire town was a buzz .... in the middle of the day.  Don't people work and go to school?

Here is my new do; not too much different from my angled bob, but I had her put some choppy layers in it and make it more of a messy cut than a cut that had to be poofed and styled.  I wanted something that I could shake out when I woke up and go - with a toddler and a newborn I need easy, yet Lauren.  I also had her add some more red to it - got to snazzy it up when you are this pregnant and recovering from pregnancy so people don't notice how tired you are, right?!
I am loving our prayer chain.  I need to do this all the time; helps me keep up better with who we are praying for and answered prayers.  I received some great news from 3 of the people we are praying for on there this week:  one of them the cancer spot in the node under their arm is SHRINKING (!!!), one of them when the doctor went back in to look for the mass on their spine COULD NOT FIND A THING, and well, baby is still in my belly.  Amen and Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,  casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:6-7 (my emphasis added)

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