This morning Brother Bill preached from Song of Solomon. Some of you may be saying, "Uh oh, tread lightly or you may scare us away!" Ha, no, he did not go into detail or really much on the lovin' side of Solomon's melodies. He is preaching for the next few weeks on families. He feels, as do I, that if more of our families were braided with the Lord and the two parents, then we wouldn't be in all the heaps of trouble we are in these days. "Think about a braid," he pointed out, "from the looks of it there seems to be only two strands. But if you were to take two strands and twist them around like a braid, they would unravel. It is the third strand that keeps it all together. That is how your family needs to be. The husband and the wife are the two strands that twist together, and the Lord needs to be the third strand that holds it all in place." He told us about one time Johnny Carson interviewed this little 9 year old boy about saving his friends from drowning. They got on the subject of church and the young man told Johnny that, "last Sunday in church we learned that at a wedding, Jesus turned water into wine." The crowd and Johnny roared with laughter and he said, "Ok, now then what can you tell me you learned from that story?" The boy replied, "Well, sir, if you're going to have a wedding, Jesus needs to be invited!" How true that is. I have seen many families fall apart in my (almost) 29 years of life. I have seen families stay together that are basically apart. I have seen families fall apart from physical abuse, from betrayal, and from just plain boredom. I never know the full story, no one ever does unless they are the story, but I often find myself wondering if those families had the Lord involved. I mean involved. I pray that you and yours know the Lord and make Him a part of your daily lives. I pray that you and yours communicate and spend more time together than the average married couple (26 minutes a week!!). I pray that you purposefully plan time with your loved one, make them feel loved and special to you, and that you go out of your way every once in awhile to do something extra special just because.
Who is that cute little ladybug on our porch?
Oh my, it is Kirby Rose!
And she is throwing the pumpkins because she thinks they are balls. Even though she tries her hardest to say pumpkin!
"Here daddy, you take this one, I will get the big one."
We took her to the Harvest Fest at River Hills tonight. I set her in a jump house that no one was in and she did not know what to think of it. She just say there with this, "um, what am I supposed to do here?" look.
Then a sweet little girl got in and started bouncing!
Of course we had to get a snapshot with some of her best buds! I love how the two girls posed as soon as I pulled the camera up. I. love. kids!
On our way out we ran into one of C.R.'s favorite pig customers! Kirby is mooing at the tiger on the outside of the jump house.
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matt. 18:20

Thanks for writting all these Sunday sermons.
ReplyDeleteKirby Rose you are as cute as a bug, Grammy loves youxoxox.