...make me wish I could freeze frame time
said, "Watch this ..." then went and asked Ryan for a dance.
Getting a night with Kirby who they don't get to see everyday. The two of them getting a nice weekend away was great for them!
A mom with cancer, who is scared what the future holds but trusts the Lord with all her might and strength! (Praise God the tumor has shrunk a tiny, teeny, bit!)
Paw and 2nd grand girl getting to visit.
This past weekend was quite a bit of fun. We missed the family and friends that could not make it for Ryan and Rachel's wedding, but the time we had with others was wonderful. Kirby did pretty good. She definitely is a trooper. What should have been a 2 1/2 hour ride to San Antonio from Corpus ended up being a 6 hour ordeal. Even though the shop fixed my car on Wednesday, it decided to have trouble and overheat on our way up. Jim said, "So I heard you had an adventure on the way up here?!" "Jim, everyday is an adventure as a Patrick!"
Great-grandma finally getting to hold Kirby. She could have sat there all night!
This past weekend was quite a bit of fun. We missed the family and friends that could not make it for Ryan and Rachel's wedding, but the time we had with others was wonderful. Kirby did pretty good. She definitely is a trooper. What should have been a 2 1/2 hour ride to San Antonio from Corpus ended up being a 6 hour ordeal. Even though the shop fixed my car on Wednesday, it decided to have trouble and overheat on our way up. Jim said, "So I heard you had an adventure on the way up here?!" "Jim, everyday is an adventure as a Patrick!"
We had to have Kirby's hip sonogram Friday and then on Monday we got the results. We are 99% there, so another month in the brace. Boo. I was so certain this was the last trip that I gave a goodie bag to our favorite nurse thinking we would never see her again. Oh well, there could be much worse.
I just want to push pause or repeat on today. It was our first calm Saturday in a long time. We had no plans except to be here with Kirby and clean house when we could. No agenda. Kirby did wonderful with her naps, I got to workout, Daddy got to nap, Christmas is in the garage (one step closer to totally away for the year), nice dinner all together, and now CR and I are about to watch a movie. I can not wait until everyday can be close to this. I know everyday can't be "perfect" and go as planned (or unplanned as today went!), but it sure is nice spending my precious hours with Kirby and my husband instead of with kids who could give a darn.
A few praises before I go:
Shayla is doing very well ... she had scans the other day and they found (almost) no cancer in the lymph nodes. There were 2 little spots so tiny, but the doctor thinks that is probably scar tissue. She still has to finish 5 rounds of Chemo, but praise God for what they discovered!
Jennifer, my cousin, is feeling good. My aunt just told me that she had Chemo yesterday and feels pretty good. The last time they had a scan (about 2 weeks ago) the tumor had SHRUNK! Just a tiny bit, but every bit counts! Praise the Lord!!
My writing brain is gone for the night; the couch, movie and husband calls ... until next time!