
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I hope I still make you laugh ...

when you see us together in a photograph.
 Kirby loves to ride her horse that Mrs. Rod gave her for her birthday.  And yes, I had to put her in her boots and horse bow to do so.

 Mom, dad and Kyleigh got to come visit us this weekend.  It was such a nice, relaxing time.  We enjoyed getting to see them for even just a little while.  I wish they were closer.  Kyleigh and Kirby had so much fun together. 

 Kirby loves her grammy.  She really liked laughing at her funny faces and nonsense noises.  She can almost say grammy ... it's more like "rammy" right now.
 One of my favorite past times is playing hair with my friends.  I am pretty sure my mom has a picture just like this of me and the two Amy's I grew up with in Houston, all 3 doing each other's hair.
 It was a beautiful day outside Saturday afternoon, so I decided to treat Kyleigh to some snapshots.  This is one of her favorite things to do, and it sure helps me get better with my camera.  These are a few of my favorite.

 And now on to our annual (hopefully) fall pictures with Nathan, Kyleigh, and Kirby.  The whole Thompson family came out Saturday night along with Kitty and Ray to watch the Aggie game and eat some of CR's delicious BBQ!
 I know this is the back of his head, but I thought it was precious how he was so excited about the pumpkins and getting into the wagon.

 Precious Thompson family that is too far away in miles but so very near to my heart!

 This picture above looks like she is thinking, "Mom, don't embarass me in front of my friends!"

 3 generations of Thompson men!

Thank you to this man above, for loving my best friend so well.  You are a gift from God and I am so thankful for you.  Kirby enjoyed playing with you and will be your little girl anytime you need a fix!
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God." 1 John 4:7

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