I can't help but think about God's love in these situations. I think about my love for Kirby and CR; I can't imagine loving anything more. I can't imagine having anymore room in my heart, yet God loves us 7000 times more. And not just me, but each and everyone (John 3:16 says He loved the world) of His children. Can you imagine? Be still and know for a moment with me. Close your eyes and let God's love infiltrate your heart. I do hope you did that with me because it just brought me to tears. That is just a tiny morsel of what His love is for us. Even when we as his little children steal a cookie from the cookie jar; He still loves us that much. Even when we fall off the bandwagon and sleep in too long to read His inspired word; He still loves us that much. My prayer for each of you is that you know this love. If you don't and want to know how to receive it, please ask me or someone at a church how. It is simple and it is the only decision you need to make in this life.
Some recent Melting Mommy Moments with Kirby
~ She has started to request songs at night. We have always sung and rocked for about 3 songs, but lately when I get to the last song and I kiss her on the head, she leans forward and says, "Song, one more" and shows me one. How can you not sing one more?
~She now likes to snuggle a little bit in the morning on the couch. This used to be a daddy thing every morning, but now she wants to "up"with mommy.
~She will now lay her head on our shoulders and squeeze really, really tight when giving hugs.
~When something goes wrong (right now mainly having an accident) she will come to me, pull on my finger to come with her, and says "Oh no, oh no no no".
~At night she starts her prayer. Sometimes I am in the middle of a song and she says, "pray". As I begin, she starts naming off people we are thankful for. It usually starts off with "daddy raaaay" and then a giggle. As we name off everyone, she giggles afterwards. When we say amen, she puts her head up and blows kisses to God and says, "nigh nigh".
~When I say her name about something, sometimes she smiles and says, " KK". I don't want her to have a nickname (Im in love with Kirby) so I hope this doesn't stick or get picked up by anyone else ;).
I am starting to understand the love that my mother has for me. I fully understand the protection love that she had for me in high school and in college when she wasn't sure I was making the right decisions. Sometimes I think forward to Kirby being that age and I quiver. I literally have to shake my head to get it out. I know that with God as our guide we will survive raising a child, but it scares me to death in this current world. I know that must be how every mother has felt since the dawn of time. Each generation is so different than the previous, that one can not imagine their baby living in such a disaster. The place I always come back to is this: God's word never changes, so if we live our lives and raise our child according to His direction with His guidance, you are doing all you can do as a mother who loves her child.
"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4