
Monday, October 24, 2011

Mobile Monday

Today was a long day for Miss Kirby.  Dat's sister Pat, who I actually just met last Monday at his graduation, passed away on Thursday morning.  She just didn't wake up.  Even though I only got to spend about 2 hours with her, I could tell she was a lovely woman.  From stories I have heard over the years, and from the turnout today at the funeral, she was a woman who loved others.  Kirby sure laughed and adored her the other night.  The funeral was in Sinton along with the burial, and then we went to her daughter's house for a nice gathering of family and close friends.  The Cave family is the only family I have ever known to claim all the way out to 4th cousins.  They know how everyone is related and the whole genealogy.  It is pretty neat.  Someone would ask, "How did you know Pat?"  My response would be, "Oh, well Pat was my husbands great-aunt.  You know, Pat was my husband's grandfather's sister."  They would smile and say, "oh, so y'all are real close."  Touched my heart ... I wish I would have gotten to know her better. 
Before we left for the funeral this morning I wanted to get sweet cheeks picture on the swing. I decided for her 2nd year of life (wow, that just made my heart drop), her monthly pictures are going to be on the porch swing. She just naturally laughs and smiles so well out there, so it makes sense. This morning was a little gloomy, so the lighting isn't the best, but I did get some good shots I think.

I am a terrible, terrible, mother.  Do you notice the redness in her right cheek in the photo above?  Well, Kirby was playing with the pumpkins and I was just snapping away.  She throws the small ones because she thinks they are like a ball.  Anyhow, she threw this one on the ground and before I knew it she was on the ground crawling after the pumpkin ball.  Our front porch has a small step down from the "entry way" to the porch part and she just face planted.  Oh I felt so bad.  She is fast.  Tears, screaming, wailing, and then I gave her the pumpkin and it turned off like a light with a switch.
Kirby's 14 months stats:
Weight: 22 1/2 lbs - as of 2 weeks ago, so probably 23 now!  It feels like 50, but a great arm workout!!
Clothes size: 12 months
Shoe size: What shoes?  She takes them all off!  If they are wide enough, she wears a 3. 
Words that she says and we understand: Momma, dadda, daddy (this is for daddy ray), duck, pig, please, pumpkin, tractor, get (to the dogs or anything else she wants away), juice
Words that she signs consistently: more, please, all done, night night
Food she eats: just about everything!  The newest additions are tomatoes, onions, macaroni and cheese, and lil' beef smokies.  Oh yes, and let's not forget the cobbler and cakes that her daddy Ray sneaks her!
Dearest Kirby, you are so precious to your daddy and I. In the last week, 4 different people have used the term "living doll" to describe you. You are our living doll and I thank God that He gave you to us. To think that we were so set on a little boy ...
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."
Psalm 127:3

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