
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Brayleigh Nichole Cunningham

Brayleigh made it to the world Monday, December 12th at 5:10 pm.  She is beautiful and healthy as can be, praise the Lord.  E had a long pregnancy with this, even though she came early at 36 1/2 weeks.  E had really high bp most of the time, so she was on bed rest the last 3 weeks.  Lord willing they are about to check out of the hospital as we speak to go home from the hospital.  Here are fresh out of the womb and day after pics ... newborn photo shoot coming up next week so stay tuned!

 "But the very hairs on your head are all numbered."  Matthew 10:30

Brayleigh came on a very special day.  It was Kyleigh Anne's 9th birthday!  2 daughters with the same birthday!  It was great to be there with Kyleigh to celebrate.  Tuesday morning before we left she told me this was the best birthday she ever had.  I said, "Ya, getting a sister is a pretty good present."  She said, "No La La, it's because you were here and I got to spend the whole day with you!"  Love that girl!

I made her a scrapbook for her birthday.  She loved it and we had so much fun reliving the memories!
 This is from while we were in San Antonio.  Her first carousal ride.  She liked it better than Santa!
 This is what we do when momma has no help and she wakes up at 5:30 in the morning.  Kept her entertained and I got some cute shots!

We had a great visit, although short, in Montgomery.  Kirby has a hard time sleeping there.  We got a crib thinking it was the pack and play ... that was a fail as well.  Any hints???!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just now catching up... Olivia has a rough time sleeping when we're away from home, too. I think they become aware enough to worry. Anyway, the only thing that works for us is co-sleeping. Not my favorite option, but at least we get some sleep.
