
Saturday, December 29, 2012

South Texas Christmas in Pictures

 Trying my hand at one of my mother's holiday traditions - caramel popcorn!  From the reviews, it turned out good.  
 Our church had a Christmas Eve service (my favorite thing of the season) and they had a special story time for the children.  Kirby of course had to sit facing the other kiddos and had to be right next to Anna Kate.
 Growing up my parents always let us open one present that was sent to us from a good friend on Christmas Eve.  I thought I would continue that tradition with our kids.  Kirby Rose opened Ms. Sue's present .... 

Kirby woke up to the sound of bells ringing and Santa's Ho Ho Hos ... he must have come to our house last!  She was so excited singing Jingle Bells as she ran out of her room.

 She didn't even pay attention to her presents ... she just wanted her bells to ring and sing.

 She eventually noticed her stocking and all of the goodies inside that Santa left her ...
 and Daddy helped her open it and
 showed her how to use the goodies inside.
 She eventually got in to the ripping open of the gifts.
 So very thankful that Baby 2 is still baking in the oven - currently at 35 weeks!  As I felt my baby move around on Christmas eve, I couldn't help but think about Mary riding a donkey for so many miles this pregnant thousands of years ago.  My heart over joyed with thankfulness for Jesus being sent to us to die for our sins.  
 We were able to do Christmas day with the Patrick family - Shannon and Ken came down for a few days and Katherine, Jody and the kiddos came over to Ray and Kitty's.  Anna Kate actually smiled for Lala!!
 While waiting on everyone to gather around, the kids enjoyed their toys that are already at Granny's house.

 Kirby had to wear her new pajama shirt from Granny and Daddy Ray.  Along with her new boots they took her to pick out the day before.

 Caleb and Porter got some fun new trucks and tractors - their farming operation is growing yearly.  
 The rocking P above our fire place was my gift to CR.  This was a hard, hard present for me to hide.  I have been "working on it" since September with a guy in Anderson.  Secret phone calls to a man are hard to explain sometimes, but I did it without every lying!  :)  Then I had to bring it home in the trailer when we were visiting in Montgomery for Thanksgiving and hide it in our garage for almost a month.  When you are married to someone who loves to peek, this was tough.  For me, this gift is super special to our family.  This is our heritage.  This is the family brand that generations before us have used on their cattle.  We are part of that big whole spectrum.  To me it was just another part of me embracing this beautiful life that the Lord has blessed us with.  Thankfully the day after Christmas was cold enough to enjoy a roaring fire in the fireplace to just take the whole scene in.  Love my pioneer life that I never imagined, but can't imagine any other way!  

 Mom, dad, and Kyleigh (this was a surprise!!) traveled south on the 26th to celebrate Christmas with us.  We waited until the morning of the 27th to do gifts so it was like Christmas morning all over again. Sweet Kyleigh walked Kirby out to see her daddy ....

 who had a giant present peeking over his shoulder in his chair.  

 Here is proof that our daughter is being raised on the farm ... she is looking for the giraffe's teats.  I am almost embarrassed to say this ... but, it tickled me to death at her awareness of the anatomy.  She kept saying, "it's gone ... not there ...".  Oh goodness.  
 Needless to say the life size guy was a hit - her cousin Brayleigh got one too and the cute stories of her adventure with discovering the animal are quite cute as well.
 She also really enjoyed the bike they got her ...

 all around our living room and through Grammy's legs!
 Where is Kirby?
 During the summer we went and visited with some friends in Montgomery at a splash park.  There was a little girl there with an umbrella and all of the kids flocked to play with the umbrella instead of the water spouts.  Perfect gift!

Aunt E and Uncle Ray got her a fun new farm style Uno game.  It may be a little while before she understands how to play it, but for now she loves telling all of us the colors and what animals are on each ball.  Cute game.  :)  Thanks Aunt E and Uncle Ray!
Yesterday we had to get out of the house - the dr said (see below) I could - and on our way home had to swing by Starbucks.  We couldn't leave Kirby out, so she got chocolate milk with whip cream on top.  She said, "I like it .... I like coffee!"

Baby #2 update
First of all, we are still baking!  We have made it to 35 weeks and praising the Lord.  Every day we get I feel more and more settled.  I know many babies are born much sooner and are perfectly fine, but if we can keep tooter in the womb longer, I will!  The medicine is still working it seems.  I still have some contractions that come on strong and painful, but there is no consistency to them at all.  On Monday and Tuesday I was definitely on my feet too much and picking up kiddos (oops) so I was pretty uncomfortable for a few days, but thankfully had some down time to put my feet up and rest.  

