The Lord has strongly convicted me about my patience lately. Not my patience with people, but patience for me to wait on Him. The other day one of my students asked me if I ever got in fights with classmates when I was in high school. I told them, "Of course not." They could not believe that I did not even take a swing once. I said, "Well, first of all, in my generation of high school we did not just turn around and punch someone for not liking them. Also, the Lord blessed me with tons of patience, so I have always been able to turn the other cheek and walk away. I can put up with more than most people." Their response, "Well we could have told you that, you put up with us everyday and very rarely get mad." Good to know they at least have learned that this year!
For those of you that keep up with my posts regularly, I apologize for them having a negative tone. I am not depressed, I love life, and praise the Lord for each lesson I learn. I am impatient right now with school, though, and it has poured over into the rest of my life. On Tuesday morning I finally said enough is enough with school winning over my attitude. I set my alarm for 45 minutes earlier than usual and made sure I had quiet time each day this week. What a difference this has made! I still have circumstances (especially yesterday) that really upset me and make me want to leave immediately, but the Lord has blessed me with a lifting of my heavy, impatient heart. I have had different verses pop into my head throughout they day that get me through to the end. The mornings have been such a blessing since I got back to making quiet time a priority instead of rushing through it.
I am excited about Sunday. My Mary Kay director from Dallas is coming down to show a group of us the new foundations. I am excited where the Lord can take this business. All I want to do is be able to make it. I know that because I will be my own boss it will require better time management and I must make myself work. I must make myself get out there. When I do just a little, I get a response, so I know if I were to actually work it well, it would provide just what I need. I am sitting back and patiently listening to the Lord, so I know He will provide what we need in His perfect timing. 
Have a very blessed day!
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