So to recap our September for our memory book and my followers, hang on tight. Just like everyone else in this world, things are busy. Life happens amongst "the plans" and makes it all the more memorable, and usually enjoyable.
The first week brought us to a new adventure. Kirby started in a home school coop called Classical Conversations. This is something we are just dabbling with for this year, because technically she is too young for their program. I wanted to get to see in person what this really looked like. It amazes me what children at this age can contain in their little brains. Not only do the soak up every morsel of information, they hold onto it like their favorite night time teddy bear. We miss some Tuesdays, but try to keep up with what we can at home. She does still do Mother's Day Out twice a week, so that is what makes it hard to keep up with the school side of things. To me, though, every extra bit she gets is all for her benefit for years to come.
This is actually what Kirby built at home. She came and got me and told me that she built our cousin Amanda's house, and that the spot where there are 2 blue blocks is where her frog tank is.
First day of MDO! Aunt Katherine is her teacher again. ;)
Two of Kirby's dearest friends moved to College Station .... we miss them but are so excited for their adventures!
Kirby also started gymnastics this fall.
The dishwasher flooded the kitchen, so Kirby thought she could be of assistance to daddy.
Daily reminders. Last year in Bible study we were encouraged to get a flip note card book to write verses on for us to meditate on and keep in our purses to remind us through the day. So thankful for this discipline. You should try it. If you do, let me know how it helps you.
The pictures uploaded out of order for some reason on here, and they are too much work to move around, so this isn't exactly chronological. We braved a trip to the State Fair. Ever since Kirby saw the movie Charlotte's Web she has wanted to ride a "Paris wheel". We told her we would wait up and take her to the best (and probably the safest) one we knew of. She has been talking about it for months. I scheduled a photo shoot (that ended up getting rained out) for the evening so that we could make sense of it all (you know us Patricks). This was an adventure. I think that Patton was a little young, because there was not much for him to do except the petting zoo and sleep in the stroller. We were there by 8:45 .... nothing opens till 10 and the "Paris wheel" did not start till 12! We got in a pig show and lots of petting zoo time. Memories I will cherish forever, and I am pretty sure Kirby Rose will too.
Patton was zonked in the stroller, so just Kirby and I got in front of Big Tex.
Daddy is her hero. I am scared to death of heights, and especially Ferris wheels. I do not like how they stop you at the very top and you move around. No thank you. I would have done it for her, but daddy loves them so this was his memory to make. So thankful for these two gems.
Is it just me or does he look 5?!
Was reminded of "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24 when I saw this guy.

How we do home school at home. Chalkboard rested on the top oven sill, map on the counter and notebook in my hand. She can name about half of that map ... super impressed with the curriculum and the way in which it is introduced. That is what Tuesday's are for. The tutor presents the new material and reviews the old; then we come home and go over the new and old. Or we are supposed to. We get in some work on Thursdays when Patton goes to school. But we mainly have fun with it this year.
Paw came for a visit and of course brought goodies for each of us!
Our view. Breathe and take it in ...
"May the favor of the Lord be upon you ..." Psalm 90:17 I pray this for each of you, each morning.
She wanted to help with dinner ...
When it was her turn to review, she had to wink while saying the material. And she wanted to go to the head of the class.
This move right here was the one that got him into MDO. I have the kitchen table pushed against the wall with the chairs behind it so he can't climb up while I run to the restroom for 30 seconds. Well, he figured it out, so to school twice a week he goes. Ha!
No words. He is just the cutest little Aggie button I have ever seen. And boy, is he boy. He is almost 20 months and has had 3 busted lips ... one in which he chipped a tooth. He is gaining on Kirby in size. 27 pounds and 33". Slow down, before long that coach is going to be putting him in and momma is going to be a nervous wreck!
I am so thankful for this life that I had never even imagined. It is so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. It's funny, because depending on who you talk to, they have this crazy notion about farmers. Either they are extremely wealthy, or devastatingly poor. I remember after we got engaged, a friend of mine's mom said, "so he is a farmer and you are a teacher, what, are y'all going to live off of love?" You betcha. It doesn't matter if we are having a great year or a terrible year, we have love. We have joy. We have blessings that remind us why we were put on this earth. To be Jesus to them. To show them who He is. My prayer each morning lately before my feet hit the ground is, "Lord, you made me Lauren. You gave me Kirby, Patton, and CR knowing what they need. I pray today that I would be all you need me to be; nothing more and nothing less." It is hardly ever roses and cream puffs, more like pig poop and field dust, but I love it and would not trade it for the world.
From Beth Moore's Esther study: "I had to accept that I was not called to an easy life. I was called to a purposeful life."
Momma's, this is us. It is never easy (it may be fun but I have yet to call a day easy), but man oh man, what a purpose we have before us. Even if you are not a momma (yet or ever), God has a purposeful life for you, too. I pray with all my heart you have found it or are on the journey to what He has called for you, dear friend.
"And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14
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