So I have failed miserably on keeping up with my promise to blog more. If I could insert an emoji, it would be the whole sequence of monkeys.
Since I last had a moment to write, Bowen has gone through his 7th and 8th month of life. Mom fail of not documenting that in staged pictures. But we do have the wonderful, more real life cell phone pictures. So that'll do.

With poor little man's journey of ear infections, we were referred to an ENT. Thankfully by the time we got in, his ears were clear. So as long as they don't get infected again, I believe we are in the clear for not needing tubes this year. As much as I want him to feel better, I really do not want him having to go under for any thing just yet. He is definitely such a different baby then our first two. Which is of course a blessing, because they are each made unique and in their own very special way. However, for the LOVE, he has already been to the ER once, on antibiotics 5 times, and had a bloody nose. And still doesn't consistently sleep through the night. Thank you Lord for this blessing and the lessons I am learning, such as "slow down, enjoy the moments, count your blessings, we're all made in His image ....".
Here has been a frequently prayed scripture over the last few months ...
Last night we finished up our Bible study for the semester. I lost my composure and bawled during my closing prayer. Sometimes the Holy Spirit just moves in us in a way that we can't contain (or explain for that matter). I am so thankful He indwells in me because there were so many times throughout this study that He spoke to me in a whole new perspective. At times I didn't like what I was seeing, but it was what I needed to see, hear, and feel. I needed to be plucked out, uprooted, and repositioned from my comfort zone many times. Challenging, yes. Uncomfortable, oh yes. Awkward, insert monkey emoji once more. But fearful, no. Why? Because My God is stronger and more faithful than anything I can ever imagine.
One of my favorite parts of the study was this past week, Beth Moore said that it had taken her 18 months to fully prepare the study. She had wondered, what had happened in our lives over the past 18 months? So we wrote out the goods and the bads of what had transpired in our lives. It was really neat to see it down on paper. But then I took it a step further for me, and if you are inclined to do so, I want you to do the same. It will only take a few minutes, but I promise it is refreshing. Go ahead and write out some of the things that come to your mind that have occurred over your last 18 months of life. I will share a few things with you so you can get your brain working and get vulnerable with yourself:
We paid off my last student loan earlier in 2014, so we were in Disney World 17 months ago ... what a joyous time at the most magical place on Earth.
I found out I was pregnant and CR thought for a moment his life was over. I did too if we are honest.
I watched my grandmother go in and out of the hospital before being placed in a nursing home, then moved to another one ... none to her pleasure or because of her "want to".
We had a big scare and thought I was going to lose Bowen, but was put on bed rest and all was well.
My photography business exploded, but then got put on the back burner.
Some of the closest people to me, overnight, became some that needed to be kept far away. Tough lesson there. Ouch.
I saw one of my dearest friends miscarry two times.
We welcomed sweet Bowen to our world.
My parents purchased some property closer to us.
I've gone from brown to blonde to red and back to blondish brown hair.

Now what I went back and did on my own was looked at those moments (and even more but didn't share them all) and saw where the hand of God was in each and every one of them. Every one ... even the changing of hair colors. Do you know what kind of good talks you can have while sitting in a swivel chair for 2 hours every 6 weeks? Good ones. I challenge you to do the same. Not change your hair but look where God's hands have been. It was life changing for me. He is everywhere. I have had to hit my knees harder and dig deeper into scripture more than ever before. I am learning more and more to be still. To sit back and discern. And I thought high school was challenging days. Ha, they got nothing on this. But oh the growth I have experienced since then. And how I wish I would have known then what I know now, but would it have been the same? Probably not. God is sovereign and knows my steps (Proverbs 19:21, 20:24, 21:30) so I trust this is all part of my journey. Our journey. I'm so thankful you are on this journey with me, by the way. Even those who are only a virtual part, thanks for praying and sharing in our joys and jarrings.
And what else has come from all this? Blooms .... precious seeded, watered and weeded blooms.
Don't all little boys get pedicures?
Every little girl needs some Pipi in their life!
These 2 pictures melt my heart ... the top, it is as if Patton is protecting Kirby ... with love... the way someone stands behind those they cherish. The bottom Kirby is so cautiously walking him through the pretend rain storm they dreamt up. She carefully made sure he was more out of the "rain" than her own person.
And the biggest news of all ....
this momma learned how to drive the tractor to put out hay. This is one of those mundane jobs that has to be done, but can end up taking a lot of time, especially during harvest when we are already really busy. So I thought, "teach me now while you have time, so that when I need to, I can take care of this!" Intimidating, yes, but remember, you never truly grow (regardless of how silly of a thing it may seem) unless you get out there and strengthen your roots first. You can have some artificial sprouts, but if the root is shallow, you will not blossom to your potential. Bloom where you are planted my friends. And I was purposefully planted here.
"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord." Proverbs 21:31