
Saturday, June 30, 2012

660 days

is about how old Kirby is.  I thought I would get creative instead of just saying 22 months.  Looking back on this month, I have had tears of joy and laughter fill my heart.  There have been some unusual challenges with her, but according to my books this is welcoming the wonderful stage that most label "the terrible twos".  I am trying to think of it as the "training twos".  This is such an important time in her life to sit down and teach, mold, and guide; not fight, say no, and put in time out.  Yes, there are times when she gets "in trouble", but for the most part, she didn't know better in the first place so how can I punish her?  Brother Bill Simmons did a really wonderful message on training a child a few years ago.  It was before we were even blessed with a little one, but the message still spoke to me.  We are to show our children the grace of God, while still teaching them right from wrong.  Discipline should start around 18 months; that is when they can understand what you are saying and what is expected (of course small things).  I have seen this very evident in Kirby's life.  When she would first get upset, sit down and through a tantrum I would just completely ignore it and it would only last a few seconds.  Now (if it is a new thing she is upset about) I go over, pick her up and hug her and say, "Kirby, look at mommy (the screaming stops) ... I love you, and the reason I have to say no is ....."  Sometimes she just hugs me/lays her head down and still cries about it, but sometimes I am surprised that is just stops and she can go on about her day.  It isn't that I think she is brilliant, I just think sometimes we don't realize how much they can comprehend at this stage in their life.  It is not easy.  It takes a lot of time.  But if YOU don't do it, who will?  And, if you don't do it now, then when?  When they are 10 ... good luck with that.  They need to respect your authority already.

OK, off my soap box on that ... but that is why I have been MIA lately - it takes a lot more time to be able to fully give your child your attention and guidance, which means the rest of the house/chores wait until she is in bed, which means once she is in bed, I am busy catching up from the rest of the day and my favorite past time gets put on the back burner for the time being.

I am considering putting her in Mother's Day Out this next week.  Get this, I put the deposit down 2 months ago!  It isn't a connection thing that I am going to miss her, it's just that sometimes I feel guilty that I am a stay at home mom and putting her in there.  But I do need the time.  Desperately.  I know it will be great for all of us involved ... it is just taking that first step.  Momma's that do MDO, please leave some feedback for me.

Onto Kirby's latest and greatest (that I can remember right now)
*She is using short sentences instead of just words to communicate.
*She signs and talks at the same time sometimes.
*She has started to be a finicky eater.  She grazes.  Apparently this is true Patrick form.
*Her motor skills crack me up.  She loves to run, jump, skip-hop, dance (she can boogie!) and throw the ball.
*Some of her new favorite words are:
          stuck, Kate (for her cousin Anna Kate), snack, dance, jump, ta-da, wow, yippie, yeehaw (you knew that was coming), again, Sesame Street, Elmo, remote, chair, up, down, wash, mess, trash, tea, Ray Ray, tractor, hay, hey, ouch
*She can count from 1-10.  Sometimes she gets distracted but for the most part can do them all in a row.
*Will tell me the proper colors for orange, green, and white, but no one else.  CR says it is because he spent years making everyone believe he was dumb so she is carrying on the tradition.
*Sometimes when she wakes up I can hear her singing to her bears in her crib.
*Loves to blow on my tummy and make it "toot" - she discovered this all on her own.
*Laughs like crazy when you tickle her.

Kirby shows me God's amazing love, grace, and mercy every single day.  There are already moments I regret for not stopping and embracing the time.  "Less important things can wait" she is teaching me day by day, moment by moment, step by step.

These were all taken by phone, so not the best quality pictures.  See what I mean about taking more time ... I should grab my good camera to freeze these moments.
 Her new way of smiling.  She squints her eyes even more now when we say, "Smile for me!"
 Kyleigh came to visit for VBS for a week - Kirby loved every.single.moment.  
 Our last Cat Baseball game of the season.

She loves water!!!  And yes, we live in the middle of nowhere so when we play outside in the water, she goes diaper less!
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it."  Proverbs 22:6

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