A good friend of mine made me a card with this verse on it and I thought it was very appropriate for our child ...
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27 As you all know, CR and I prayed for a child since we got married and tried for about two years. In God's grace and wonderful timing, He blessed us with "Poot". This weekend my sister Elizabeth, sister-in-law Shannon, and wonderful family friend Michele Rod threw me a wonderful shower. Of course it was western themed and they out did themselves with some really creative decorations and goodies. It was such a blessing to see some family that I had not seen since Christmas, and some friends that I had not seen in over a year. Of course there were some that did not make it that we missed, but the friendship, fellowship, and food (oh the food!) was supercalafragalisticexpealidocious! Thank you girls for the shower and thank you Michele for opening up your beautiful home! CR and I are truly, truly blessed.
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