Wednesday was my checkup.  Not really any changes.  He said to continue to rest but that I could get out if the contractions were still under control.  He goes to the National Championship game on the 7th, so he wants me to stay on the medicine until then.  Hahaha - I surely don't want to go into labor while he is out of town.  I know there are other doctors fully capable, but you know - your doctor is just better.  I especially feel this way when they are cutting me open.  I go back on the 2nd first thing in the morning and should have a better idea as to when they may schedule a Csection.  I delivered Kirby at 36 and 3 days, so from what we have discussed he doesn't want me to go much past 37 if still baking so we avoid some rupturing risks or having to fly to the hospital from an hour away.

My prayer is that each of you has had a very blessed Christmas season and that you remembered what it was all about - not allowing the hustle and bustle to overwhelm you or mask out the reason for it all.  I pray that each of you has a very blessed 2013, that all is well and that you grow daily closer to our Maker.  Stay close to those that mean so much to you and if you need to, rekindle an old friendship or reach out to someone who you need to make amends to.  Thank you for being a part of my life and for praying for us.

"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meet our new family member ....

 Hahahaha - title got you, didn't it?  You thought I popped out baby #2.  This is "Shelfie" as Kirby named him.  I wasn't going to get one.  I think it is adorable.  In fact, when I was in college I dated a guy whose mom had an "Elf Tooie" and he came out in December and left little things in their stocking throughout the month.  I always thought it was a cute idea.  What I don't like about it is that it bribes kids to be good in a way.  I am sure I am way over thinking and analyzing it .... I know that is what everyone tells kids about Santa anyway too, "When you are a good little boy and girl Santa will bring you presents ..."  I know that is how the game goes.  This is just me and my opinion and my desires for trying to keep as much commercial out of Christmas for my children as possible, although that is pretty impossible.  It is everywhere but that is another blog post in and of itself.  So, back to I wasn't going to do this ... then I stumbled across a I blog I read from time to time who brought Christ into the story.  I also came across this blog and thought, we could be twins because those are my thoughts to a tee.  So what I did was this: I bought the Elf on the Shelf.  I typed up a letter that explains who he is and that he would be staying with us until Christmas day.  I talked about steering away from the wanting and more towards the giving, because we were given the best gift of all that very first Christmas ... Jesus.  The letter talked about how we always can share Jesus through the things we do and say, but especially this time of year when so many people are lonely and in need.  This Elf is here to watch us be Jesus to the world.  Which in turn is, yes, obeying your parents (Eph. 6:2), helping others (Matt 5:16), giving to those in need (Acts 20:35), and remembering how much God loves you so, so much (Romans 5:8).  The Elf will report back to Santa and the other elves to share how much he is learning about Jesus from what you do.  Your life can be a testimony to so many others, including Santa's elves.  I know she doesn't understand it now, but it is the starting of planting seeds and I am always trying to find ways to do that. Each year this will grow into more of a way for me to share Jesus through Elf, or Shelfie as she calls him.  I tried to make it where Elf was watching Kirby glorify Jesus in the things she does because she wants to please Him, not Santa or Shelfie.  This is a time of their lives where their imaginations are going crazy and they have fun with it - I am all for that; what better thing to plant in their minds and their fun then Jesus being shared with Elves?  (Steps off her soap box)

Update on baby #2:
Great news from the doctor's office on Tuesday.  The pre-term labor test did not show signs of the protein.  That is great - still weird and was concerned with the strong and consistent contractions, but praising God that I am not considered "full blown pre term labor".  Still have all the other symptoms but the protein isn't there so that is wonderful.  Upping the frequency on the medication has seemed to do the trick with the consistent contractions, although I hate taking it.  Until today when I missed a dose I have not had any consistent contractions since Tuesday morning.  Praise the Lord!  I still have to take it it easy, slow, and be on restrictions, but no longer laying around the house.  He didn't say that specifically, but that's what I got from talking with the nurse.  I know my limits and I know I have to keep baby as my #1 priority and not me being selfish.  With that said, sister got out of the house yesterday by herself to go get her hair done and run just a few quick little errands .... I was excited to get dressed and do makeup for a reason - and even though it was 85 degrees yesterday, I definitely wore this:

 I am completely done Christmas shopping - have been for about 2 weeks now because of the way things were progressing I knew I needed to be ready, but I needed to get some shoes for Kirby.  I really only like Stride Rite for her everyday wear and guess where their store is .... the MALL.  Ugh ... it was a disaster yesterday.  I couldn't find a single parking spot ( I wasn't even looking for close) the first try so I gave up and drove 2 miles up the road to see if Ross had any .... those 2 miles took me 30 minutes to get around - that is how crazy town was - and did not find anything.  Back to the mall I went and this time got a good spot, got some shoes and scrambled the heck outta dodge.  The entire town was a buzz .... in the middle of the day.  Don't people work and go to school?

