Last night I had open house at school, which meant I would not be home until after Kirby likes to already be in bed. Daddy duty! I have been saying for the last few weeks that CR needs to put Kirby down every few nights so she is not just used to me doing the routine, but I always end up doing it because that is about the only time I have with her each day. Now that school goes until 4:30, I do not get to Kitty's until around 5:00, then by the time Kirby and I get to our house, she is ready for some food and bath time. After bath time, she is ready for her bed. So bed time routine is mommy and me time! Back to the point ... CR did a great job. He will say he didn't because:
-She was crying after her bath because he was taking too long to get her dressed.
-He put her pajamas on without a diaper. (don't worry, he realized it and fixed it shortly after)
-He couldn't get her to calm down to rock her or for her to take a bottle, so he just put her to bed crying.
When I got home she was asleep and did not make a peep until 2:30 when she woke up starving! What a great daddy Kirby has and we are so blessed! :)
Love it! John has daddy duty two nights this week and isn't it amazing the special bond they share! And yes I agree if there was only more time in the day!