Kirby is such a hoot lately. She has always had a sense of humor, but it is really coming out. She says the darndest things, and doesn't even realize she is funny. Here are a few of her clever antics:
- The other day CR was helping her put on her gloves. She said, "oh no, my Aggie is stuck". Can you guess what she was talking about?
- She calls Patton "her" all the time. She says, "I hold her ... I hold her ..." When we remind her Patton is "he" she chuckles and goes, "ohhhhhh kkkkk .... I hold HHHHIIIIMMMM".
- My best friend sent us a wonderful baby surprise, and sent along the cutest "Super hero" cape for Kirby. She says, "I'm flying, I'm strong!" My sister taught her how to put her arms and legs out to make it look like she is really about to take off. Bethany, this was an ingenious idea for her!

- Every morning when Kirby wakes up, she comes and snuggles in bed with us. This started whenever we didn't have to get up as early since things slowed some around the farm. I love this time. We snuggle for a little bit, then I let her watch "Hot Dog" while I do my quiet time. When Patton was born, I did not want to change this. After we snuggle some and Patton start to rouse, I go get Patton and let her hold HIIIIMMMM for a few minutes before I nurse. Here is her this morning holding him ... the flash made her squint and squirm.

She is slowly adjusting to having someone else in the house. She has grown to be the center of our world for the last 2 1/2 years, so I can see how it is an adjustment. When things go wrong, right now there is a lot of drama and exaggeration involved. Where she used to just go "oh no", it is now a long, drawn out ordeal. For example, today she was getting up out of her stool. I guess she scratched her leg on it or something and she looks at me and shrieks "The stool got me, it got me .... owwww ...." We had to kiss it and make it better. This never would have happened before. She also screams for attention. She jumps up and down. When Patton is down, I try to make her my priority. This calls for me not getting the rest I really need to be recovering right now, but it is worth it for Kirby. I take it easy, but we will do something one on one. I am slowly seeing that she is understanding life does go on after brother - it has helped to get back in to a routine with school and church. She is such a joyful delight and a blessing a million times over. I can not thank God enough for choosing us to raise Kirby.
"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3
Always have happy and sad tears when I read your blog. Moss my babies, Kirby can I borrow your cape maybe Grammy can fly there. Hugs to all