Here is my new do; not too much different from my angled bob, but I had her put some choppy layers in it and make it more of a messy cut than a cut that had to be poofed and styled.  I wanted something that I could shake out when I woke up and go - with a toddler and a newborn I need easy, yet Lauren.  I also had her add some more red to it - got to snazzy it up when you are this pregnant and recovering from pregnancy so people don't notice how tired you are, right?!
I am loving our prayer chain.  I need to do this all the time; helps me keep up better with who we are praying for and answered prayers.  I received some great news from 3 of the people we are praying for on there this week:  one of them the cancer spot in the node under their arm is SHRINKING (!!!), one of them when the doctor went back in to look for the mass on their spine COULD NOT FIND A THING, and well, baby is still in my belly.  Amen and Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,  casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:6-7 (my emphasis added)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Cherishing my time

while it is just Kirby, CR and I.  I know that adding another darling (and maybe one day another and another) is going to bring even more joy to our lives.  At the same time, I know it will never just be us 3 again.  Just like before Kirby I knew it would never be just CR and I again.  I try everyday to enjoy the moment, not be too busy for a tickle fight or to listen to a story, but especially these last few weeks I have tried to really set anything else aside and make Kirby's little antics my priority.  This last week we just modified them a bit so that I could still participate but not over do it.

Saturday was Santa at John Deere day.  My mother-in-law said she could just take Kirby so she could see him, but I really wanted to be a part of it.  Last year Santa was a horrific, life threatening event for Kirby, so I wanted to see if that had changed.  We have been talking about Santa ever since the incident last year, so I was hoping she had warmed up ... I think it is safe to say that she loves Santa.

Caleb, Porter and Anna Kate met us over there to join in on the fun:

 Before we left for the store, we ventured out side while we waited for Granny and Daddy Ray to pick us up.  I knew I hadn't snapped any pictures of Kirby lately, so we had our own little photo shoot on the rocking chair.  This is my favorite.
 This day was worth every pain and contraction I felt later in the evening.  They came on hard around 12 ... I almost woke CR up to take me in, but after 30 minutes of them being about 4-6 minutes apart, I fell asleep so they must have stopped.

Baby #2 update:
Today we got to see our little one on the big screen!  Baby was head down, which I already knew ... I can literally see it's rump sticking out in my belly; funniest thing ... and I can feel knee pushing on me whenever I try to eat or drink anything ... not so funny.  The face was really clear on the screen - I know it isn't so much in this picture.  I soon as I saw the sweet face I could see resemblance of Kirby.  We never got to see Kirby this big.  They typically do these measurements around 36-37 weeks I guess, and our appointment was scheduled for a few days after Kirby actually came.  So it was kind of neat to see this large of a baby on the screen.  They estimated that it weighs 4 pounds, 10 ounces.  All measurements are right on for a 33 week old in utero.  Very encouraging.  :)  If you get a little grossed out by some terminology, you may want to stop reading here.  They did a swab/pap for a preterm labor test.  In this test they are looking fetal fibronectin.  Basically a form of protein that acts like glue and should not be present until after 37 weeks.  While swabbing he said he could tell I had been contracting often because there was quite a bit of discharge.  Said this could cause much of the cramping that I have been feeling.  Anyhow, the test results should be ready tomorrow, so I will post any update I get.  He did also increase the medicine intake - instead of every 6 hours he said to take it every 6 to try to help control the contractions better.  With that said, please be praying about that.  I hate taking the medicine because it makes me feel bad for the first hour or so after taking it.  The last 2 days I have gotten really flushed in the face and run a low grade fever after the second dose of the day.  My cervix looked the same (50% effaced) and he did not check for dilation since they did the other test.  He said we can save the pain of that since the other will tell us more of what we are looking for.  If test results come back positive, I will go in for a steroid shot to help boost any lung growth.  If negative, I just need to continue to take it easy and keep up with contractions.  

Still going back on forth on boy middle names, and now I have had second thoughts about our beloved girl name.  Did the same thing with Kirby, so I am hoping that once we see the baby, we will just say - boom.

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."  Psalm 9:10

Friday, December 14, 2012

After the news today

I really, really, really cherished and soaked up my Kirby bedtime - time.  I always enjoy it.  My favorite time of the day next to my coffee and quite time every morning with CR before she arises.  However, with so many families heavy on my heart tonight, it just meant so much more to me that I was still blessed to be holding and rocking her.  I know - I shouldn't be holding her - but we have worked out a system for our time together and it seems to be working out ok.  Tonight when she prayed with me and asked God to give those families strength, it warmed my heart to the core.  And when she said, "Thank you for Jesus dying for my sins" I almost lost it.  Mind you she repeats me, but some of it she says on her own because we say a similar prayer every night.  Such as, "We love you and praise you, Amen ..." that she says on her own.  Snapshot for the cookie jar.  One day she will get it and these are the planting times.

