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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Montgomery Shower
Friday, July 16, 2010
Today I had a doctor's appointment and everything went well. I am measuring exactly 32 weeks according to the tape measure looking thing. So ... 8 weeks from today is September 10th. :) I need all 8 weeks because we are not in the house yet and I need to nest! The baby's heart rate was at 150 bpm and I gained 2 pounds over the last month. I am at 15 for the total and the doctor said that is just fine since the baby is measuring right on.
The farm got started on harvest this week. I am so glad because to me it is getting too close for comfort for baby. I hope and pray all is out by the time "Poot" gets here. The Lord has blessed us with almost a week now of dry, breezy weather, so that helps tremendously.
I am excited about going to Montgomery in a week. I can not wait to give Daddy a hug. I can not wait to see E, Mom, and Kyleigh ... and then on Saturday I hope to see many friends and family that I have not gotten to see in awhile. My cousin Megan got a new job (something more up her career path) and I am so excited for her! Shannon and Ken have been in Colorado for a bit so it will be super nice to hear all about their adventures. My mother and father's long time family friend gets to come up ... she remembers me when I was 2, so hearing old stories (again) will be sure to bring back some laughs.
After Montgomery I have to go to Austin (eek) for almost a week for a TAKS item review. I loved this last year ... I think that eventually I want to freelance write stories to go on these silly standardized tests. We proof read the stories and questions for errors, as well as determine if they are fair and if there are a wide variety of question/answer types. It really is super interesting ... I am just curious how well this is going to go since I will be almost 34 weeks by then. :) This baby will know how to go, go, go that is for sure!
Until next time ...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Paint is complete!
Well, lots has been going on around Patrick Farms! The house is getting closer and closer to being completed. The painter came in and took care of everything in just 3 days. He will come back this next week to paint the trim and interior doors. He may also stain the cabinets. That would be a great load off of us if that works out. The brick is almost completed and the fireplace will be in soon. Thank you God for providing us this opportunity just in time for the precious miracle growing inside of me.
Speaking of "Poot"; I had another small scare this past weekend. Nothing major, just more spotting, but this time it lasted for 2 fulls days. Before it was less than a day, so I was kind of worried. I wasn't able to talk to my actual doctor since Monday was a holiday, but the nurse on call said if I didn't have pelvic pain then everything was OK, just to put my feet up and rest. I didn't have pelvic pain, but my back was having spurts of pain, which I was concerned was back labor. Thankfully by Tuesday morning both had passed. Again, thank you Lord for that blessing.
Jody, Katherine, Caleb, Porter, and Anna Kate are with the Patrick's again this week. It has been so great having them around. I feel like I am finally able to get to know them even better. We have always lived at least 5 hours away from each other, so this has been very refreshing. I just love this family that I have married into. I could not have asked for better in-laws all around. Again, thank you Lord for the family I was born into and the family that I married ... I am truly blessed with the relationships and friendships I have from all sides.
Now on to something that has been on my heart lately. Discipline. How self-disciplined are you? It is so easy for us to look into other people's lives and tell them what habit they need to stop or what they need to start, but what about our own lives? There are many things I know I have lost discipline for since becoming pregnant (working out - I can still do it to a certain degree, I have just lost the routine; quite time - I still have it, but it almost seems to be patterned now and quick). There are always areas in our own lives that we can become better disciplinarians of. I challenge you to look at your life and see where some discipline action could occur. "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7
Now on to the fun stuff ... pictures!
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