This morning Kirby went up to the barn with CR. When she came back I was on the phone with the insurance company, but I was able to over hear her conversation with Patton and take a quick picture. She walked in, sat down on the floor by his high chair and said, "Hey buddy, I'm back, I was working cows." Judge now, but I put Patton in his high chair watching My Baby Can Read while I am on the phone for his safety.
By the way, this new insurance stuff is for the birds. Hopefully you have not had to deal with anything … I guess since we were in the doctor and pharmacy so soon into the new year, they weren't actually "ready" for us. Here is your CHANGE Mr. Obama - keep it … we want nothing of it. Just LEAVE US ALONE. Let's just say I was on the phone for a total of 3 hours today dealing with different divisions - one hour and forty-five minutes of that was on hold!!!!
After we came in from walking to get the mail and playing outside, the kids were playing in the living room while I was making lunch. I looked over and Kirby was showing Patton how to fix a tractor. Yes, he is standing by himself. No, he is not walking yet, just scooting around the furniture like sister did. I am completely ok with that … she did it until she was 15 months old and never fell down. I love how they are starting to play together. I hope they continue to grow closer and closer as they grow older. Another fun thing Patton likes to do is give you something, hear you say thank you, and then let you give it back to him. He laughs and laughs.
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32
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