To update you on how things are going with baby #2:

  • Medicine seems to be working ok.  After about 3 hours in (I take it every 6) the contractions come on strong and semi close (6-15 minutes apart) for about 30  minutes and then calm back down as long as I am laying down.  They come and go strong inconsistently until I take the meds again and then I am good for about another 3 hours.  Wednesday evening they came on so strong I about cried - mind you I never felt them with Kirby so this is all new to me. 
  • I am taking it as easy as Lauren can take it.  If you know me and my mother, we can not sit still long.  And it may just be me, but my rear side feels like it is getting flatter because of all the sitting.  Umph.  Whenever I watch movies, I always am doing something else too.  Lately editing pictures or working on Route One somehow, but I also do laundry, pick up stuff around the living room, something to keep me going.  Sitting still is H.A.R.D for me.  CR brings me the laundry to fold so that helps some.  I am working on getting my computer stuff better organized so that I have better work flow for the upcoming year with my business.  And then I look at the office and think, well I can work from the chair and organize this ... next thing I know I am up and going through drawers, cabinets .... and the contractions come on.  Back to my perch I go ...
  • Kirby is doing well with it, but when she does get mommy time, she wants to be my person.  She wants to sit as close to me as possible.  She wants to squish her face onto mine and practically become me.  She wants to hold baby away so she can sit on my belly.  Thankful I am here for her to sit by me instead of in a hospital bed where it would be really, really hard.   
  • i go back Monday for measurements of the baby and for a full pre-term labor test.  
Kirby's LOL moment of the day:
Starts out the other day - we were reading a book that is written in spanish.  I showed her that cat is gato.  Today she was sitting in my room reading a book and she looked up at the window.  She said, "see the tato ... hold it ... see it momma?"  I looked at her like, "what the heck are you saying?"  She repeated it over and over like "mom, what are you not understanding?"  .... so I finally got up and went to the window.  What was sitting there?  Our outdoor cat.  The gato.

 Wednesday was Kirby's Christmas party at school.  Before she left that morning, I had her practice telling people, "Merry Christmas".  She decided to add emphasis by putting her arms in the air.  Not sure where she gets her charisma and charm ;).  I went to her Christmas party.  I did fine while there (sat most of the time) but afterwards and that night are when the painful contractions came on.  Lesson learned, but at least I got to see her party.

 Kirby and her classmates sang "Jingle Bells" and a few other songs for us while there.  Kirby was all about singing and doing the moves ...
 she kept looking back to make sure her daddy was watching.  Lately she is in pure awe of him.

 One of the moms asked if this is how it always is when they sing ... the girls singing and the boys playing.  Katherine's response, "Not usually ... at some point I usually have them all singing and on the rug for a short period of time.  However, Kirby and (another little girl) are always on the carpet, ready to sing."  Just like her grammy and cousin Kyleigh!  I would say just like mommy, but I can't carry a tune in a bucket.
CR made pulled pork tonight and I had to take a picture of him using his new Bear Claws that my parent's got him for his birthday ... they worked great to shred the pork ....

and to eat it like the true barbarian he is.

 On Tuesday Kirby and I made a prayer chain for our advent calendar activity.  I can't take credit for the idea ... my sister in law comes up with all kinds of wonderful, fun, Biblical activities every year for us to do throughout the month of December.  I decided (since there are so many we know of) we would put all of those going through cancer and other health issues.  Our chain is full of names ... our prayers go out to them daily for their strength, for the doctor's involved, and for God's miracles.
The other night I camped out on the couch and wrapped presents.  I really miss my Grandma Quallen (mom's mom in California).  The last time I saw her was at our wedding 6 years ago.  We keep in touch through occasional letters and phone calls, but it isn't the same as her being with us to capture cookie jar moments.  I am hoping that maybe next fall (call me crazy) we can take a road trip to Cali to see her.  It's really hard on her to travel (almost 90) so I think the only way she will ever know our children is for us to go to her.  I pray we can make this happen.
Here's the pumpkin at 33 weeks.  17 pounds of pumpkin!
Kirby loves to help mommy out ... she told me she would vacuum today since I couldn't bend over to do it.  She vacuumed 1/2 the house with the hand vac.  Gotta love her helping spirit and joy!

Precious Father,

I pray that you would watch over and give extra love and strength to the families that lost loved ones today.  Parents. grandparents, children who lost their parents ... help them to find a peace somehow.  I pray you would be with our nation as we face yet another tragic event that stops us all and makes us wonder what in the world is going on.  I pray that you would be with our leader; give him the guidance to make the right decisions.  I pray that this act would not promote others to go out and do the same and I pray that our politicians would not turn this into a craze of politics.  Let it be what it is - a tragic event done by a human that was lost and not right in his mind.  I pray for protection everyday for your children.  May your hand be on those who need you most tonight.  May we patiently wait upon you Lord as you renew our strength.

In your name,

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,   the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint,   and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary,and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;   they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;   they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:28-31